The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

@kat: congratulations to you and to the father. :)

i'm back from ten days in the sun. i am not overenthusiastic about going to work, but someone's got to do it.
@Kat - Damn, I was without internet for a few days and missed that. Congrats! My mother made me (back when I actually played piano... gee, I wonder why I quit...) play for her every day from about five months on for my sister. She wound up being pretty good at / interested in math, so I think that worked out well.

Thanks a lot for all your kind words! :D
And I finally found a doctor ! (which is hard, since we got a kinda "baby-boom" in Quebec this year... so everyone is booked etc... )
My first appointment is in a month and I'll know if it's a girl or a boy in october! :)
And he or she will listen to some DT for sure ;)
Even before he or she will be born hehehe :P

Merci Dark et Martin!
@Martin: good pour les photos! Sans fautes! J'vais sortir la kid-kodak en moi, t'inquiètes pas! Le premier rot, le premier pet, le premier caca, la première purée, le premier sourire, etc :D lolllllllllll
Thanks a lot for all your kind words! :D
And I finally found a doctor ! (which is hard, since we got a kinda "baby-boom" in Quebec this year... so everyone is booked etc... )
My first appointment is in a month and I'll know if it's a girl or a boy in october! :)
And he or she will listen to some DT for sure ;)
Even before he or she will be born hehehe :P

Merci Dark et Martin!
@Martin: good pour les photos! Sans fautes! J'vais sortir la kid-kodak en moi, t'inquiètes pas! Le premier rot, le premier pet, le premier caca, la première purée, le premier sourire, etc :D lolllllllllll

Comment s'appellera-t-il/elle?
I had my first German language class today. It doesn't seem that hard, so that's good. However, I still have 5 courses ahead, so wish me luck!

Doesn't seem hard hehehe. Like Dark_Silence said, wait till you move onto the harder stuff. By course 5 you will be OH SO KAPUTT!! :hypno: :Smokin:

Wait till you start the Dativ and Genitiv, the 1st one is not so difficult, but the latter... he. And the Pluskuamperfect. And the Präpositions. Are they Akk or Dat Präp? You'll just have to learn.

And yes, Ich habe :p .

R+ really helps when you're starting to study Deutsch, their lyrics are quite basic and easy to understand; so even if you don't like the music listen to it, it'll help a lot :spin: .
Doesn't seem hard hehehe. Like Dark_Silence said, wait till you move onto the harder stuff. By course 5 you will be OH SO KAPUTT!! :hypno: :Smokin:

Wait till you start the Dativ and Genitiv, the 1st one is not so difficult, but the latter... he. And the Pluskuamperfect. And the Präpositions. Are they Akk or Dat Präp? You'll just have to learn.

And yes, Ich habe :p .
Ahhh! I'm no longer excited to learn! :p

R+ really helps when you're starting to study Deutsch, their lyrics are quite basic and easy to understand; so even if you don't like the music listen to it, it'll help a lot :spin: .
I should start listening to them again, maybe it'll help somehow. Thanks! :)
And the Präpositions. Are they Akk or Dat Präp? You'll just have to learn.

What i find difficult, is that some prepositions exists with both cases, and i never know when you have to use dative or accusative... i mean yeah, accusative is supposed to be used when there is a notion of movement... but it seems i have the wrong definition of what is considered as "moving" or not, since i pick up the wrong case half of the time :p
i cant write any example of this since i am not sure i would write it correctly... but someone from Germany could show you
can everyone please stop mistreating rammstein? :p

i am aptly leaving for germany in a few hours. and tonight i'll go and see harry potter in berlin. yay.
I know you're probably referring to the themes and concepts behind the words, but are the actual lyrics also written in "better" German than Rammstein's? More sophisticated / literate language?

Don't know Oomph, but Dornenreich seems a much better choice in that case :kickass: .

Dark_Silence said:
What i find difficult, is that some prepositions exists with both cases, and i never know when you have to use dative or accusative... i mean yeah, accusative is supposed to be used when there is a notion of movement... but it seems i have the wrong definition of what is considered as "moving" or not, since i pick up the wrong case half of the time
i cant write any example of this since i am not sure i would write it correctly... but someone from Germany could show you

Yeah those are the ones that I meant, the ones you can use in both cases :Puke: .


Präpositionen mit....





AKK (wohin?) oder DAT (wo?)

an auf


I hope that helps :) :p .
i have the list too, but for the last one, no list can help me... i just have to get the right description of what is seen as moving or not :P
greetings from deutschland.

my plane was late so i do not get to see harry potter tonight - too tired to attend the 22.30 screening, and tomorrow i have to be up bright and early because the conference starts at nine.

i won't see the movie tomorrow either because of the social dinner, and not on friday because i have to vote for the society's council. seriously, work is getting in the way of order of the phoenix, has everyone gone insane or what?

on saturday i will be back in rome too late to attend even the very last screening in English (bah), so it will have to be on SUNDAY. probably the matinee with all the English-speaking kids, just because i really needed a reminder.