The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

last night i reached a level of drunkenness that hadn't been remotely approached since january. now i throw up anytime i drink water and generally want to die. ewwww.
Man, we're all slipping. Leveled to 64 last night. That whole half a bubble was a killer...

If I find that I have the time, I'm back in - this vacation might wean me off it quickly enough, but I'm feeling the pull.

awfulness is very slowly receding, but i have been drunk until about 5pm. horrid.
I'm about to get to 64, too lazy, actually :D

The main thing holding me back right now is my promise to not level without her. So basically, I'm running around with it booted on two comps, hotkeying heals on her comp when I need them. That and compiling a list of things I can do without leveling. Like PvP. But I really want to hit 70 to do the arenas.

<Sigh> Off in 1.5 hours to drive back down to NY, to drop off the dog with her parents, drive to my parents' house, sleep, and get up at 5:30 for the trip to the airport. I just find it sad that in all of this I'll probably get more sleep tonight than I normally do.

Probably nothing from me until Monday. Until then, keep voting for The Kovenant. (Seriously, I really didn't expect them to have lasted as long as they have... especially considering how the new album just keeps getting bumped).

EDIT: @Hyena: Feel better soon. Times like that aren't fun at all.

EDIT2: Forgot to mention - I'm flying out tomorrow morning to Calgary. Can't stop there though. That's Jolty country. (Though I'm leaving Sunday, the rest of the family is going to Banff for the week after - maybe I'll make my bro stop by and pick up a non-existent copy of Fiction.)

@ Plintusss:

You were gonna get an iPhone right? :headbang:

Lucky you, tell me/us how it works :kickass: :) .

So a NYT video, quite amusing and jaw dropping hehe. It was the 1st iPhone video I've seen, so I was like :OMG: .
i got that drunk (to be honest, probably more) once in my life, and it really sucked. hope you feel better now.
it happened to me 4 or 5 times, but i have learned from my mistakes and now when i drink beer, after 2 glasses i feel like i had enough and drink water.
When i was sick because of too much alcohol, i couldnt drink and eat for a whole day, and a the end of teh day i would feel even worst because i get really hungry. The only think that i could do was sleeping the whole day.
@ Plintusss:

You were gonna get an iPhone right? :headbang:

Lucky you, tell me/us how it works :kickass: :) .

So a NYT video, quite amusing and jaw dropping hehe. It was the 1st iPhone video I've seen, so I was like :OMG: .

See Apple presentations on their site - it's rather amazing. And yeah - I will be one of those fools in line tomorrow. I've been tracking iPhone since it was first announced, and, actually, i've recently lost sleep and appetite because of anticipation :lol: Or may be this hot and humid "weather" we are having :Smokin:

Also, somehow I cum to understand that sex is way overrated.
Also, somehow I cum to understand that sex is way overrated.
Awww, little plinny is growing up.

@D_S: It was the same for me, i couldn't eat or drink anything for a whole day and i was terribly dehydrated. I remember having a headache well into the 2nd day and a little nausea and difficulty eating as well. It's just happened once though and i didn't feel like touching alcohol for months after that.
Other than that, usually when i get very drunk i just act silly and throw up (no hangover, yay). In the last 3 years i got like this about 2 times, and recently i decided i don't like the loss of control, so i'm taking care from now on. As i say, you should drink it, not let it drink you.
Hrm. Edmonton, while rather desolate, has a higher metal/punk population than Boston, from what I can see. It also tends to play half-way decent music on the radio.

I'm a bit confuzzled, but pleased.

iPhone is something FUCKING BEYOND!

Well, my 8 GB is lying around UNACTIVATED, special thanks to AT&T, but what I tried in store was so cool, I salivated over and almost soiled myself.

Mayor of Philadelphia was hanging around, had like 30 minutes conversation with our lil' line gang (you won't believe how i networked that day :D) - he was #3 in the line, lined up at 3:30 am, haha. Got to check press and sites for pics :D
So I remember a while ago I said that this summer I would probably get more time to haunt this forum. Then I disappeared for two weeks or so. That said, I can inform all of you happy forum members that I finally changed my computer.

I used to operate a very inefficient and prehistorical machine. Consisting mostly of a Celeron 566, 512 ram and no video card or almost. Horrible.

Now I upgraded to something more potent (not a cadillac though), offering a 2.8 gig processor, ATI Radeon Xpress200 (basic, I know) graphics card, 1 gig of ram 250 gig on the hard drive and thank god it's a dual core.

So I can finally enjoy sitres like Youtube or anything else that has streaming viedo. This is bringing my computer experience to a whole new level.


Oh, and I'm going to Greece in 9 days!
So recently I decided to stop smoking cigarettes (I stopped with marijuana about 2 months ago), and let me tell you something; it's really fucking hard to stop. You might be saying, "Well Duh," but it isnt as hard as I thought it was going to be. Wish me luck.

Now I upgraded to something more potent (not a cadillac though), offering a 2.8 gig processor, ATI Radeon Xpress200 (basic, I know) graphics card, 1 gig of ram 250 gig on the hard drive and thank god it's a dual core.

So I can finally enjoy sitres like Youtube or anything else that has streaming viedo. This is bringing my computer experience to a whole new level.

Not gigs for the processor - GHz ;)

I've got 3 GHz Pentium D with 3 GBs of RAM @ 667, 580 GBs in 2 HDDs (+ 160 + 120 + 80 + 120 external from my old PCs - that's a lotta pr0n, I've got to tell you!), and I plugged it with BFG's GeForce 7950GT (somehow n/a on newegg any longer - wtf?) Had to buy a new SLI power supply, had so much fun installing it :)

And chances of me getting laid this year just increased 1000% last weekend! :saint:

Well... and speaking of a new level of computer related experience (yes, I have to plug it in here :heh: ) - I'm enjoying YouTube on my iPhone :Smug:

People. It's a fucking revolution. I've never been too keen on everything new or just in a spotlight, but this... I can't look at any other phones any longer, and flip ones always made me and still make me sick :zombie:

They could have done a few things better - not too crazy about quality of the signal and overall communication and a few other (rather minor) things, even though they are about to rip for battery replacement (you can't do it yourself), which sucks.

The best gadget ever. So far.

Europe will have it in November (selected territories), no 3G though (sorry).