The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

Sorry for the double post but...

I just won a cd.

I love bands who send me cds for free.
The band is Plastic Parachute, they had a small contest in their myspace and i won..
Incidentally, the cd is called "Elephants & Giraffes", talk about karma. ;)
I like them, but they're not metal. :p They're also awesome with the fans, it seems like they always find time to talk to them.
I'm easily entertained:


Yeah, those are my bed sheets. Yes, red. And no - not because of blood of virgins: Philly ran out of virgins shortly after I moved there. I just like it that way.

All clichés are partly based on reality, and in some cases also on prejudice and discrimination. The dirty Sánchez is a bit of both (except for the coprophilia thing, which is 100% racial discrimination). Funny how they chose "Sánchez" for that, because it's more of a Spanish name and not that frequent in Mexico, at least. They got it better with Speedy González.

Meh, what prejudice are we talking about here? The guy I know (looks like Eric Bana, btw, really smart kid, not your white trash type) almost got shot - was chased, at least, - by some latina's father, huge construction worker, then her brother called him and was threatening to kill him if he would continue seeing his sister. I mean - movies is one thing, but when it's a true story, you know, makes one think twice; and that's where you get discriminated for being white (like I give a fuck who you are before you tap that "white boy" shit), but I see they give you "those looks" just because you look older - that's fucking ignorant.

Hey, and everyone likes shit. They just don't admit it. Human nature, you know?
@plintus: i'm told that the same thing happens in italy with romanian girls. a friend of mine (same story as yours - smart guy, decent job, not a lowlife etc) has a mate from Romania with whom he really gets along, but the moment he invited his sister to the movies there was hell to pay. incidentally, my friend wasn't even trying to hit on her, he was just really saddened by the fact that she had mentioned never going to a movie theater since she moved to italy. but apparently it was really a big deal, since he's my age and she's 19.

edit - i have a set of crimson bed sheets, i'm glad to find out i'm not the only one with silly-colored linen.
plint: I know what you mean. there's plenty of such violent imbeciles around here, that's where the cliché thing comes true. it's a very sad cultural problem.

i guess i concur on the shit thing as well.
We're both depressingly old.

Shut up! :)

King Chaos said:
Anyway, I'm having serious girl trouble... And I just want to write about it because it'll help, so there's no real need to read any of this. It's insanely confusing and I'm pretty depressed. My Girlfriend and I (of just over a year) broke up just over a month ago because a new guy moved in across the street from her a while back and she started sleeping over in his bed/kissed him/was best mates with him and despite me obviously showing a distaste for that kind of disloyal behavioiur (I got very jeallous) it continued and continued and escalated and she started becoming like him.

The guy is a complete chav... Does drugs... and is basically the best example of english scum. She got roped into that sort of rave culture etc and it was heart breaking for me because it's a culture I have alot of distaste for. But anyway, I ended the relationship because she was making a fool of me with this guy, leading him on but playing emotional games with me, telling me I'm the one she really wants etc.

I still really love her, because it's hard to just stop loving someone and she really wanted to get back with me, so the compremise was basically, I would still be here for her, but the moment I felt any tie to her (i.e. if we agreed to be in a relationship again) I just got jeallous again about all the shit that happened with this other guy. But for not being able to take her back, she has punished me by still going to this guy and his friends. I am fully aware, that she can do what she wants if I don't make her mine... But two days ago she started actually dating this guy and all this time I've felt so guilty because she's been saying I'm the only one for her and she'll never love again etc... and because of this I completely lost touch with the fact that we split up because SHE hurt ME... She hurt me with this guy, who despite her still apparently loving me etc, she is now an item with.

It's so insanely painful, because she's trying to tell me I pushed her to him, when I've been dedicating myself to her despite us breaking up.

I feel so mixed up now... like, guilty that I can't control my jeallousy and make her mine again... but then I also feel so betrayed. She messed me about SO much, but it's still apparently my fault that things haven't worked out because I can't swallow my pride and take her back after everything. But what's to say she'd change? There's no evidence for it so far.

Oh man, this cant be happening, really. I was so glad when you got together with her, said how great she is. She seemed so normal from what you said before. And then she does that. I dont really get it. Talk about jealousy, some guys would go berserk, you just ended the whole thing. Apparently she doesnt realise that had it been someone else, she mightve ended up with a black eye or something. Shit like that is just unbelievable - being in a relationship and start sleeping in bed and playing around with some other guy. What is she, 14 or what? And then blame you. Was it some kind of test or what? There is only one thing that comes to my mind as a reasonable explanation. Youve been quite busy with your band lately, maybe she was feeling lonely or I dont know. Could it be?
@KC: Disloyalty began when she slept with the other guy while you were together, so I don't see how it could be even remotely be because of you not "making her yours" that she started dating him: your withdrawal was a legitimate reaction. In a committed relationship sexual infidelity is commonly accepted as pretty solid ground to end things, and well you did. To cope with the emotional residue it's probably best to sever contacts for a while. To deal with the failure of the relationship and to accept she's simply not the one for you, it may take time and getting treated better by someone else.
@KC: Disloyalty began when she slept with the other guy while you were together, so I don't see how it could be even remotely be because of you not "making her yours" that she started dating him: your withdrawal was a legitimate reaction. In a committed relationship sexual infidelity is commonly accepted as pretty solid ground to end things, and well you did. To cope with the emotional residue it's probably best to sever contacts for a while. To deal with the failure of the relationship and to accept she's simply not the one for you, it may take time and getting treated better by someone else.

Words of wisdom.

However, I came to this all by myself - was in the same situation not that long ago, without too much drama shut everything out and concentrated on things which are really important to me.

I mean: why the fuck chase someone who's not into you as much as you are into her? She slipped once, she'll slip again ("fool me once saying", aye?)

Pull your shit together and be the one she'll always want and will never get.

Fucking kids...
yesterday i found out that my father set the right time on my alarm clock, which used to be 1 hour and 20 minutes fast. it was a big change. this inspired me to set also the stereo's calendar/clock, which is currently about a year fast, so maybe some day i'll do that :p
in the meanwhile i'm still puzzled about who sets the car's clock (which, by the way, isn't a digital clock, but a big old one just next to the speedometer) and how they do that: i still haven't found any button near it in the past years, yet that clock is always right.
@hilj: i think it's santa.

hint: normally them old analogical car clocks have a button in the middle. you never know it until you randomly push it and stuff happens.

edit: i want to sue thomas harris for ruining my life. my impossible standards are all his fault, and all he does in the way of atonement is make more and more money (also, i might want to sue a few choice fanfiction writers, but there's not much cash in it, so i'd better let them be). :p
edit: it makes me angry just to read it again, so it's removed. worthless piece of shit that want to be called educated people don't deserve posts.