the new thyrfing -- it's not just good

Johanna said:
As an album, I think I like the new one better than vansinnesvisor but I kinda miss the hits. None of the songs stood out for me like for example... Ångestens högborg did on vansinnesvisor.

imo DRAUGS HARG and especially VÄRLDSSPEGELN (best thyrfing song ever) stand out more than anything on the new album BUT "jag spår fördärv", "elddagjämning" and "farsotstider" are slowly but surely becoming almost as hitty as those
Erik said:
you sure care a lot about what a bunch of shitty magazines think

I only care what Terrorizer thinks . . . most of the time.

Other than that I trust my skillzzz to tell me this new album is terribly boring. But I also think Amon Amarth have never played a note that wasn't boring. So my input on some things is probably about as important as a third testicle.
OK let me address the question that could make the balance tip towards a purchase:

How does this compare to "Verisäkeet", with this whole talk about it displaying the darker Thyrfing and all?
Erik, I couldn't agree more with your opinion on the new Thyrfing - it's EASILY their best ever IMO after repeated listens. Epic, mature, rifftastic, darker and more menacing than anything they released before. The material also translated really well in a live setting.
MadeInNewJersey said:
best ever? pfft

I stand by my opinion. You can pfft it all you want. None of their other releases have captivated me like this one. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy them all to varying degrees, but the new one just begs to be taken far more seriously, and IMO displays a clear evolution and maturation in songwriting.
sarcasm overload

haha, "he" actually wasn't, but uhhhhhhhh...i'll say it's because i wasn't around in gugs's heyday. yep, that's it, i'm no idiot.
i'm all confused now, i was referring to gugs...never mind, it's dead

incidentally i spotted somebody wearing this
shirt at the comics convention on sunday :Smug: