The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

Oh, new Potter is out? That stuff on buses looked oddly familiar.

Is that the one where he runs around naked and kills horses?
@plintus: :lol:

was just to dinner with a number of people who didn't make any sense whatsoever. the (very cool) restaurant boasted 700 different wines in the list. now i don't know anything about German wines (any local willing to help?) so when I was as per usual elected official wine purveyor I looked at French wines, and after taking a look at several cotes de roussillon going for about 2,300 to 2,800 euros we settled for beer.

in the meanwhile, my heart was broken into splinters (and no, not because i'm broke): here i thought there was a life where i could take a tour of languedoc-roussillon with someone and spend about three weeks just tasting the local wines, with enthusiasm yet with moderation, as a goal yet as a background, and well... i am now thinking that i might want to find something that keeps me busy at all times and really focused. the only such endeavor that comes to mind is becoming straight edge. at the moment i cringe at the thought, mainly because i don't want to quit smoking, but it's a definite possibility for the future. and now i can see rahvin laughing at the idea of me being straight edge - i will put pay to the laughter by saying that it would, anyway, just be temporary (i don't believe in not drinking at all, it's just preposterous, but for a certain amount of time it could be exactly the kind of difficult exercise i need).
German wines dont compete with the french for sure, but from what I hear, there are a very enjoyable german wines to be had.
straight edge

I just realized I've been straight edge for quite a while: drinking isn't fun any longer, sex is boring (rabbits are fun though), and I never had a thing for drugs.

I still strive on caffeine though. Forgive me as i have sinned :heh:
German wines dont compete with the french for sure, but from what I hear, there are a very enjoyable german wines to be had.

Can you maybe name a few? I still have a couples of nights out before turning straight edge or something, hence I'd love to try the local fare...
My father is on holidays right now, so my number one source of information on wines is unavailable. I do know though that for red wines, he prefers french wines, but for whites, he often picks german wines.
I know Im no great help there, but maybe I set you on the right track ;)
My father is on holidays right now, so my number one source of information on wines is unavailable. I do know though that for red wines, he prefers french wines, but for whites, he often picks german wines.
I know Im no great help there, but maybe I set you on the right track ;)

Well, thanks. :) I am going to attend the conference's social dinner tonight and wines will be selected for us - I can start working on my wine culture from there!
I still strive on caffeine though. Forgive me as i have sinned :heh:

I still laugh at the time my ex-roommate thought he was weaning himself off of Diet Coke (health nut, yet couldn't kick the caffeine - easily went through 2-3 liters a day) by drinking Vitamin Water's "Energy" flavor. He nearly cried when I told him they were a few mg's away from having to list caffeine as the first ingredient. (An exaggeration to be sure, but still, that shit's strong.)

And I'm officially addicted to the internet. I've been going batshit insane at work, because up till right now - since Saturday - the connection has been down for all but about 10 minutes, non-continuous. There's only so many times I can check to see if all of the fire alarm pull-stations have been installed...

~kov. (And not to drag this into a WoW discussion, but my alt is up to 34 now, and it seems we're pushing these ones to 70 as well.)
I drink sugar-free Red Bull at work (yes, it's on my rider as well), and must say there's no anything better, in terms of taste and effect, plus I don't get too much of a sugar rush (27 g of sugar in every can of regular RB). Anything else tastes like shit :S

My main is dinging 66 tonight.
(Can't access armory from work, but last I checked I'm just south of 65. Unless I leveled and forgot about it. But good news is that this weekend I'll probably hit 67, as I'm allowed to instance without her, just not quest without her. Gotta love semantics.)

Yeah, regular coke is still my poison of choice. The drink, dammit. Unfortunately, it's been stirring up my acid reflux again recently, so I might have to try something new.

From the Ultimate Band thread, so as not to derail it:

Someone will rue yesterday for the loss of Borknagar.

And somehow I missed the discussion as to my name. I'd like to seem all cool and say that it was based off of Nexus Polaris and the awesomeness that resides within that album, but truth be told Animatronic was the first thing I found by them (Sindrom, in particular), and it's what hooked me on a lot of metal - they were the first Nuclear Blast band that I heard, just as DT was the first CM band that I heard. I was originally going to name myself Hedon, which has been my handle just about everywhere else for quite some time, but alas it was already taken.

And SETI wasn't that bad. It wasn't awesome, but it had its moments. In particular, the bonus tracks were better than just about anything that got included. They remade The Memory Remains better than it was done originally... which doesn't really say much, I know; Subtopia was always an awesome song in my mind, too, to the point that it's what I normally use for handles nowadays.

And the fact that they're doing the new album Samael-Passage/Xytras style makes me giddy with glee.

nf: like i hate, hate, hate predictability. okay, i am attending a symposium on income inequality so i am taking in stride that most people are left-leaning. but every time i meet a new hopeful italian expatriate doing a phd in the united states and mentioning that they support the daily il manifesto i am assailled by a feeling of emptiness and boredom. it's always going to be like that, i'm always going to meet people who never went past the high school rebellion phase in their political thinking. i'm so tired of that. and it really doesn't help in being enthusiastic about meeting new people, especially because i am completely uninterested in getting dragged into political discussions and/or trying to make such people see reason. which does not mean they have to renounce their beliefs, but at least that they should think in shades of complexity and not just see red. :rolleyes:
66 last night.

Tier 6 armor page was released this week... I'm hoping to run some instances this weekend and get some cool stuff as well ;)

And fuck the beach - I work this weekend :D
Hmm, not been here since February. So many threads, so many posts. All missed by my eye. :p During my absence Fiction was born and was adored, haha! So, how are you guys. I feel a little sick. It's been 2 weeks without listening to DT and I begin to feel sick. :p :p
"Be realistic: demand the impossible" is a slogan with a lot of history. For starters, it has been adopted both by anarchists, with Demanding the impossible ending up as the title of a very good book on the history of anarchism, and by Catholic activists. Having been part of both categories at some point in time, and either one or the other at most points in time, I am familiar with the concept.

Now, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place: will I be bold enough to demand the impossible, ie expect to meet a guy who is not married and will make me happy even if I KNOW, rather than just assume, that I already met my soulmate, who is married to someone else and could be mine if I just made the effort? Taking the leap of faith necessary for the first option is, by all means, right up the street of demanding the impossible.

Now I'm on a hiatus with said soulmate, largely out of my own decision. And I know that the indecision (mine) that precipitated the hiatus caused by the indecision (his) is 2/3 conscience, 1/6 fear, 1/6 sheer immaturity. Had I been more driven and active, which is something I normally am, the result would be more or less in the bag, or at least this is my understanding. But no I wasn't, I waited for him to make the big move and leave home, which was not likely given his very hesitant personality. So I basically set a booby trap for him (that was unconscious, but I am understanding now) to have a clean slate for myself, and pop went the weasel, which was the only possibility.

Now I can go back to him. I can take a plane to England and go get him. I can lure him through all manners of lies about trying to be 'just friends' so as to assuage his own guilt and fear, and the moment he's here of course things would pan out absolutely differently.

But I'm not resolved on doing that, because it still feels wrong. The problem is that substituting the One Good Match with anyone else still feels stupid.

Will I ever be able to demand the impossible?
That was an interesting read! I think you will be able to demand the impossible only when it doesn't conflict with your moral standards, that is, when it is impossible in some way you can't control. :D (Thus making it worthless to demand)