The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

^ that's interesting that you received a physical copy today
not available here(usa) until sunday the 23, only available at Best Buy
the few tracks i've heard are great, look forward to buying a copy in a couple of days

We always get stuff early if it's released on a weekend, so it's no surprise,
not sure if this is only if you pre-order or not, but I got 50kr off the price
due to store credit, so I'm good.

On more listens the album is pretty damn good, very varied tho, but very
good. Not sure if it will fill the hardcore fans expections but works for me.
I have a problem. I am finding myself more more obsessed with Japanese cinema and I must admit that apart from Kurosawa's work, I haven't seen anything yet. I've read about different directors but i am on the lookout here to see if anyone could suggest a few names or movies?

If you like Kurosawa's early samurai-themed works (The Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, Sanjuro, etc.), I'd recommend Masaki Kobayashi's movies of the same genre: Seppuku (stupidly translated as "Harakiri" in the west) and Samurai Rebellion. While Kobayashi's and Kurosawa's movies have some similarities, their cinematography is refreshingly different at certain key points. Kobayashi is also a lot more open in his criticism of the samurai-lifestyle than Kurosawa, hailing from an old samurai-familyline, ever dared to be. I've been a fan of Kurosawa for ages, but discovered Kobayashi just a few years ago and at the moment prefer his two aforementioned movies over everything Kurosawa has done in the genre, except The Seven Samurai (which is still my favorite, largely for nostalgic reasons).

I don't think highly of the Japanese horror films, but I've never been a horror-fan in the first place, so my opinion is probably worthless there. Generally, though, I'd say the modern Japanese cinema is full of grade-b crap, which is rarely even entertaining, except perhaps in the exploitative sense. I very much prefer modern Korean cinema instead.

From the anime side, check out The Wings of Honneamise (aka Royal Space Force) which is the best anime movie from the 80's and one of the first (if not the first) anime art-movie. It's available on both DVD and Blu-Ray.

@defiance: Thank you but like Villain I'm not much for modern japanese horror...

@Villain: Thanks for the titles, I'll definitely get my hands on these! A different take on the samurai genre and representation sounds pretty interesting. Also, I've heard of Royal Space Force before, I've known for too long that I need to watch it...procrastination.
Second season is great as well imo. The third one is kind of disappointing for me. It is the first one not based on a book so the storywriter changed. But of course, find out for yourself.

Yeah, I'm now itching to get my hands on the books too. Season 2 was good from what I've heard, but I'm only two episodes in. Hopefully they treat season 3 right because I'd be very disappointed if it was a victim of poor storytelling. The first one, though, is now one of my favorite pieces of television. Reminds me of when 24 was actually good and House when it first really fascinated me. Good drama is harder to do than good comedy IMO, regarding the proliferation of decent comedies but lack of decent to great dramas. I digress. Thanks for the recommendation, in retrospect.
@defiance: Thank you but like Villain I'm not much for modern japanese horror...

@Villain: Thanks for the titles, I'll definitely get my hands on these! A different take on the samurai genre and representation sounds pretty interesting. Also, I've heard of Royal Space Force before, I've known for too long that I need to watch it...procrastination.

No problem, check out Akira :) (it's a Sci-Fi anime, probably one of the best).
No problem, check out Akira :) (it's a Sci-Fi anime, probably one of the best).

The problem with Akira is that the movie tries to cover most of the central elements of a 2000 page manga in less than two hours. The end result is not a failure, but it's certainly somewhat... confusing, to say the least.

Personally, I really like the movie, but only as a companion-piece to the great manga. Still, others have said that the manga is too long and complex and prefer the shorter movie, so once again, it comes down to personal tastes.

I've seen the movie, enjoyed it and didn't get too confused...I never read the manga but I can tell that the movie is a condensed soup of the original story. Some elements are left somewhat unexplained but it's not enough to make the movie incoherent.
The problem with Akira is that the movie tries to cover most of the central elements of a 2000 page manga in less than two hours. The end result is not a failure, but it's certainly somewhat... confusing, to say the least.

Personally, I really like the movie, but only as a companion-piece to the great manga. Still, others have said that the manga is too long and complex and prefer the shorter movie, so once again, it comes down to personal tastes.


Well I really liked the movie, but even more the manga. It's certainly really long, but there are longer ones anyhow.

The manga is really amazing, it's much better than the movie, you should read it Rampage.

Bastard!!! is a series that I like, quite fun (metal-style), but it hasn't been finished yet. Berserk is awesome, but is far from over. The series skips a lot of the manga and leaves you with a cliff-hanger, but you can buy or download the manga anyhow. It's a great story, but it's gotten to far away from the original plot IMO, and because of that I'm starting to hate it.

