The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

I'm not entirely sure I'm following the joke, but if it was an unpleasant remark on the way the ship is run then you're mean and I'm hurt and quite possibly close to tears. :(
Nooo, don't cry, here's a cookie! *hands cookie*

No unpleasant remark was meant for the way you run the ship, dear. It was just a bad joke on the "let's make a thread for everything" kind of comment that existed back when you started the chat thread (and i mean 'chat', not 'feelings' thread, since quite possibly you didn't start the latter). There was also a subtle reference to the time it takes me to open 5 threads with new posts each day, while it would indeed be easier (albeit more confusing) to just open one. Indeed, so subtle a reference only i could get. :p

rahvin said:
@wombat: Hello, sexy.
I never thought a time would come when our sexual preferences would be the same. I won't let you get the wombat without a fight! *takes cookie back*
I heard this morning one of the boys I work with had died last night - he had been drinking and driving and hit a tree. It didn't come as a complete surprise, and this certainly wasn't the first time one of "my kids" dies, but it's been a couple of years since the last and it's never nice to hear things like this the first thing in the morning, especially when you have a nasty hangover. :erk:

The stupid thing is, just yesterday I was talking with him about his alcoholism and he said to me: "At least I haven't driven drunk in a while." I told him to keep it that way, but apparently he didn't listen.

If there might be something good in this, it would be that his best friend survived the crash and perhaps this will stop his downward spiral. A good friend of mine works with him and we both just agreed that if he survives the shock, it could save him. We'll see.

just read the review of fiction on UM and the comments. haha. poor boys. keep on listening CC and Soilwork

Haha yeah I just read it too, it's pretty hilarious. :lol: LOL nearly crapped me-self hehe. IMO any person who likes Come Clarity does not have the musical wisdom to distinguish greatness from crap. So most people that made a comment there basically have no musical taste IMO :p .

Anyway, I ordered Fiction a few days ago!!! I ordered normal, digi-pack and LP versions!!! :rock: :kickass: PWN.

Damn I cannot wait, I'm strating to loose me mind hehe :goggly: ('til now? Some people may argue that).

Hopefully I'll have it before a month has passed since the release :ill: , it takes a lot of time because it comes from Germany, then goes to the US, then comes to CR :zombie: . Hehe damn 3d-world countries.

I still haven't (and won't) download the album, so I am going kaputt.

Oh and it also comes with a poster and patch! Wii! :kickass:

@Villain: Is everyone in Finland alcoholic? I guess people there drink a lot in order to bear the cold... . And my condolences for yer loss too.
@danny: maybe it's a bit too harsh to call all Finns alcoholics?

I am now listening to Subterranean and thinking that one has to hand it to In Flames - in the brief course of an EP, they created two memorable riffs, which stuck in my head for more than ten years without me even thinking about who was playing the songs. And now I'm all thrilled because I'm hearing them again. :)
@Villain: Sorry for your loss.

@hyena: Two memorable riffs? Hmm Stand Ablaze and Dead Eternity? :p Speaking of In Flames, I really started appreciating Whoracle and it has come to my mind that it is the best In Flames album, 10/10 vocals, perfect lyrics ;) Such a great album.

Anyway, this thursday, I'll be playing at my school talent show with my friend and we're playing 2 songs: Punish My Heaven and The Hive. If they want us to play more, we'll play Final Resistance. I hope I wouldn't fuck up cause I get nervous when playing to such big audience. :p
@ DS, Hyena, Child of Time and Arch
Thanks for the tips! Im going to check out a few of them this afternoon.

@ Villian
Sorry to hear about that :(, but it´s good that you at least can see something good that might come out of it. May I ask what you work with?