The New Metallica album has a release date!


Who came up with this? I have the utmost respect for Lou Reed but he's hardly rock'n roll and Metallica are just, you know, sort of metal.
Why cant it be Slayer & Willie Nelson instead of this shit?

What are we all expecting other than Lou Reed vocals and maybe some LR guitar licks over some lame new Hetfield riffs? Mind is not blown. That Dave Mustaine proposition for a Metallica/Megadeth super group isn't looking too bad about now.
Metallica finally came up with the ultimate antipiracy system. Just put Lou Reed on the album and nobody will want to download that shit.
Be openminded guys. There is lot of shitty music released everyday. Maybe it will be something new and interesting.
Sometime later Metallica will release their own album.
first clip


uhhhhhhh yeah