Exactly. You understand me perfectly.And are all men crap except the ones who post here, as well? Because I could settle for that, you know, my tunnel vision is a very comforting personality trait.![]()
This is about a new poster in the "character best album" thread. Didn't want to hijack that one, though, so it's here for whoever needs to feel better about themselves.
@hyena: it was (a), of course. i use it figuratively a lot, mostly to describe behaviours that are not worthy of a real man (you know the stereotype, where men are supposed to be straightforward, honourable and honest, so 'gay' would denote the exact opposite).
Siren said:perhaps the only way to find out what's going on is to ask the guy, but i'm not sure what results this could produce. he could either chicken out or make more false declarations of undying love or cause another round of pain for you.
@hyena: it was (a), of course. i use it figuratively a lot, mostly to describe behaviours that are not worthy of a real man (you know the stereotype, where men are supposed to be straightforward, honourable and honest, so 'gay' would denote the exact opposite). it's actually something i didn't get out of my head, since in greek there's a term that derives from the greek word for 'gay' and is used for less than honest and straightforward behaviours, like for example when someone fucks you over behind your back.
hyena said:Now I wanted to ask you a personal question, so as usual feel free to sidestep it where necessary. I was wondering if you are any happier in your family life than you were a while ago, and in general what your attitude toward the future with your wife is. I'm asking because I reckon that maybe most of the opinions expressed in the first half of the year were clouded by the presence of an alternative perspective, and I wonder what emerged when you were able to look at it even-handedly again.
I had to clarify, cultural gap and all.i wasn't serious.![]()
I don't seem to be doing too well in that department lately, do i? I'll keep it in mind for when i apply for ambassador, and i'll make sure to delete all my compromising posts by then.Yeah, but as much as that makes sense, it's still a rather politically incorrect thing to say and so against the current gay-ass tolerance trends. So you're such a flunker when it comes to diplomacy tests.
QRV made a good guess.bets are open on the response, closest guess wins 100 pineapples.
It's called life, plinty. That's why Seinfield is better.
@plintus: well, if it is any help, i'm bored by this story as well, but in this case the correct remote would probably be a gun.![]()
the thought then triggered a memory of macabre's 'mary bell, child from hell, where are you now, are you doing well?' and i thought i didn't really feel like replying.![]()
by the way, is the circle ii circle singer the old savatage singer? or, say, his cousin?
Of course it's him. That's why he's good.
why the hell did you include cheesy hard rock?![]()
I kinda like Savatage's Dead Winter Dead. It's pretty cool, and sometimes funny, like when they go all exaggerated arena rock or play the Burger King retard song.