The New Iced Earth...


Watcher in the Sky
Aug 31, 2003
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Well, after owning the new Iced Earth EP 'The Reckoning' for a couple of days, and giving it many many listens in this time... I think I owe it to everyone to say that it did not disappoint! Yes, Tim Owens has actually done himself proud and has not killed a great band which many people thought he might, me included, as I thought his vocal style too different to Matt Barlows to make 'Iced Earth' tracks. He comes to task admirably in this selection of four songs:

The Reckoning almost reminds me of Blind Guardian with its harmonic vocals in the intro. It quickly turns into a nice bit of power metal, with Tim Owens sounding very Halford like, and I think occassionaly straying into Kai Hansen territory, well that's what it reminded me of anyway. The song is nice and up-tempo with some traditionally powerful Iced Earth style thrasing by Jon Schaffer.

When the Eagle Cries is an unplugged version of what will probably be a decent power-ballad style song, this version didn't impress me that greatly though, I'm not too sure why, but the ocassionally English-twanged vocals by Owens seem to clash with the (sickeningly?) American Patriotic lyrics. But what do they matter anyway; this is still a decent song but I think will be greater when some more of that Iced Earth power is put behind it.

Valley Forge for me is an absolute gem on this album, I adore it, it's a pretty simple song but there's so much power behind the chorus, and the song seems so well constructed, and Owens doesn't go OTT with his carbon copy Halford style on this one. I think this song shows that he is now truly in a new band and that Iced Earth will remain great because of it, I can't really say much more, it just HAS to be listened to, I can see this song becoming a classic or at least favorite track on the forthcoming album. A nice solo is whacked off in the middle by session man Ralph Santolla, adding a good bit of variety for IE, and Matt Barlow does backing vocals which just finish off the song nicely. A great track in my opinion and if the rest of the new album follows suit I will cherish it forever.

Hollow Man starts off with an acoustic intro which could be straight out of the Dark Saga, in my opinion a welcome return. The vocals are much like the style used in Valley Forge which is a good thing. The song seems alot more typical of the mid-IE era and that's no problem because I love it. A mixture of acoustic verse and powerful chorus, another good song, a good one to wave a fist at live, I would assume!

The only problems I have with the EP is the, once again, ultra patriotic lyrics by Schaffer, which you can't blame him for, and also the occassionaly Matt Barlow voice in the background that leaves you longing for more, oh, and there's the cover which is a blatant Trooper rip/tribute! Still, this EP is a sign of things to come and it's looking good for Iced Earth.

That's it for my mini review. I don't know why I felt the need to do it really, but I was bored. Don't lose faith in IE people!!!
I will now be glad to see them should the choose to play BS'04, and will be hollering for Valley Forge for certain!

i got it t'other day too and i agree pretty much with joe, theres some classic IE songwriting but without matt you just feel theres always something not quite right.. i think the best way to appreciate it is to forget its iced earth and take it as a whoile new thing...
Jonoleth said:
take it as a whoile new thing...

agreed this is a new era in Iced Earth and from what i have heard this is some of the best writing Jon has penned. Matt was in no doubt a great frontman however he simply just didnt want to be part of IE anymore, i think Tim Owens has done an excellent job handling the vocals on this e.p and i have to admit it took me a while to get over the fact that Matt wasnt singing but now im use to that fact im ready to embrace the new era of Iced Earth.
I've just heard the full new Iced Earth album and although it's musically fine in my opinion it's by far their worst to date. This is no disrespect aimed at Timmy Owens as he does do an excellent job but in my opinion Matt Barlow's voice was Iced Earth. In some respects I now wish Jon had just concentrated on Demons & Wizards.

Don't get my wrong The Glorious Burden is ok. However it's not a patch on say Dark Saga, Something Wicked or Horrorshow.

Also I'm a 2 faced gitt cause I'll probably still go and see them in London. However I hope they don't headline bloodstock.
Eagle said:
I've just heard the full new Iced Earth album and although it's musically fine in my opinion it's by far their worst to date. This is no disrespect aimed at Timmy Owens as he does do an excellent job but in my opinion Matt Barlow's voice was Iced Earth. In some respects I now wish Jon had just concentrated on Demons & Wizards.

Don't get my wrong The Glorious Burden is ok. However it's not a patch on say Dark Saga, Something Wicked or Horrorshow.

Also I'm a 2 faced gitt cause I'll probably still go and see them in London. However I hope they don't headline bloodstock.

Maybe I'm a bit harsh. I just desperately wanted to love this album and at the moment - I don't!
Eagle said:
Maybe I'm a bit harsh. I just desperately wanted to love this album and at the moment - I don't!

It's growing on me and there's no doubt that Declaration Day, Attila and Hold At All Costs are excellent. I suppose I must have been in a state of denial yesterday and now moving onto acceptance. I won't comment anymore for a little while as my head is hurting on this one.