The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

I've been tormented from a wound infection the past 2 weeks, after massive amounts of topical antibiotics i think it's finally starting to heal. It certainly took its toll on my psychology. At least i got a new mattress and sleeping is no more like being run over by a train. Now it's more like sleeping on a cloud in heaven.

@kov: arlington again. but it was so cool this summer (well, no, it was hot and humid, but whatever) that i'm overjoyed at the mere thought. meet for a show?

@siren: thankies. :)
Haha, I'll see if I can. Tis a bit far from me, but not so far from my brother at all. I'll see if I can organize a trip down there at some point. Might be a bit tough as it's getting pretty busy up here, but we'll see what we can do.

well, i'm going to be traveling around a fair bit, possibly going to be in princeton and certainly going to NY for at least a week.. i'll check the cool shows and let you know!
probably the whole of november. arlington until the 14th, then evanston, then NY. i have no idea when or whether i'll be in princeton, but it's going to be a long weekend or somesuch.
ok, duly noted. thank you.

not that it has anything to do with anything, but: my favorite band for this year has certainly been finntroll. am i weird?
I'm visiting NYC in early Dec. I love 'the City' in the Fall. I've been visiting there in the Autumn for years.
I'll probably be there for about 10 days. Always try to stay at The Hotel Chelsea on W. 23rd St,
just because of the hotel's history, if you don't know about that, what can I say???
Some peeps call it the Chelsea Hotel
Have no real plans once I get there, other than to wander and wonder aimlessly

NP: Sid Vicious - my way
disjointed thoughts:

- i am over what has been, in retrospect, a very fast and intense sort of manic phase, lasting from the start of september to about two days ago.

- i am currently feeling dreadful, but i am absolutely not surprised and also confident i will feel better in a week or so.

- for some reason, i am getting my short-term memory back. this has been happening for a couple of months now, to my amazement: i had already concluded that, aside from work-related items, i would not be able to remember anything really concerning events of the past 2-3 years. it all had a fuzzy quality. now it's becoming clear. it's one of the most mysterious happenings ever.

- one of my closest friends really looks like severus snape. i need to tell him.

- the new dropkick murphys record is somehow alive, as is most of finntroll's discography. i have a passionate love affair with folk, apparently. i had the same penetrating (no silly jokes please) effect when listening to some bad religion songs years ago. now, the latest offerings by graffin and co. don't move me. but fast-paced folk does. i'm wondering why.

- my boss reacts to the mere mention of the words "national security" by calling me a fascist. this is a long story, but it is so stupid that i will have to tell it sometime.

- i am, nonetheless, hatching all sorts of plots with people from all sorts of ministries, because fascist or not i am working on a national security issue.