The new Nevermore album...


Mar 29, 2008
Is it me, or does anyone else feel that it kindna suck? All the songs sound the same and lack the intensity found in their earlier albums. And they are all shorter than what Nevermore used to write. The only song that impressed me what the title track, and even so it wouldn't be a contender for best Nevermore song. This is probably the weakest album they have released.
false. it's a great album. how can you say 'and the maiden spoke' sucks? it's one of the best nevermore songs. i agree this is a different album for them - very creative and not as aggressive as the previous efforts. i also agree about the song lengths - i was sure more songs would be in the 8 or 9 minute range ala TGE (title track).

all that aside, though, and the album still certifiably kicks ass. warrel sounds fucking killer as usual.
I haven't heard the album yet, but I'm not holding too high of hopes for it. This new era of Nevermore isn't their greatest.
Being a big nevermore fan...

I havn't listened to it all the way through yet, I'm actually listening through it right now. But i've heard enough of it to say TGE is possibly better but it's not their weakest, that's for sure. I like it alot and warrell is on top of his fucking game, it really takes time to like his vocals but he's awesome. I dunno, good solid riffage, great vocals, decent enough to not want to burn it
send it to wcannibal in a PM and whomever else is interested (or you know, try looking for it. google is a wonderful thing)
I posted a short review track by track in the Nevermore section of the boards but I realize I dont like any official band forums since they are to often flooded with fan-boys who will support their band no matter what and always praise the new stuff uncritically. I am a big Nevermore fan. I would actually go so far as to say that they are one of my favorite bands. That is why Im a bit dissapointed. This is what I wrote:

Bear with me. I just finished my two first listens to the new album so things may grow on me or they may not. For now I tend to agree with alot of what Azal wrote above although I wouldnt be quite as negative in tone.

In general I find the album to lack inspiration. Again this is after the very first listen to I cant analyze to much but I have heard everything before. I think its actually the performance of Warrel Dane I feel is the most uninspired. TGE was very direct with me - I loved it from the get-go and it stayed that way. I always thought Warred had a special feeling in his vocal delivery but this time around I hear it but dont feel it.

Termination proclamation - I think this track is alright instrumentally but I dont like the vocal melody in the chorus at all.

Your poison throne - Rise, rise, rise? WTF? Again the music is pretty good but the vocal melodies have been heard before - the "your poison throne is obscuring" melody part is definately something we've heard before. Love the solo though.

Moonrise - The intro riff sounds very much like some other riff by Nevermore. Cant remember the song right at this moment though but someone alse can probably identify it closer. The best song so far but I dont feel it holds a candle to most things on anything from DNT through TGE.

And the maiden spoke - The song that instantly popped up as my favorite initially. I really like this one. I got a King Diamond feel in this one - probably has a lot to do with the lyrics. This one is really good. I wish the whole album was as good as this song. For the first time I feel that Warrel contributed something new to his sound without loosing his personality. Good stuff!

Emptiness unobstructed - I like the verse and pre-chorus in this one. Warrel is doing better during this records slower parts for sure. I havent decided on what I think of the chorus yet though. Its quite catchy and I think it might grow on me.

The Blue Marble And The New Soul - I quite like this. I dont have a problem with the piano at all. If anything Id like it higher in the mix. The bad thing here is that it sounds to my ears like Warrel isnt on pitch around 02:20. Luckily its only for that short time. Otherwise I like this one. Not as good as the other Nevermore albums songs with a similar feel but good enough.

Without morals - Pretty unimaginative verse. Love the guitar riff in the pre-chorus but the chorus doesnt quite hold up. I love the guitar solos in this one though.

The day you build the wall - As said befoe the guitars are dumbed down but it doesnt bother me. I think Warrel does a great job lifting this song. And really this song was written for the vocals to carry it no question about it.

She comes in colours - The melodic guitar work in this one is fantastic. Good riffing once it gets heavy. Im not high on the chorus unfortunately but most things around the chorus I do like. Btw what does "she comes in colours" mean?

The obsidian conspiracy - The riffing here is quite amazing. Again I dont think there is enough originality in Warrels delivery in the verse. The rest of the songs is handeled well though from his part I feel.

Looking back at this quick review (after not enough listens) I feel that the major minuses on this record is the start of it. I could easily live withut all 3 tracks at the beginning. Its really starts the record on a bad note for me. Then comes what might become one of my favorite Nevermore tracks ever in "and the maiden spoke" and after that its some ups and some downs although nothing as bad as the first 3 tracks and nothing even close to "and the maiden spoke".

I came in with high expectations and they werent met unfortunately. Most of the cd isnt bad but I get a feeling of "been there done that" with to much of the material.