The News Thread

How did i know that your lame ass was going to be the first to respond? And with your typical 'holy shit" nonsense? I don't know if you've figured it out yet or not, but i dont give a shit about what you or the likes of you think. You guys have been blinded by the leftist media and are absolutely helpless. Stop watching tv and you just might come to your senses ... that's if you had any to begin with, which i highly doubt. Now please, begone. And do me a favor, dont fucking respond to any of my posts ... you're seriously the last fucking person here i'd want to engage in any type of conversation with. And if you were in front of me, i'd definitely feed you a fat fucking knuckle sandwich, that's without a fucking doubt. Now scram!
How did i know that your lame ass was going to be the first to respond? And with your typical 'holy shit" nonsense? I don't know if you've figured it out yet or not, but i dont give a shit about what you or the likes of you think. You guys have been blinded by the leftist media and are absolutely helpless. Stop watching tv and you just might come to your senses ... that's if you had any to being with, which i highly doubt. Now please, begone. And do me a favor, dont fucking respond to any of my posts ... you're seriously the last fucking person here i want to engage in any type on conversation with. And if you were in front of me, i'd definitely feed you a fat fucking knuckle sandwich, that's without a fucking doubt. Now scram!

Can you try not being retarded?
I was kidding about the knuckle sandwich part, id probably just print my fingers on your face with an open hand.

How did i know that your lame ass was going to be the first to respond? And with your typical 'holy shit" nonsense? I don't know if you've figured it out yet or not, but i dont give a shit about what you or the likes of you think. You guys have been blinded by the leftist media and are absolutely helpless. Stop watching tv and you just might come to your senses ... that's if you had any to begin with, which i highly doubt. Now please, begone. And do me a favor, dont fucking respond to any of my posts ... you're seriously the last fucking person here i'd want to engage in any type of conversation with. And if you were in front of me, i'd definitely feed you a fat fucking knuckle sandwich, that's without a fucking doubt. Now scram!

The cinemas were free to show the film. This entire incident is a series of private industry decisions.

Several cinema chains voted not to show the film, which then led to Sony shelving it. The government isn't stepping in and saying "Don't show this film." There could be unofficial hints taking place backstage (pun totally intended - all the world's a stage), but this isn't government censorship.

I didn't say it was the government.

It's shit regardless.

And didn't Obama come out and say that Sony had fucked up by doing this?
Yes, he said something along the lines of: "I wish Sony had talked to me first."

What really grinds my gears is the utterly patriotic reaction across the board to Sony's "cowardly" act. It was a business decision. There was nothing nationalistic about it.
So after what happened yesterday, i'd love for anyone here to say that these racial instigators(mainly that POS sharpton), with their protests and rent-a-mobs asking for "dead cops!" aren't mainly responsible for the murder of those two police officers.
I would say those mainly responsible are the trigger pullers. Sharpton might be a blight, but so are those in the media most likely to use phrases like "the liberal media".
But liberal media bias does exist ... not only does it exist, it has basically swept over the goddamned country in the last six or seven years. And it's a fucking virus to the people of today.

I would say those mainly responsible are the trigger pullers.

:lol: What a genius you are. Yea, I didn't know it was the bullets that killed him! C'mon man, don't be so shallow.

So you think if sharpton and his other racist friends didn't give their little instigating speeches and ask for protests("What do we want? DEAD COPS! When to we want them? NOW!") this guy would have still got up from Baltimore and drove down to Brooklyn to put "wings on pigs"? "They took one of ours, lets take two of theirs"? Those pieces of shits that want to call themselves leaders have basically started another racial "war" in this country.

Like i said, if he dropped dead today, this country would be a much better place. That man is just pure poison.
Can they really start a war when the white world has been effectively waging war against them from the start?
See mort, you're the definition of someone who's been brainwashed by the leftist media and is in their little la la land. So that response was expected. Do you guys ever step outside your fucking houses? Where the fuck do you guys live? STOP WATCHING TV!!!!

There are just as many successful African Americans here in my city and state. We have police and sheriff departments that are run by African americans. This country is filled with black millionaires, political leaders, including the fucking president but somehow to you the white man is still waging war on Afro americans in this day and age? Get the fuck outta here with that nonsense man. Turn off your tv, open your fucking door(along with your eyes and ears) and step into the real world.

Yea history is fucked up, but that doesn't give Africa Americans the right to flip it around and be the racists that most of them are today. So the white man has to just bow his head and take it all in because of the past? You do realize that the history of just about every country on this planet has the blood of their neighbors on it, right? Atrocities have been committed by just about every one of our ancestors. So should we just start killing each other again?

Anyone that says cops target black people is fucking retarded. Cops target criminals. A bad neighborhood, regardless of your race, is going to be patrolled more than a good neighborhood. That's just common sense .. not racism.
But liberal media bias does exist ... not only does it exist, it has basically swept over the goddamned country in the last six or seven years. And it's a fucking virus to the people of today.

But a conservative media bias also exists, and a considerably strong one.

Media bias exists on both (or, rather, all) sides, and there's no single media force that actively sweeping the country for the worse. It isn't a virus (which implies some previous state of our existence was better than it is today) and it isn't a directed assault by a governing party. It's cultural conflict, and it happens no matter what era it is. There was a time when abolitionists were looked at as mindless bleeding hearts who didn't understand economics or the true American way. But times change; and those who resist change often cling to pristine visions of the past that never actually existed.
You ignore 95% of talk radio which a large part of the older generations in this country listen to, newspapers, etc.