The New "Rules of Engagement" Everyone please read this!!


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
OK, Maybe it's because it's my birthday or maybe I am just a little wiser this evening before I go to bed with both of my dogs but I feel compelled to be the voice of reason and make a friendly request of everyone who posts here.
I know the world is a fucked up place, with fucked up people who do fucked up things for fucked up reasons, but that doesn't mean we have to perpetuate the misery of idiots here at So after sitting down and reading the onslaught of ignorance and disrespect that seems to find it's way onto every thread I have decided to lay some simple rules down that I would respectfully request that you follow. It's not sensorship-It's not Dictatorship- It's simply about respect. So bear with me.

#1 You can discuss any subject you like, From Islam to Micheal jackson fucking little kids in the ass.

#2 If you disagree with someone make your arguement without saying stupid shit. Be intelligent, make your point and don't blame the French for everything. Express your opinion and debate with facts.

#3 I may be a big fisted redneck with some reservations about people, But the racist shit has got to stop. I have friends of all races and even have muslim friends, they don't agree with my opinions on certain matters however, They allow me to express and debate them with them. Guess how I do it? RESPECTFULLY!

#4 I personally don't give a shit about what people think or say about me. I don't Answer to anyone except me. I support George W. Bush and his war in Iraq and on terrorism. You may not and might feel compelled to disagree with him or my views. This is entirely exceptable as long as you do it?

#5 While I think alot of people come here to spew hatred towards me or America understand this. I don't know you, you don't know me. The shame here is that we could all get to know each other and become friends as well as allies in the fight for a better place to post on the net. To talk about anything from Music to Art, Movies, Opera and world events. I want everyone to know they are welcome to come here and invite their friends to come here. I will reply with the first post.
Let's start off new and get to know and respect each other.
I am going to bed, hopefully my dogs will give me some room and I look forward to meeting everyone on the message board.
Ronin rules! One of my fav movies. Great car chases, great vibe, excellent all around :) . Hello Billy, cool post. Deron here, new owner of :) About to fall asleep myself...adding the "now playing" function back to the site. Peace!
Billy, i am glad you said something. It was exactly what i was thinking. You hit the nail right on the head.

I never posted my opinions on here, because after reading most others opinions i see that i am in the minority here. I don't like 'ol Dubya, and not just because of the war--but for some other things he's been up to. I respect your opinion on him, because you certainly have a right to, even though i don't necessarily agree.

I would never insult someone just cause their opinion is different than mine. I do understand not everyone is like that, but i don't need to be called names and shit just because how i feel is different. And i dont think anyone else should be insulted either. Some of the insults have been downright nasty.

Thanks for speaking up Billy.
Thats cool with me man. Sorry to all who may take what I say seriously. It gets me through work everyday. Its fun to talk shit. Later brothers.
Have read and have respect.It is tough for the White Racial Loyalist of today.We have to fight that constant stereotype.I surely can not speak for everyone,but I know that facts weigh more than opinion and that is my choice of ammo.

I also believe in using some manners.This does not mean I will not say some things people might percieve to be "hateful".I do not go to bed at night with hate on my mind.My struggle is all about empowering my people just as the NAACP does.

The topic of race has become so taboo,that it is depressing that honest discussion can not be had.There are many of us that do not imagine a John Lennon world.We want our piece and our peace.

Now having said that,I will say that I have enormous respect for Billy to even take the time to hang out.I have outplayed that "wigga" song.
Today was the first time I even looked in this forum. I've only heard of SOD, MOD, and I've never heard them. I've heard of Billy Milano, but now I have an idea as to what he's all about.I've decided I want to post on this forum and I will check out SOD adn MOD (I know I'll like them, I'm very open minded in metal music). I've based my decision to check these bands out and post on this forum solely on the fact that I like how Billy Milano has decided to let everyone express their veiws, and do it without a bunch of stupid bastards feeling it necessary to bash everything everyone has to say. I also like how he is very open on his views, and this is an important time in the world to be heard. Your views may have gained you a fan, Billy.

katatonic_fear said:
Today was the first time I even looked in this forum. I've only heard of SOD, MOD, and I've never heard them. I've heard of Billy Milano, but now I have an idea as to what he's all about.I've decided I want to post on this forum and I will check out SOD adn MOD (I know I'll like them, I'm very open minded in metal music). I've based my decision to check these bands out and post on this forum solely on the fact that I like how Billy Milano has decided to let everyone express their veiws, and do it without a bunch of stupid bastards feeling it necessary to bash everything everyone has to say. I also like how he is very open on his views, and this is an important time in the world to be heard. Your views may have gained you a fan, Billy.

Just read the rules of engagement and enjoy the board
peace Billy
katatonic_fear said:
Today was the first time I even looked in this forum. I've only heard of SOD, MOD, and I've never heard them. I've heard of Billy Milano, but now I have an idea as to what he's all about.I've decided I want to post on this forum and I will check out SOD adn MOD (I know I'll like them, I'm very open minded in metal music). I've based my decision to check these bands out and post on this forum solely on the fact that I like how Billy Milano has decided to let everyone express their veiws, and do it without a bunch of stupid bastards feeling it necessary to bash everything everyone has to say. I also like how he is very open on his views, and this is an important time in the world to be heard. Your views may have gained you a fan, Billy.

Just read the rules of engagement and enjoy the board
peace Billy
Did I ever say that it wasn't?

Didn't think I did.

In fact, I agree. If Billy wants to practice Hypocrisy and insult a good portion of his own fanbase while doing so, then he's free to do so.

I just think it strange that he would ignore his own rules, that's all.
Jinn said:
Did I ever say that it wasn't?

Didn't think I did.

In fact, I agree. If Billy wants to practice Hypocrisy and insult a good portion of his own fanbase while doing so, then he's free to do so.

I just think it strange that he would ignore his own rules, that's all.

Look at what I say. I make my arguments and points. Hypocrisy, I don';t think so. The rules are for all the idiots that come here and sling racist shit mainly. So either stay and make your point or go back to the WHAM message board.
Yo Billy, My Social Brother...long time....

Ant told me this would be a good board to check. I see he was right!

justin- from new paltz not that dude from colorado above.