The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

This is about a new poster in the "character best album" thread. Didn't want to hijack that one, though, so it's here for whoever needs to feel better about themselves.

that was great, i havent laughed so much in a while :lol::lol::lol::lol:
this Count_Filth guy really is a troll :yow:
@hyena: it was (a), of course. i use it figuratively a lot, mostly to describe behaviours that are not worthy of a real man (you know the stereotype, where men are supposed to be straightforward, honourable and honest, so 'gay' would denote the exact opposite).

i wasn't serious. :p

Siren said:
perhaps the only way to find out what's going on is to ask the guy, but i'm not sure what results this could produce. he could either chicken out or make more false declarations of undying love or cause another round of pain for you.

that's what i did - actually, the following sentence was featured in an email i sent him today:

Now I wanted to ask you a personal question, so as usual feel free to sidestep it where necessary. I was wondering if you are any happier in your family life than you were a while ago, and in general what your attitude toward the future with your wife is. I'm asking because I reckon that maybe most of the opinions expressed in the first half of the year were clouded by the presence of an alternative perspective, and I wonder what emerged when you were able to look at it even-handedly again.

i think i'm being, like, real slick. :p due to the time difference, he's only going to answer tomorrow - bets are open on the response, closest guess wins 100 pineapples.
@hyena: it was (a), of course. i use it figuratively a lot, mostly to describe behaviours that are not worthy of a real man (you know the stereotype, where men are supposed to be straightforward, honourable and honest, so 'gay' would denote the exact opposite). it's actually something i didn't get out of my head, since in greek there's a term that derives from the greek word for 'gay' and is used for less than honest and straightforward behaviours, like for example when someone fucks you over behind your back.

Yeah, but as much as that makes sense, it's still a rather politically incorrect thing to say and so against the current gay-ass tolerance trends. So you're such a flunker when it comes to diplomacy tests.

Dang it, this whole topic is so fucking homosexual.

hyena said:
Now I wanted to ask you a personal question, so as usual feel free to sidestep it where necessary. I was wondering if you are any happier in your family life than you were a while ago, and in general what your attitude toward the future with your wife is. I'm asking because I reckon that maybe most of the opinions expressed in the first half of the year were clouded by the presence of an alternative perspective, and I wonder what emerged when you were able to look at it even-handedly again.

:lol: No offense hyena, but that sounds as if it came out of a cyborg. I just hope he doesn't answer something like "I reckon happiness is a transitory stage that intertwines with moments of fear, boredom and frustration. My family life is currently passing through a stage of deep, unispired boredom that eventually arouses in me impulsive feelings of freedom which are troubled by gut-slashing sensations of guilt and responsability. I suppose my part in this situation hasn't been clarified in my mind, and so right now my life is marked by uncertainty and confusion. I don't think I can make a decision that would entirely satisfy neither my needs nor those of the people involved. Besides, if I choose the alternate perspective you talk about, I'm afraid nothing will assure me that history won't repeat itself like Ouroboros. This is so fucked-up."

Anyway, do those hundred pineapples come with bottles of rum?
i wasn't serious. :p
I had to clarify, cultural gap and all. :p

Yeah, but as much as that makes sense, it's still a rather politically incorrect thing to say and so against the current gay-ass tolerance trends. So you're such a flunker when it comes to diplomacy tests.
I don't seem to be doing too well in that department lately, do i? I'll keep it in mind for when i apply for ambassador, and i'll make sure to delete all my compromising posts by then. ;)

bets are open on the response, closest guess wins 100 pineapples.
QRV made a good guess.
My bet is that he will say how much his marriage sucks (maybe doing a bit better now, but still it's not satisfying), and he will avoid to answer the question about his future with his wife. He might try to deny the clouded by an alternative perspective thing, he's still confused and he hasn't reached any conclusion. He will also try to fish where you stand.
@siren: what cultural gap? we both live in sunny, chauvinistic southern european countries with a lot of history, and soon we'll have the same religion too. :p

@qrv: ok, after establishing that i'm not a man i now have to establish that i'm not a cyborg. hehe. seriously now, i believe that my style could be best identified with "walking over the eggshells", in this case. nobody knows where they stand atm, there's been quite a bit of trauma in the past, and caution is in order.

by the way, i refuse the general association between being articulate and being cold: it happens that sometimes one is articulate just because thoughts and feelings are articulate, so that's how they came out. of course there are short universals, such as "i love you", or "i power metal you" as master rahvin likes to say, but it's not as one can fit every single nuance into that all the time.

anyway, you two will probably have to share the pineapples, both guesses made a lot of sense. rum is available but not compulsory.

@plintus: well, if it is any help, i'm bored by this story as well, but in this case the correct remote would probably be a gun. :p
no pineapples for the wicked:

To answer your question, I think that the realisation I have come to is that, not having left earlier this year I never will - in part because the moral principle is now set firm, in equal part because it couldn't happen that anyone comes along who comes close to you. As a result my perspective has changed and I am consciously not thinking about what could be different on the outside, as it were, but instead how things could be different on the inside, and at some stage I am sure the process will stop being a conscious one. That is probably the best way I can put it.

i was left thinking 'all is well that ends well then' (re the focusing on how things could be different from the inside). the thought then triggered a memory of macabre's 'mary bell, child from hell, where are you now, are you doing well?' and i thought i didn't really feel like replying. :p
@hyena: i'd be happy with 50 pineapples, but i'm equally happy that the guy was clear.

as for the cultural gap, greek men are identified as homosexuals, while italian men are usually identified as macho, sexy or great lovers. scratch the great lovers part, greek men also have that fame. :p
@siren: for some reason, when i read "clear" i though of the meaning that the word has in scientology jargon, i.e. more or less "entirely spiritual". now, it's anyone's guess why i think in scientologist lingo, and also, as a credit to your country, these people are banned over there, if i'm not mistaken. yay for greece, gay men or not: at least they don't worship ron hubbard. :p
@rahvin: i guess it's because one uses the word 'well' a lot while writing in english, and the ditty's catchy, so associations are easy. or we're all nuts (and pineapples).

by the way, is the circle ii circle singer the old savatage singer? or, say, his cousin?
Of course it's him. That's why he's good.

oh. he did sound familiar.

incidentally, i really like all the music you gave me, but i can't help asking a question: why the hell did you include cheesy hard rock? :lol:
I kinda like Savatage's Dead Winter Dead. It's pretty cool, and sometimes funny, like when they go all exaggerated arena rock or play the Burger King retard song.

I have to admit, Savatage - in their Zachary Stevens era in particular - are, like, my second-favorite classic metal band (after Iron Maiden). Even their records with Jon Oliva singing have something in the music I can't quite forget. Of course, you have to try and block out the sound of his voice first, but nevermind that.

If you like DWD, try selected songs from Handful of Rain and The Wake of Magellan: Chance, Watching You Fall, Staring at the Sun, The Wake of Magellan... Then start listening to Circle II Circle if you liked it, 'cause that's where our unfortunate singer migrated to.