The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

nf: wondering, really.

some of you will remember all the ruckus i made about a certain british guy last summer. well, after the ruckus i didn't hear from him for some 50 days, then started hearing from him again. or rather - i thought i was hearing from him, but as time goes by i am more and more convinced that it's actually his desensitized double. how can someone go from claiming he'd wait until we are 70 to be with me if it need be (long story, but the details are not really relevant) to keeping all conversation to updates on work and menial stuff? i maybe kind of want all of the undying love back, but most of all i really want to understand how can one sidestep the undying love so neatly in the brief space of a few months. wasn't it supposed to be, like, undying?
@lina: yeah, but i had this very heavy metal construct where it would not let us do so. also, i thoughtlessly assumed that there would be a middle ground - one thing is declaring eternal love for someone day in and day out, one thing is just discussing menial stuff about work. but he withdrew completely and i wonder how can one do that, i don't think i would be able to.
Obviously he still feels what he used to for you, or at least to a lesser extent. But since you two came to an agreement, I guess he doesnt feel the need to rub salt in the wound day in and day out, so he tries how far you two get with normal conversations and everyday stuff. Sadly, funny stories from work dont really compare to declarations of eternal love..
I'm not sure you guys are looking at this from the right angle: sure, they decided to pretend. But he's always liked pretending a little too much: the whole situation was just a lot of fat make believe for him since he didn't do jack shit to change things, so I'm not surprised he's being very diligent in interpreting this new role.
@rahvin: i am now picturing a photo of Big Ilaria looking in the distance toward her imaginary junkie boyfriend, captioned "fat make believe". i really think the expression has instant classic potential, we'll need to print shirts and mugs :lol: :lol: :lol:

and seriously now (even if it's hard to be serious with this image in mind), i just wonder what he does get out of these pointless conversations. he once mentioned he had "a little black book to die for". so is that what it is, a potentially useful contact? my favorite explanation is that he cannot face the consequences of admitting to his feelings, but this is so optimistic that i may be instantly sick. :p
@hyena: there is only one truth and it is bitter, cold and hard: men are full of crap.

i mean, i'm a siren, i should know.
@siren: well, normally i would say that we have the worst cognitive angle possible with respect to men, since we live in sexist cultures. so our men tend to be quite more full of crap than others, if only because they feel entitled to have 12,342 women and expect fidelity from all of them. but then again, the guy in question is british, so the line of reasoning just doesn't apply. there's only so far that anthropology can get you. :cry:
@hyena: i think you hit the nail on the head when you said "quite more full of crap than others". men are full of crap by default, some are just more so than others. i'm an inch away from swearing off greek men, by the way.

as for the british guy in question, i think he's what i call 'gay'. he's obviously bored in his marriage (i'm not wrong on the guy, eh?), but too much of a wussy to give up its comfort. he's still bored and wants the self-confidence you give him and the excitement of the play, but maybe a bit afraid to get serious with you again. but he knows you like him, so it's the same. plus some people like to be on good terms with people of status like you, so the explanation of keeping a good contact could also be valid. besides, everyone knows british guys are gay. :p
@siren: well, the one thing that doesn't fit is "why did he like me at all if he's gay?", but i guess there are two answers to this: (a) you were using the word figuratively (b) people on the fitness thread were right in claiming that i'm really a guy.

and you know, the whole denouement is just hard to believe. i used to think people got it all wrong because they didn't read what he had to say at the time etc etc, but rahvin did read a good selection of his emails, and he still thinks that he was a chicken. i just don't know, i would never put all that effort in something that just flies out the window the moment i say 'bubububu'.
This is about a new poster in the "character best album" thread. Didn't want to hijack that one, though, so it's here for whoever needs to feel better about themselves.

It's astonishing how many people can't spell "definitely", but Count_Filth excels in many other areas, when it comes to horrible posts.

He's been away for almost two years since his first forays into Ultimatemetal, but I expect great things from him now that he's back, considering his past efforts.

Let me count the ways:

His favorite Iron Maiden song is quite unheard of

Hollowed Be Thy Name will always be the greatest from them

He has very coherent opinions about Metallica

I don't think it matters that they suck ass now, even though they're like my 2nd favotite band, they're always gonna be one of the greatest bands EVER!

I don't think the Black Album is the best, I'd say that RTL is the best, and how can anyone not like Load and Reload, those albums are kick ass, definetly meeting the standards of the others, they have great songs like Until it Sleeps, King Nothing, Hero of the Day, Bleeding Me, Outlaw Torn, Fuel...etc. I actually prefer these albums that like the Black Album even.

I think that they were fuckin sweet thay have some of my top fav song, but I wonder how much there next album is gonna suck, cause St. Anger sucked big floppy donkey dick, but people are still gonna buy it, because I mean...come on, its metallica!

Of course everyones gonna buy the new album, its Fuckin Metallica! But I bet its most likely gonna suck, but Metallica will always be one of the greatest metal bands ever! ...they've sunk so low...

