The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing


How's it going? I was listening to Mago de Oz (it's been a while!), and due to a random train of though, Rahvin the dwarf came to mind, so I came back to say hi. I hope he's doing fine.

I see Siren, Villain and some others are still around, I hope you guys are alright too!!

Well... that's all I wanted to say. Ahhh, old times ;)



so what exactly are you laughing at there Defiance? Hmmm?

I'm sure the music will be even more laughable. And that's coming from a long time fan. Mikael has gone way off the deep end.

That man is simply not capable of making bad music.

Lots of different opinions! Nice, me likes that! He's certainly capable of making bad music, and even more capable to ask for AWFUL covers hahaha. Those damn heads ruin everything, who do they think they are, Emerson Lake and Palmer? :guh:
Since there's no dedicated thread for discussing the summer festival dates, I will just vent my excitement here:

I was so stoked to see that DT is playing the Global East Festival in Batumi, Georgia! I had no idea there was even a market for rock/metal festivals there (most people I met were heavily into Russian pop, Lady Gaga, British boybands and not much else), so that is pleasing, but most of all I have to say it's so, so great to see a Scandinavian band going there and playing. Swedish insurance companies won't even offer you insurance if you're staying within 15 km of the border to Abkhazia or South Ossetia and UD (our Foreign Ministry) hasn't updated its travel advice since the August war in 2008 (last time I checked, anyway). I spent three wonderful months in the country last year and the first thing anyone said when I mentioned I was going was "be careful" or "omg you're going to a war zone?". It's a lovely place, scarred by conflict in many ways to be sure, but it's peaceful now and not dangerous. It's just good to see them throwing festivals like any normal European country - and especially festivals that aren't all about Russian pop, Lady Gaga and boybands ;)

So, DT guys, enjoy the experience!
Fucking hell!
Never travel with family. My wanna-be 'stepdad' is now pissed off and doesn't want me to talk to him. All because I called him an idiot to his face. Funny how he can dish it but can't take it, but that is how bullies are. He's just old fart of a bully.
Just too bad he's ruined the trip for my mom and my sister.
Fucking hell!
Never travel with family. My wanna-be 'stepdad' is now pissed off and doesn't want me to talk to him. All because I called him an idiot to his face. Funny how he can dish it but can't take it, but that is how bullies are. He's just old fart of a bully.
Just too bad he's ruined the trip for my mom and my sister.

Agreed! Damn, I went to Europe with my sister and we were fighting the entire time. Then my Opa died and… we fought even more; didn't really support each other. I've always travelled to Canada with my family to, well, visit the family, and that's OK; I guess the lesson is, travel with people that you get along with.