Thyrfing - Valdr Galga

I always try to read along with the lyrics, especially when listening to death or black metal vocals (since I can't understand a lot of them). It helps me "focus" on the songs, for lack of a better way to explain myself.
markgugs said:
It helps me "focus" on the songs, for lack of a better way to explain myself.

Not at all, I totally get it. In fact, it was reading along with the Morningrise lyrics that helped me understand why I love the album so much. Plus, as you say, I wanted to fully understand what he was saying as at the time I did not have the full on experience with death vocals that I have today.
Dark One said:
Now I have to go back and listen to that Thyrfing song again dammit, since everyone's gushing about it so much. :)

Ok, went back and listened to "Mimer's Well" and "A Great Man's Return" back to back again. "Mimer's Well" rocks, but "A Great Man's Return" is just fantastic! Total speedrocking viking metal bliss with a great headbanging rhythm section. Easily one of my favorite Thyrfing songs. Awesome keyboard outro too....
Dark One said:
Now I have to go back and listen to that Thyrfing song again dammit, since everyone's gushing about it so much. :)
I think you may have partially misunderstood what I was trying to convey. I wasn't praising Thyrfing's lyrics. Truth be told, I think their lyrics are somewhat simple. Granted, English isn't their first language, so I certainly wouldn't criticize them for it. As Guggs said, reading along with the lyrics allows me to better focus on the song. With good songs, the lyrics and the music should be intimately connected. When the vocals are unintelligible, this connection is lost. Reading along with the lyrics helps me reestablish this connection and gives the song a clarity it would otherwise lack.

No misunderstanding, I knew what you were conveying. My addition is that excellent lyrics can enhance the experience even further, however, simply following along with the lyrics (good or not) can enhance your ability to "focus" on the music.

EDIT - I can see where my responses were confusing. I wasn't trying to solely convey that good lyrics enhances the music, but after re-reading it, it comes across that way. My bad.