The new Testament album RULES!


New Metal Member
Apr 30, 2008

I'm new to the forums, but I'm no stranger to the world of heavy-metal.

I've been into music since 1997, thanks to a band called Metallica. Since then, I've been opening myself up to other music styles and artists of the past, present, and future.

I did not discover Testament until last year, when I got my copy of First Strike Still Deadly through Itunes. Couldn't get enough of the record and I went out and bought the last record with original material, The Gathering. Kicks my ass to this day still, D.N.R. being my favorite track.

With the Formation Of Damnation out in stores last night, I bought my own copy and it's now this record has been kicking my ass. Favorite track has to be The Persecuted Won't Forget, but this album is a nonstop roller coaster from beginning to end.

So I just thought to introduce myself and hope to be more of this board in the future. Thanks!


Welcome to the board! I agree about the record. Absolutely slammin' from beginning to end. I'm not into the death metal vocal approach used on the title track, but the rest of the record is just pure ear candy!
I wish there was more of his deth metal voice on this album I miss it.Kick ass album though.I don't really here "the New Order" in it.As that was one of Erics comparisons or am I mistakin I thought he compared it to that and "the gathering".There is no clean or acustic guitar.I love it though they kept us waiting to long.Oh ya welcome to the boards!
Can't wait for the next one in 2010!
It was either NewOrder or TheLegacy.
I think, but TFOD sounds more like PracticeWhatYouPreach mixed with The Gathering to me.
I here a few licks and vocal melodies from The Ritual.It's actually the first time I've ever heard them repeat somthing from an earlier album.Yes the thread title does say it all.I'm really likeing this album.Except for that one part.i forget the name of the song but it's when Chuck says 'when you step into the circle"I just don't like the way he sings that.But hey who the hell am I!?I love the bass on leave me forever.Nice and up front.
Thanks for the responses guys!

I'm also really digging Leave Me Forever, the closer for the album. After nearly 40+ minutes of fast, intense metal, it was nice to take a breather for a bit. I like the intro. Really deep stuff from the band!
Cool man,I am also digging the change for that song.Is it me or could the lead on the intro for the first track be a bit louder?I think it's one of the best solos on the album.
hello, im new here. just wanted to say this album is GREAT !!
yes, it's not as good as the masterpiece "the new order" -though no metal album was as good in my opinion- but it's definitely one of their best albums.
TESTAMENT are truely legends, each one of them !!
Welcome to the board! I agree about the record. Absolutely slammin' from beginning to end. I'm not into the death metal vocal approach used on the title track, but the rest of the record is just pure ear candy!
...they use death metal vocals? is it really death metal like suffocation or morbid angel, or just rough? on their previous cds like the legacy and souls of black they didnt use anything like that. i really need to go get this cd, but in the meantime please explain what you mean by "death metal vocal approach".
im intrigued :)
I think it's interesting.

Everyone wants to compare these albums to stuff that was done 20 years ago. Eric and Alex are different players now.

I think it stands on it's own and doesn't really sound like anything they did in the past.

It sounds like Testament still but it doesn't remind me of any past album.
It's not that I set out to compare this album with old one's,The band did that in every interview I read. Eric is the one that made the comparisons.I dont know how you don't here the little guitar stuff from Alex that sounds just like the ritual and one little part from I think 'practice" there is also a rythm part straight off Low.And I think it's track 6 that starts off a lot like( i think it's 6 on the gathering) There are also a couple of repeating vocal harmonies from different albums.This in no way lessons my love of this album but my ears here stuff thats just the way they are.I do agree with you that this album stands on it's own.If anything those parts just remind me of good times.
Finally!!!! I was turned on to this band in 1994/95 from my guitar teacher. I have always felt like this band has never received the credit that they deserve. I had no Idea that Alex had rejoined the band until I saw a recent mag showing Billy, Skolnick & Peterson in a picture. Then I saw a drum ad with Paul on drums w/ Testament's name on it. So after those 2 pictures, I shit my pants and was like OMG I need to dust off those records. Then I saw the Ad for the new album. Fucking pumped. I picked it up yesterday and am fucking blown away. Thank the lord for Billy's recovery and for bringing this lineup together. Skolnick & Peterson together is just a sick combo. I don't think people truely understand how powerful this band is with these 2 guitarists in one band. Tagteam style, these 2 guys would give Hetfield/Hammett, Mustaine/Friedman, Henneman/King a run for there money. Not to say that I want to get into a war, because I love all of these bands to death and they are the foundation of the metal scene. All I'm trying to say is, I just wish Skolnick & Peterson got the same credit. Now I am just going off the top of my head, but I remember skimming through this month's guitar world mag showing the top 50 guitarists. Didn't see any Slayer, Megadeth or Metallica. Even Zakk Wylde took runner up. I did see recognition of a testament member. All I can say is.....I AM SEEING THIS BAND LIVE IN AUGUST!!!!!


Thank you guys.
Thank you guys. The album is absolutly sick! The guitars and production on this thing blows me away.. It is the best thing I've heard in years.
I agree it totally grows on you too with each listen, not one filler track...Job Well Done! and horns high \m/

I'm new to the forums, but I'm no stranger to the world of heavy-metal.

I've been into music since 1997, thanks to a band called Metallica. Since then, I've been opening myself up to other music styles and artists of the past, present, and future.

I did not discover Testament until last year, when I got my copy of First Strike Still Deadly through Itunes. Couldn't get enough of the record and I went out and bought the last record with original material, The Gathering. Kicks my ass to this day still, D.N.R. being my favorite track.

With the Formation Of Damnation out in stores last night, I bought my own copy and it's now this record has been kicking my ass. Favorite track has to be The Persecuted Won't Forget, but this album is a nonstop roller coaster from beginning to end.

So I just thought to introduce myself and hope to be more of this board in the future. Thanks!



Iam also new here ;)
and a big Testament fan since I bought "Low"!
yeah the new album ROCKS!!
There is really no track on it which is disappointing
"Afterlife" is my favourite already :headbang: