The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

Since when a concept album about a real-life war was funny? It's really good, but funny is definitely not teh word...
and speaking about funny (probably only if you are old enough to make sense of the reference):
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I feel GREAT!!!

Im in Wisconsin in this really nice bed and breakfast that was built by a student of Frank Lloyd Wright back in 1905. My g/f and I came up there to her mother's cabin for Thanksgiving yesterday, but we had to stay b/c this place is just awesome :). The B&B that is.

I'm 26 today, and feel no different than 25 yesterday


How romantic huh? :p
Who hacked into Nick's account???

You do feel different than 25 yesterday... Happy birthday, mate! :D
I just got an email about some math seminars that are being given to non-math uni students. I never particularly liked maths, but these lessons are supposed to be done in a different way which will reveal the meaning and beauty of maths. I shouldn't expect too much (how many different ways of teaching can there be?), but it sounds intriguing so i might check it out.
@siren: sounds like a really good idea. go for it, you have my ever-important blessing. :p
@hyena: thanks, i wouldn't consider going without it. :p fortunately, a schoolmate seems to be equally interested in this, which means i'll drag him along. this reduces my chances in the man-hunting department, but i don't expect to find there anything other than geeks. :p

@Rusty: you know the only way to deal with this.... *slaps machine* XD
@siren: geeks = OTP.

on the other hand: i've been actually denied access to a bar on account of my driver's licence not looking authentic enough for the doormen. i do wish i was underage, but this is bloody fucking ridiculous. i was told i have to carry my passport around. yeah fucking right, what if i lose it while trying, of all things, to get into a bar?
@lina: :lol: was forgetting, hehe. but the episode proves to me that it's just unwise to go around with passports.
Around here, some doormen/people selling alcohol/other people with some sort of inferiority compex refuse to accept anything other than BRITISH ID cards or driver's licenses, and tell everyone to walk around with their passports to clubs, pubs, and Tesco. Which is great if, apart from losing your passport, you risk losing your visa as well, which will create all sorts of bureaucratic hassle. I lack a driver's license and use my Swedish ID-card instead, which means I usually end up having to give the person looking at it a lecture on how to interpret it. Despite the fact that everything on there is in English. The usual exchange is:
"Do you have any ID on you?"
"Sure." *Hands over card*
"What's this?"
Well what the fuck did you just ask me for two seconds ago? My photo-ID library card, issued by a bank? "An ID card, it's Swedish."
"It doesn't have your date of birth on it."
Why would I have an ID card without my date of birth on it? So that I can prove that my name really is my name, should I end up having a disagreement with someone who doubts the existence of a name such as mine? "Yeah it does, right there" *points*
"There! It says date of birth right above it." In the Queen's bloody English.
"That isn't a birth date."
"It is. The year comes first. 1985"

It's not like our cards look like fakes either.