The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

You should all stop being silly. I think we all know each other enough to be able to tell when someone is joking or not.
Just for the record, it wasn't meant to be a reprimand at all. I thought everyone associated that phrase with this, so it wasn't really a serious comment...

Well, sorry then - I didn't know about "The Germans". This goes a long way to show my relationship with pop culture. :)

I'll buy you a few beers in Rome to atone.
^Ouh. Nice user name.

Regarding Fawlty Towers, I have often been told it was a classic of the genre and now I think I just heard enough about it so I'll go ahead and educate myself.
I've seen a few Fawlty Towers episodes, luckily the one linked was among them. Really good for laughs, but airing it at 4am doesn't help.
Again, sorry for the delayed reply. I've been moving Freshman on campus all year (because of my job) and had to recoup. That being said:

@Rahvin: I wept mercilessly.

@Siren: You guys should maintain your independence. I don't want the familiarity of our American fast food if I ever get over there. On top of that, hopefully you guys never adopt our extreme fascination of recreation for the sake of doing something whilst there is nothing to do. You'll be the fittest country and the best one at sports. Or whatever. How's the weather? :p

@Matse: Your hoo-hoo is showing. You know what I mean. *wink wink**

*I don't mean anything, actually, just bored.
Just for the record, it wasn't meant to be a reprimand at all.
I didnt understand it as a reprimand either. Not talking about the war is actually a great way to avoid misunderstandings. I trust the forum enough though to understand the occasional ww joke. Besides, a good ww joke makes the germans look bad and no one else ;)
i resent the state of political journalism in this country. we never had a distinction between tabloids and broadsheets, and all sorts of irrelevant news items about the personal life of footballers make headlines every day. but this morning we reached a new level - the two major dailies let the public know, with abundance of details, that our minister for foreign affairs found a girlfriend.

i protest.

the papers never told me he was available to start with. :goggly:

edit: on a serious note, did anyone try G-Chrome today? it's not downloadable yet in italy, uffa.
i resent the state of political journalism in this country. we never had a distinction between tabloids and broadsheets, and all sorts of irrelevant news items about the personal life of footballers make headlines every day. but this morning we reached a new level - the two major dailies let the public know, with abundance of details, that our minister for foreign affairs found a girlfriend.

i protest.

the papers never told me he was available to start with. :goggly:

edit: on a serious note, did anyone try G-Chrome today? it's not downloadable yet in italy, uffa.

I don't know where you live but most first world countries are so alienated at this point people wouldn't be able to comprehend anything but their daily slave lives.
That's because he's a known homosexual. Which is also the reason why we're being force-fed his every companion of the female persuasion.

Is he now? My, my, I had no idea. This is going to sound like a lewd question, but how on Earth do you know? :lol:

Anyway, on a more serious note, it's weird. I thought we were beyond the stage of closeted politicians, seeing how in the past 5 years or so people came out left right and center. Well, maybe not center per se, but the guy is not from a Catholic party.
Anyway, on a more serious note, it's weird. I thought we were beyond the stage of closeted politicians, seeing how in the past 5 years or so people came out left right and center. Well, maybe not center per se, but the guy is not from a Catholic party.
With politicians you have to think about votes. Being homosexual he has homosexual votes. Will showing off a gf bring him votes from the more-conservative-and-in-doubt-about-his-sexuality voters? If yes, you have your answer.
Being homosexual he has homosexual votes.
With a gf he would lose those again though.

You always hear about how politicians think that way in the US, with Obama making a pretty odd choice for vice president and all, but Im not sure that is very common here. The occasional populist phrase is uttered of course and in the preparations of national or regional elections everyone pretends to hate each other so it appears the parties actually have a somewhat differentiated program and stuff.. but stunts like that? Im not sure I could name one.
Besides, the mayor of Berlin (Wowereit) is openly homosexual and so is the head of the liberal party FDP (Westerwelle)
The latter is hilarious, because everyone suspected him of being gay and there actually is a song called "I spent the night with Guido Westerwelle" by a male comedian, predating his coming-out by a good 5 years or so. When it was over, it was a lot less interesting and I dont think it has any effect on voters or anyone's view on the party and man am I glad for that.