The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

i really want to be next week, when we will have moved in our new appartment. I am fed up with packing stuff, painting the old appartment (yes we have to paint because we are leaving... somehow stupid...)

And Saturday... Ikea... yay, it's more or less one our to get there with the public transports... and only 10 if we had a car.
I'm moving the office, actually in charge of entire operation + setting up everything at the new place (computers, file server, networking except actual wiring).

It's fun.
@plintus: have fun with your computers then.

went to bed at 2 and am up again now, BUT the draft that my team owed (deadline oct 1st) northwestern university for a conference is now complete, not to mention fucking cool. this morning i will leave the fortunate phase of menial corrections to the rest of the team, and prance arounds basking in my organizational and conceptual glory. :p
yes yes. now waiting for the co-authors to give me the last round of amendments, then i'm off for drinks. :)
Guess the band:

The new release will also be available in physical form - £40 for a box-set - easily affordable to the well-heeled bourgeois bedwetters who make up the band's core following.
I doubt any band's fans describe themselves in that fashion

You just made me realize the following absurdity: you are right in that nobody could describe themselves that way, and still fans of other bands are proud to describe themselves as kvlt necro evil satanists. :rolleyes:
this should theoretically belong in the NP thread, but it's too important to go unnoticed.

i just registered on tarja turunen's website at and am listening to the single "i walk alone".

it's not that great a song, but:

thanks, God.
thanks, God.
thanks, God.

edit: oh wow, there's two free mp3's from the upcoming record. i might be happy for the night.
i'm freaking out. yes, that's right, oral exam coming up, on a subject i'm supposed to love but that i really have no idea about. this is exactly the time for coelho's bullshit to start working, ya hear me universe? *shakes fist and flatters eyelashes*
flatters eyelashes


now seriously: you will pass your exam, because i say so. go siren.

i am seeing a medical student these days, so i'm getting a lot of practice with this idea that you have to sit about ten thousand exams before getting your degree. don't you ever get bored?
now seriously: you will pass your exam, because i say so. go siren.
Yay! :D

i am seeing a medical student these days, so i'm getting a lot of practice with this idea that you have to sit about ten thousand exams before getting your degree. don't you ever get bored?
i already got bored long ago. practically, right after i entered in med school (entrance exams=hell). the funniest part about this, is that exams don't end, even after you get the degree. har har.
Today is the most important day in the history of Costa Rica. Today Costa Rica decides whether the CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement) (TLC in Spanish, "Tratado de Libre Comercio) is approved or rejected.

Today is the day in which we prove the world our rejection towards the disgusting colonial expansionism and the neo-liberal forms of the US.

Today we wiil see if we will become a pathetic Yankee colony like the rest of Central American countries.

Today we determine our future, a rare opportunity for oh! So many people.

Today I say "¡¡¡NO al TLC!!!"

Disaffected, left to internal struggle
Let ring with the cries of disaccord
They told of outposts firm as trees
Whispers laid no basis for
The plunge to the chasm depths
Seen none, nor felt the safety
Perimeter alarm

I see the bearings of disaster

What can you tell me of the inside
Is it as bright as all can see?

To make a chemical stand
A final front to the days ahead
In attempt to tame their mineral estrangement
Smothered by the numeral that
Haunts each waking day

Request for countertmeasures
To state claim of this my cavern
None to take and none be given
As the window breaks to black
A process left to solitude
Is the action left undone
Answers left to echo
In the silent halls of none

Cast down the hopes and aspirations
Shut the windows tight
Everybody said No
Reset your fears and good intentions
Barred up for life
Everybody said No


i'm keeling over with laughter at our minister for the economy, who just announced on TV that "taxes are a beautiful thing" :lol: :lol:

sugar and spice and all things nice :lol: