The News Thread

"In bed with the left"? I doubt they are being bought into their positions. They simply are left. But at least they don't pretend to be unbiased or balanced, especially after CNN gave up any pretense of neutrality or journalism.
@Noume: again, really? Do i need break everything down for you too? The media loves the left, they're basically sucking their dicks. That's what i mean when i say they're in bed together. Try using your brain for a few second before you respond. You're not really that shallow-minded, are you? "But the gun killed him" :lol:

But times change; and those who resist change often cling to pristine visions of the past that never actually existed.

I agree to an extent, but you always hold on to the greater things in life, that's how it's always been and always will be ... you don't just recklessly keep moving forward with a blind eye. I'm not saying progressivism is completely wrong and i'm definitely not on page with the extreme conservatives either. But yes, change is inevitable but blindly moving forward and crushing all the standards and values that made us who we are isn't the type of change people should be looking for. I lot of people seem to think that one side wants change while the other doesn't, when it's not that black and white. But hey that's politics and everything always gets painted in black and white(by both sides) for the sheeps out there. And there's no way anyone can say that the media ball isn't and hasn't been on the democrats side of the court, and they've been using it to try and embarrass the right in some very despicable ways. For example, listening to chris matthews talk is just about the equivalent of listening to hitler talk about the jews, makes me sick to my stomach. That's why even though i'm not a republican, i would never vote for a liberal ... ever.
@Noume: again, really? Do i need break everything down for you too? The media loves the left, they're basically sucking their dicks. That's what i mean when i say they're in bed together. Try using your brain for a few second before you respond. "But the gun killed him" :lol:

Your bombastic ignorance here simply displays no cognizance of agency or personal responsibility.
O'Reilly and The Five are probably the only two programs on FNC that pull in ratings. I'm pretty sure more people watch CNN than fox news. Could be wrong though.

Fox News tends to get better ratings, but it's partially because there's more liberal media outlets, while Fox News is pretty much the only major conservative tv station.
I don't even think i can name another program from that channel outside of the two i already mentioned.

edit: oh yea Megyn Kelly has also picked up some steam over the last few years, and theres that giant doucher hannity .. god i fucking hate that piece of shit. But do those two actually pull in strong ratings?
They all shout down and cutoff anyone who disagrees with them, and all have pretty much the same bloviating style, pushing the same policies and complaining about the same happenings.
Huckabee is definitely nowhere near those guys... one of the nicest and most respectful men on TV. And are you talking about Eric Bolling? I woudln't group him with those guys either. He's basically O'reilly junior. Rush and hannity are on an elite level of douchebagism that can only be matched by a few.
But every anchor on MSNBC sucks except Maddow imo

Ever since they fired Olbermann the channel has been garbage. Maddow isn't bad, though. I'm over most of the evening shows anyway. I prefer to just hear the news without all of the bullshit. My main sources are the AP and USAToday. I also have a cool breaking news app that combines a ton of different sources into one.

Mike Huckabee is basically a mindless zealot. I think its really funny when he has bands on his show and pretends to play with them.
They all shout down and cutoff anyone who disagrees with them, and all have pretty much the same bloviating style, pushing the same policies and complaining about the same happenings.

If you're interested in discussion no one mainstream really does it, I enjoy Maher's HBO show for the actual debating even though there is never enough time to fully debate anything or when he gets a political guest that sounds like an they are reading from memory for every answer possible
Maher?? All these talking heads are hacks. Jon Stewart or John Oliver are a better source of news. And lol at USAToday or Maddow. If I want something approximating real news I am reading Reuters, NYT, Foreign Policy, etc.
Maher isn't biased? Lol yea right. I have a love-hate type of thing with that guy. Some of his stances i totally agree with. But to say he gives a fair shake to republicans would not only be a lie, but so far from the truth that it's actually pretty funny. I don't even remmebr the last time i heard him talk without completely trashing the right wing ... and that "vicious" on the offense liberal attitude of his seems to be getting worse with time. Oh well.
You guys should read or at least watch Manufacturing Consent (I've done both), plus maybe the new media monopoly and the rise and fall of the murdoch empire (although I can't really say that that one is a good book and really it's just a journalists autobiography titled to sell more).

Basically a few corporations own all of the media, the number has fallen dramatically since the 80s and the idea of there being a left wing bias in the American media is a sick joke propagated by the corporate elite. Most of the international relations type news comes from government sources whose continued cooperation has to be mutual, which is basically just as ridiculous as it was when the Soviet Union did it, it just doesn't sound as bad because we're used to it.
Depends on what is meant by "left" really. If by left you mean some sort of Chomskyian or marxist revolutionaries, then no. If by left you mean big govco socialy justicey welfare liberalism, then yes.
Maher?? All these talking heads are hacks. Jon Stewart or John Oliver are a better source of news. And lol at USAToday or Maddow. If I want something approximating real news I am reading Reuters, NYT, Foreign Policy, etc.

Maddow obviously isn't real news, she's just fun to watch. USAToday is definitely legit though. Having left-leaning editorial opinions (that are always published with the opposing opinion) doesn't mean anything.