The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

@siren: all people are shit, right. :p the fights for sitting down during a class remind me of my first semester as an undergrad... now that was terrible. waking up at 6.30 in the morning to get a seat in introductory maths = ewww.
@hyena: i edited it. :p i was going to change it to all med students are shit, but that wouldn't be fair to me and my friends. :p
more on the topic above: along with thomas harris, let's sue tarja turunen (including the new record: sing for me, my love the fucking fuck, arrgh!), romi schneider, and manowar, even if they really don't have anything to do with it. last night i was reading a book called "female chauvinist pigs" picturing how the new generation of young women, no matter their sexual orientation, are all about dressing trashy even if they don't really care about sex - you know, as a way to gain approval, which is a timeless constant but the slutty dress is a new variation. i am starting to think that the paris hilton generation, notches on belts no matter own and preferred gender, is on the right path. they are completely hollow and believe in nothing, but well, at least they're not going to suffer disappointment, aren't they?

on the other hand, maybe that's not true. in italy, we have this abominable teen writer going by the moniker melissa p., who fits in with this crowd almost perfectly, eventhough she pretends she's an intellectual and goes on public anti-religion rants that would make and his death metal buddies proud. but guess what? at the end of her autobiographical book, wherein we are exposed to all sorts of debauchery and abuse, she does find her one tr00 love in the form of a preposterous chav who tells her "yo, we don't need to have sex right away if you don't want to". maybe they waited one week, but that's besides the point. so it turns out that the paris hiltons of the world actually fall prey to the same idiocy that has everyone else in a vise grip, only they subscribe to a version that's even... more... stupid. :rolleyes:
Re: my problem

Sorry I haven't been about to get right back to you all on this after your sound support. :). First of all thank you as always.

@Marduk: I gave her all the time I could, and at one point that was every day every hour none stop between sleeping and being at work. Bad I know as I started to feel really constricted and she didn't know why/took it personally. After we both went back to our places of education and had less free time, it obviously meant we couldnt see each other every day, and that is sort of where her neighbour came into it.

Just feel I need to clarify, she didn't have sex with her neighbour and any kissing that happened was from him to her, she just pulled away (still the fact that his lips touched hers, even if it was for a fragment of a second really pissed me off). The thing she did that hurt me was basically try to continue to have a friendship with this guy despite me being so jeallous because he wanted her so much.

Apparently he put alot of emotional pressure on her, as did I, even after we broke up because we were both fighting to be number one in her life. Where I fucked up was, I actually was number one. The day after I found out about her accepting this guys offer for them to be together, she broke up with him :s. She got really depressed because she couldn't be with either of us without destroying the other... and I didn't even want to be with her... and she didn't want to be with him, she just needed closure or something.

So now I'm in touch with her again and am going to be a friend to her. If I'm being honest with myself, I still confused and don't know if it's just the relief that she dumped this jerk and I don't want her to be depressed, or if I'm genuinely happy that we can remain friends.

Either way, posting here and talking about it, has helped. Every bit of advice you've given me is invaluable. Just for a sloppy moment to conclude this lil saga, it's because I really respect you all.

*Pineapples all round*
Meh, let the boy learn it the hard way and figure thangs all by himself :D

We'll never get why young women do things they Global chemical brain disbalance?
We'll never get why young women do things they Global chemical brain disbalance?
Pretty much. I'd go for imbalance though. :p

NF: Good. I was worried a bit about my health but turns out i'm fine, just tiredness taking its toll on me. So i'm happy. Will sleep lots now.
Oh and a huge kitty was following me around at uni, rubbing on my legs and all. It was extra cute, cause i knew dogs can follow you around, but didn't expect it from a cat.
Oh and a huge kitty was following me around at uni, rubbing on my legs and all. It was extra cute, cause i knew dogs can follow you around, but didn't expect it from a cat.

they do, they do. in slovakia me and my boyfriend were going back to the pension once in the evening and a little kitten popped out from behind a tree and started following us everywhere, there was no way to convince him to stay still.

i didn't find the car clock button yet, it's not in the center, but it doesn't matter much since we're changing the car :p
Oh and a huge kitty was following me around at uni, rubbing on my legs and all. It was extra cute, cause i knew dogs can follow you around, but didn't expect it from a cat.

when i was younger, when i went for a walk with my parents, my cat used to follow us for a part of the way....
the guy whose exquisite prose (?) i have been pasting on these boards used to walk his cats on leads to make them lose weight. ok, he was 6 at the time, but still. :p
the guy whose exquisite prose (?) i have been pasting on these boards used to walk his cats on leads to make them lose weight. ok, he was 6 at the time, but still. :p

taking my cat for a walk is something I always wanted to do, but my cat just sits there with the collar on... If we ever need to call him we call out his favourite food when he won't respond to his name :p. Disobedient little fatty.

One of my buddies has a cat that just follows him where ever he goes. he once came up to drop some DVD's off and his Cat and dog were both following him in tow. Pretty funny.
These cat stories are so cute. In Greece when you want to call a cat (besides using his/her name) you use the global "pppsss" sound. Guess why. "Fish" is called "psari" in modern greek. ;) And it's pretty much the sound they always respond to. It's also fun picking out kitty names when you want them to contain that sound and you don't want to use the standard name for cats, that can be pretty hard.
Well my cat is called "piss face", so I'm suprised I have to shout "ham" to get him interested. :p.

I also go "choo choo choo" Like a bird to get him to pay attention. Which makes me realise I should have called him... chewbacca.

My cat is actually called Eric. :p...
One of my buddies has a cat that just follows him where ever he goes. he once came up to drop some DVD's off and his Cat and dog were both following him in tow. Pretty funny.

I love cats, and all that following behavior isn't surprising. Cats can be very loyal, though their reputation signifies otherwise. Some breeds are more interested in human interaction than others, but each cat has its own personality, so that's more of a guideline than fact. When I get out of college I plan on adopting a feline - I want a black cat a lot.
when my cat was hidden somewhere in the house in the evening and didnt want to come to go outside for the night (the cat couldnt sleep inside because than she would wake us up at 5 because she wanted to go outside, or she would pee behing some furniture.), we just shake the cat biscuit box, or make noise with a tablesooon against a food can, and call her name. Tha always worked, and it was so funny to see her run for the food every time