The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

Just got back from a short and sweet vacation. Two more days off and on Saturday morning I'll be leaving for a week-long trek/camp to Lappland (FIN/SWE/NOR) with 5 boys. That'll be the last bit of actual work I'll be doing with them in this project - all the rest will be just paper-work until end of August.

Then I'm gonna be unemployed for a while. And for once, I'm going to enjoy it.

Why, Mayhem!?

So I got "Grand Declaration of War", expecting to receive a rush of cold, unrelenting Black Metal. The music is mostly awesome, as I expected (Not at all into the Electronic/Dark Ambient parts). But... something went wrong. I mean what the hell is up with those horrible spoken parts? They take all the evilness out of the whole album! I find them terribly lame and I will most likely not give this album a second listening! (Besides the first and last tracks) I hope I could get the music alone, without those wimpy spoken parts. I guess I'll search for covers now.

Chimera is great, though. :D

If you give up after one don't deserve to get in :p there's lot of things that aren't so easy to swallow. But songs like To Daimonion or In the Lies Where Upon You Lay should make you listen that album enough. Isn't it great that every album does not open up with first listen?
I don't know, it's just that the "reciting" does have a sort of dramatized tone that gets on my nerves, though the worst for me is the pitch, please dudes get back into the studio and at least record those parts again with a deeper voice? :S

I did give it three more listens and I just kept on skipping!
So, I'll keep tracks 1, 9, and 13.... For now.

Maybe on the 30th spin I'll like it.

Ordo Ad Chao... the first time I listened to it I was left with the question "So where's the Ordo". Now, after some listens, I am able to enjoy it a bit more.
Talking about wet. It's so wet here now. We have flooding where it's supposed to be dry and sunny, and dry where it's supposed to be wet. If you wanna come here you'de better be prepared.

To rafters died in a popular rafting river her yesterday I think. The river was flooding and not safe local people said. But a group of russians and estonians hadn't been talking to any locals and didn't know that. The river was to much for them and the raft tipt over. Two people died.
I saved a baby this weekend: mother left the stroller on the sidewalk, it started rolling onto the traffic lane, and I had to use my superior sprinting skills to save her child.

This morning I ran into someone, who supposed to be half a world away, and even this encounter was only 2 seconds, it was the least pleasant. As this world keeps shrinking, I need to find a place, where no one can find me :) or blow my brains out... but I'm afraid I can't give you THAT satisfaction :heh:
I am now thinking that i hate packing my bag for travelling.... and going to Wacken without a car suck, because we have to carry everything: clothes, food, drinks,...

I saved a baby this weekend: mother left the stroller on the sidewalk, it started rolling onto the traffic lane, and I had to use my superior sprinting skills to save her child.

plintus did something good? :heh:
@Hilj: :wave:

The board seems a bit dead these days. It's either that or i'm too lazy to do some real work.
Back from vacation. Was just driving with my wife through Czech Republic, with loads of great music and books. We were in Prague for 4 days, where I made some really strange bargains (strange because it was in Prague, where everything is expensive), I bought Destroy the Opposition from Dying Fetus, High Anxiety from Therapy? and Powertrippin from The Almighty, all absolutely for nothing, plus some great books. I will post pics later.
^^Sounds like fun. Good to see you had a nice trip, mardy. What books did you get, btw?

So, my vacations are finished and I'm in for an extra semester at the uni. It sucks, it's all pointless by now, a total waste of time and a mere fucking tramit so I can get a title, find a more less decent job and start studying my masters. Anyway, I won't get the title until november/december next year, or maybe even 2009, because I got a scholarship to write a thesis, and I'll be working on it until next august. Positive thing about it is that it'll be published on the uni's annual of investigations, so that may prop me up a bit on my career.

I feel kinda weird, because I'm 24 and most of my friends graduated a couple years ago, some of them already got a certain financial independence and a few even married this last year. Yet I haven't even finished my studies and I'm facing a hard prospect of becoming a professor/investigator, which will require a constant flow of pointless, endless PhDs. *sigh* Seems I'm in for a hard time the next 5-6 years of my life.