The News Thread

I don't understand that either. It's pretty clear cut. Hopefully the DA steps in, or some kind of federal action is taken.
"That black guy" also wasn't fighting back, never once threw a punch or tried to push the officers; the entire time he had his hands raised and was simply trying to avoid being arrested. He was terrified of being arrested, and with good reason. Being arrested as a black man is different than being arrested as a white man.
Avoid being arrested??! Silly civilians, rights are for the gubmint.


Garner died after a police officer put him in a chokehold while trying to arrest him for selling tax-free cigarettes.

Poor man didn't know you can't undercut a cartel.
That case feels very different to me. Poor guy did nothing wrong. Bullshit like that is what really is gonna cause explosions.

There's the video, he was basically saying i'm sick of being harasssed and the Cops didn't appear to try any techniques other than forceful arrest. The lack of people skills is upsetting
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Maybe you should be asking why he kept selling unlicensed cigarettes despite being arrested for it in the past. Maybe you should ask why he was targeted thirty-one times. Maybe you should ask why he was resisting - maybe you should ask if he could afford bail, or if he was worried about being taken away from his family, or if he had suffered violence the last time he was thrown in jail.

Maybe you should fucking ask whether the entire situation could have actually been resolved if this guy had just complied.
None of that is the arresting officer's concern. That's for the courts.

Maybe the officer should have asked him if he was terrified and asked him out to lunch

He didn't comply, the officers made a move and forced him to the ground. Unfortunately his poor health and bad decision killed him.
Was anyone else snickering at the completely stereotypical Tubbycop that comes in at the end to just kind of lean on everyone? NY's Finest.
None of that is the arresting officer's concern. That's for the courts.

Maybe the officer should have asked him if he was terrified and asked him out to lunch

He didn't comply, the officers made a move and forced him to the ground. Unfortunately his poor health and bad decision killed him.

Really sorry man, but you're a fucking jackass. It's the easiest thing in the world for us to look at this video and go, "Well, idiot should have complied." It's a lot harder to use your critical thinking skills and maybe look from a different perspective.
Because you're such a unique special little snowflake only you can see this perspective and understand these important things. Please, give me a break.

Common sense just ain't so common huh? Bottom line buddy, If you resist arrest there is a small chance you can be injured and/or die. It's not that fucking complicated Professor.
I think you are confusing the term resisting arrest. He wasn't violent nor was he really resisting. Asking to not be harassed and the officers didn't even try to subdue his arms for quite a while after he was put to the ground and already claiming he couldn't breathe. How do you know his arrest history? I havent seen that.

It is more complicated, and there are more options than a fucked up neck restraint that results in suffocation. I don't claim to be "special" you condescending prick; but there are some things that become quite clear if you bother to simply get outside your box.

I'm mad about this death, and I'm mad that people are blaming Garner. There's no reason for that in this particular case. So, I apologize for the emotional response; but I'm not concerned about it interfering with my judgment.


His arrest record is long; but it has mostly been for black market sales. He's clearly just a guy who's trying to survive by participating in market transaction.
Well I don't mean to be condescending but you did start with the name calling. Maybe you don't claim to be special but you do come off a little precious sometimes.

Now I don't necessarily agree with how the officers handled the situation but I'm no cop and have no idea what it's like to be in a situation like that. Maybe those officers have some experiences where they let something like this carry on way too long and suffered the consequence.

But we all know, we allllll fuckin' know when a cop tells you you're under arrest you don't yell and scream about it and you don't flail your arms around like a dumbass while hes looking to put cuffs on you.

Technically the guy died from a severe asthma attack. He wasn't literally choked to death.