But at least his morals are quite sound

And I'm sick of everyone being all pissy because they went mainstream some time ago, face it, if that would have been any of you guys, you ass would have probobly sold out in the first couple of years, hell, even Ill admit that I wouldn't give a rats ass about the music anymore if I got all fuckin rich after a couple of albums. No band is gonna stay true for ever, SO STOP YOUR BITCHING!!!!

Did I mention he's a True Patriot?

Dude I hate punk so goddamn much, especially those queers from like green day and the unseen, they're all fuckin douche bags, all they do is bitch about the government and politics, just like the damn hippies, 'the facious government, and society is crumbling because of it, and the hipocrites...' and all that bullshit, I'm sick of it!
I seriously think that I speak for every true American out there when I say this..
"If you don't like how America works,

Long Live America!

....except for The Offspring, they rock.

Whew! The Offspring can breathe a sigh of relief. At least they're not blaming everything on the facious government.

I've never even salluted any kind of flag, but since this is my country, I do support it durring the war.
Everyone wants to go to war, no matter what, to prove their country is the best, and deserve respect, like from Osama to America. I actually think that it would NOT be inhumane to just bomb Afghannistan, conflicts like those can't be avoided, so just resolve them however.

I'm convinced! Let's off to bomb all countries whose name we can't spell. Evil Adzerbaijdfjdfjdfgggjjhan sure must have some WMDs buried in all those treacherous consonants there!

America doesn't need to change shit! its perfect just the way it is.

That brought a tear(gas) to my eye.

He totally gets Cradle of Filth's deep, meaningful lyrics: they're about... err... yeah, I'm pretty sure they're about...

Some of the besy metal lyrics have got to be Cradle, not only are they kick ass elizabethan style but are like serious comedy. Like this, "The breath of the store begins, By forcing its herod tongue in, The womb of the holy virgin,To taste of immaculate sin", and, "The countess fell to masturbating with Her dagger" and "Gilded Cunt", they're just fuckin awsome.

I'll soon change my title to "kick ass elizabethan style".

Unfortunately, his hate for Good Charlotte gets in the way of him learning the actual name of the band

good charolate IS punk, thus, they lick ass

punk like good charolate is just useless, punk licks balls!!!

Another victim of the great homosexual conspiracy against heavy metal

Hell yea, rap sucks ass. I fuckin have to listen to it every god damn day because my teachers are gay and won't let me listen to my shit!

Gay people! What will they think of next?

A lot of pent up anger coupled with some mother issues make most of everything either suck or lick intimate parts in every Count_Filth post.

Dude! Rage against the machine? They lick balls, I listened to a album of them once, a part of me even died that day for listening to them. I hate all rap/rock, especially those queers the beastie boys, fuckin ey dude, who the hell let those douche bags produce. If their producer was here in my room right now, I would kick the cockfag right in the flaps!!!
I'm not sure what faggity singers they are but ill I know is that its rap, so its crap.

But I better stop before I get him angry. Thank goodness I don't particularly like Cannibal Corpse.

You could go to hell, douche bag, I bet YOU probobly listen to those cockfags, CC.
Thank you Rahvin for putting so much effort in giving the members here a good laugh. :lol:
@rahvin: :lol: i shouldn't be reading about "the countess masturbating with her dagger" right after breakfast, but it was fucking hilarious. :p

incidentally, for additional laughs: last week in Evanston there was a hispanic waiter who'd taken a shine to me, and he was always trying to make conversation while serving breakfast. since he was a fun guy, i indulged him - most of all, he wanted to know simple phrases in italian. so one day he tried to surprise me with his newfound proficiency by saying "buongiorno contessa. or is it principessa?". now, this is really funny, in the sense that principessa (princess) is a very common way for a man to address a woman he likes, mostly in a tongue-in-cheek way but not always - on the contrary, contessa (countess) really sounds formal and, for some reason, hilarious. in italian you could expect a phrase like "good morning princess, want to take a stroll by the lake with me?", but the only thing I can think of for contessa is "Good morning countess, your horses have been fed and the carriage is waiting for you outside". :p
@Tali: what makes you think I don't want to read posts like the ones I quoted?

But I agree about the man-bashing. Try considering that the male equivalent is -- I don't know -- all women are sluts, and I don't think any girl would take kindly to that, even if someone said it in jest.
@hyena: it was (a), of course. i use it figuratively a lot, mostly to describe behaviours that are not worthy of a real man (you know the stereotype, where men are supposed to be straightforward, honourable and honest, so 'gay' would denote the exact opposite). it's actually something i didn't get out of my head, since in greek there's a term that derives from the greek word for 'gay' and is used for less than honest and straightforward behaviours, like for example when someone fucks you over behind your back.

perhaps the only way to find out what's going on is to ask the guy, but i'm not sure what results this could produce. he could either chicken out or make more false declarations of undying love or cause another round of pain for you.

@rahvin: but of course all women are sluts. except those that post here, that is. :p