Ghost in the Shell, obviously. You have to see that one (every movie and the series).
What can't you get over, the fact that they exist? That people go to the trouble of knitting outrageous patterns to make them look pretty (allegedly)? My brothers used to wear tea cosies as hats when they were teenagers.
The fact that they exist, and the fact that they look so.. pretty.:zombie:

Do you have any pictures?
i am coming to realize that for more than 18 months i have tried to handle in terms of relationship failure what should have been handled in terms of mere grief.

there is a substantial difference. when a relationship fails, the only possible healthy itinerary conducts to "it wasn't worth it". i think that i walked this walk correctly with most of my former partners: i may retain a good opinion and even fond feelings for some of them, but all in all i'm really glad i didn't marry any of them as it would have been the wrong choice.

in the one case i discussed on this very board in the Summer of 2007, however, there was no objective (as in verifiable from a circumstantial perspective) "it wasn't worth it". the one reason why it wasn't being religious, i.e. non-verifiable until the moment of my own death, it's not as if i can prove it looking at anything. on the contrary, the crux of the matter is that looking at temporal aspects i get the opposite message. in this sense, the situation bears much more similarity to the death of a loved one, which is often perceived as unfair and (obviously) beyond our control. i need to find situations i can relate to, i.e. people who lost their partners while relatively young and who were deprived of the opportunity to live with them and enjoy being a couple. i cannot take as an example, say, my mother, as she lost her partner after 33 years of marriage and after raising 2 children. maybe war poetry or somesuch might help, don't know.
@hyena: I'm sorry to say this, but i don't think you have the right perspective. You didn't lose a partner from death. It's just a case of a guy choosing something/someone else over you (ie his safety/wife, iirc), even if he said he can't do otherwise for whatever bullshit reason. So this falls under the category of "men being wussies/assholes", thus being a case of "he wasn't worth it". The alternative might be mellower and more romantic (or dramatic, take your pick), but sometimes it's better to face the cold hard truth.
I'm sorry if i'm harsh, but i've kind of faced a similar situation and i'm particularly tired and cranky today.
@Siren: thanks for caring. :)

the whole point of this story is, after all, that I - as opposed to him - had religious doubts. So I'm not sure your interpretation applies. I don't want to spam the forum, but this is a token email I sent him about how I was feeling in a spiritual sense. As you will see (or maybe not, in which case I'd be 100% grateful as it would be good news in some sense), I fostered the disaster on myself, choosing conscience over earthly happiness. The email dates back to the end of May, 2007. I'd put it online as my email wasn't working.

Anywhoo, if you feel like recounting your own story I'd be glad to listen.
by the way, I am teh proud as in that (!) my initial diatribe about topics on which Scripture is clear and topics that are the work of man blah blah was recently written almost verbatim - well, minus the silliness - in a book by a very respected Cardinal. great minds think alike and all that stuff. :p
@hyena: Yeah, in that case i'm not sure what i said applies either. It seems to have been your choice, so you shouldn't feel miserable about it. Your choice was probably for the best.
As for my story i'd rather share it with you in private. ;)
must-see for all bad religion fans (the guy's out of tune, but the idea is funny)

[ame=]Different songs[/ame]


Every Bad Religion show I go the set list is always the same
Of course there are a few changes, but the classics
They never go away
Why you keep singing every night
"you and me have a disease"?
If you could play "In So Many Ways"
Or "Leave Mine To Me"

Different Songs
Well I think to myself is it "Too Much To Ask"?
Different Songs
"You´ve Got A Chance but it seems so far away"

When you release a new album
You come to my city to play only four songs of it
Ignoring the fact that the tour has the album´s name
"No Control", "Recipe for Hate"
"Suffer" and "Sorrow" every day
Well I´m sad you forgot your human ability to change (:lol: :lol: :lol:)

Different Songs
"New America", "Gray Race", both of them in disgrace
Different Songs
If you could play some b-sides it will be even better by the way

I read you´re planning some thematic shows in States
On "The Bad Religion Page"
But I´ll keep my protest on "rewriting" this tune
Those theme shows will be temporary
or whole world include?

Different Songs
"Waiting as a murder child I feel a Strange Denial"
Different Songs
I still think to myself is it "Too Much To Ask?"
Different Songs
I am not the only one, just listen to the crowd
Different Songs
You keep playing the same but 'I Want Something...
That´s for sure
Has anyone here watched Scrubs? I recently started watching the first season, and i can't stop thinking that House could have been based on, or at least taken elements from, Dr. Cox. Especially since Scrubs first aired in 2001 and House in 2004. I'd like to know what other people think about this.
Has anyone here watched Scrubs? I recently started watching the first season, and i can't stop thinking that House could have been based on, or at least taken elements from, Dr. Cox. Especially since Scrubs first aired in 2001 and House in 2004. I'd like to know what other people think about this.

IMO Scrubs is hilarious and the seasons really get better as you go along (for the most part). I think some of the sarcasm is there, but House is too intelligent to compare quite as favorably to Coxie.

I think Dr. Cox is funnier now that I've had quite a bit of exposure, but you could definitely do worse. Watch more if you're so inclined, the show is good.