The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

re the nightwish single "amaranth":

Tuomas actually didn't even want this song on the album, much less as a single. There was an interview with him recently and he was saying that as he was writing the chorus he was laughing to himself saying that it 'would never work' and was 'too poppish'...

So someone else noticed. :rolleyes:
@hyena: have a nice trip to my country! wish you a lot of fun and much luck with the manly guys. :D
re the nightwish single "amaranth":

Tuomas actually didn't even want this song on the album, much less as a single. There was an interview with him recently and he was saying that as he was writing the chorus he was laughing to himself saying that it 'would never work' and was 'too poppish'...

So someone else noticed. :rolleyes:

I can't listen to it :lol:

I don't even have an opinion, total miss on me.
Wow. Yesterday. We were doing tests on the building standpipes with the fire department. The FD decided that we should use their nozzle on the ground floor outside, just to test it. Thing we learned after the fact? Nozzle and hose had threads in different standards - they seemed tight, but in actuality weren't.

Happy/Proud: Only guy who decided not to scatter and actually try to catch the rogue fire hose. Successful, thereby saving hundreds of dollars worth of landscaping and cleaning of outside of building.

An idiot because: Generally, a smart way to catch a rogue fire hose pumping 500 gallons per minute, with a brass coupling on the end is NOT to try to limit the hose's range of motion with one's feet (essentially straddling it). I'm still shaking thinking what could have happened had it jumped in the air after I made such a brilliant maneuver, something it had done before I decided on the course of action.

Lost a shirt in the process (force of the water ripped it against the cell phone I carry on my belt), was covered in mud over half my body, but kept anyone else from getting hurt and it from destroying more property, so net-net I'm feeling good. Except that the contractor now has to replace all the couplings and re-do the tests, and we hand over the building on Friday. So not that good.

Any idea what inspired such bravery? :p

On the subject of the Nightwish single.. Im actually positively surprised. Not that I like the song a lot, but at least they got a decent new singer, who didnt completely massacre it. They face a great problem now though, the new singer doesnt have an opera voice, so without their usual "artsy" bonus, people are going to realise how poppish Nightwish really is.
This is gonna be fun :)
@kov: i commend your reflexes then, if you don't want it to be called bravery. :p

nf: greece was a total nightmare, even if thinking back to the whole shindig now makes me laugh. at the moment i'm comfortably lying on a king-size bed in a room overlooking the danube (and when i say overlooking i mean it's about 50 meters to the shore). the first feeling upon landing in budapest was "oh my i think i'm in love". explorations to confirm or deny first impressions tomorrow.
to intrude on the travel comments i have never been to budapest nor to greece, but i absolutely loved slovakia. :)
plus the owners of the pension i was staying in were amazing, in the end we cooked some pasta and ate all together.
Beware German drivers! I just got my drivers' license. :danceboy: (That smiley is just awesome). Hooray for me.
nf: greece was a total nightmare, even if thinking back to the whole shindig now makes me laugh.
for a moment there i thought you were talking about the fires. then i connected my brain again.

why was it a nightmare, if i may ask?
^ Yeah me too!!!
Damn fires!!! :Smug: :waah: :zombie:

I hope you don't live near Olimpia Siren! I was like fu&% sh%&, fires in Greece! :erk:

I guess Odin is angry or something :lol: .

Haha ok that was a terrible :p .

Anyway, do you finally know if they were provoked by humans or by nature? It'd be fucking sick if it's the 1st, but oh well it wouldn't surprise me, we are a dissapointment.
@LBRH: I do live near Olympia, it's about an hour from here. Luckily enough i happen to live in the only area of Peloponnese that didn't get affected. With 130 fires in one single day and 300-400 fires in 3 days, it's kind of hard to believe it was just nature. Moreover, many fires started after sunset, which is by definition impossible to have been caused by natural conditions. There was also the fact that, often, when a fire was put out in a place it would start again soon after, or it would start in a different place nearby, or many fires would start at the same time. There were calls that tried to mislead the fire-department, and there was an obvious pattern of fires that tried to disorganise the efforts. A lot of arson-mechanisms have been found, some people have been caught red-handed by the citizens and been beaten up, and some have been filmed in suspicious places in suspicious times, or explosions have been filmed. There's a lot of scenarios going around as to who did it, but almost everyone seems to agree it was an organised thing. Note that it massively started on the most dangerous and worst day of all summer. And that in less than 20 days we have national elections. The possible scenarios are that it's either been organised by the party who was going to lose in order to gain lead against the government, or by some foreign enemy or that it's a new kind of terrorism. Of course some of the fires were accidental and some were put by those who want to seize land and build on it, but the accidental fires are limited.
I hope and wish that somehow the culprits will be exposed and justice will be brought to them (if not the other way around). They killed 63, ruined the homes and fortunes of hundreds if not thousands, killed thousands of animals and trees, nearly turned treasures thousands of years old into ashes (thankfully they didn't), and ruined a big part of my country. The economical and ecological disaster is huge.
@siren: we have the same problem with fires in the south of italy: they are normally the responsibility of organized crime. this year we were lucky and "just" 3 people died, but i can understand how you and your countrymen feel.

as for why greece was horrible, i guess it's just a question of greek islands not being the most fortunate location to actually work. i was in crete on business, and i was really put off by how we were in a university hall of residence where toilets and showers wouldn't work, there were ants on the floor, we were supposed to clean our own rooms etc - just sanitizing my room took half a day of work and i really had more urgent business to attend to. also, i found out that crete is connected to the internet through the greek mainland, and whenever the connection failed, which was often, we could not go online: again, abysmally bad for work. the fact that we were in a group with a few greeks who would take us to dinner no earlier than 10pm was also quite bad, in the sense that it would be all well and good on holidays, but if you have to wake up early it's not that great. finally, our horrid accommodation was right above the main seafront boulevard in rethymnon and it was tremendously noisy + bad air quality due to the old cars and old scooters. i don't want to badmouth your country gratuitously, but really, the location was not conductive to working at all. however, that's what i was paid for, so i had to make do - with difficulty. :(
@hyena: oh, i'm so sorry. i know how bad greek dorms can be, so i really pity you. you should have forked out some money and go to a decent hotel instead, it would have at least given you some peace of mind. i don't know about the internet there, but i suppose that was also a uni connection problem, since we've made progress in the private part of this. i can understand the situation, really, and it has nothing to do with badmouthing, it's just true. let's hope next time you'll go it will be for vacation and you'll have a much better time. :)

So, Fall of the Leafe has called it quits:

Dear friends,

It is with a heavy heart that I have to announce that after our last remaining shows in September, Fall of the Leafe is no more.

The reasons that led to this this decision are many and the biggest one I cannot put my finger on. I think we were lead and ultimately forced into this decision by each other, by the same very different tastes and likings that made our music so special, by our private lives and perhaps finally by our own faults as people.

For me, it has been a ten year experience and adventure with my friends and all of you who have shared Fall of the Leafe with us. For that I thank you all. Thank you Jussi, Kaj, Matias, Petri, Miska - it's been a blast.



And I was just starting to get into them. Their new album is pure quality. Damnit. :(
