The News Thread

Maher?? All these talking heads are hacks. Jon Stewart or John Oliver are a better source of news. And lol at USAToday or Maddow. If I want something approximating real news I am reading Reuters, NYT, Foreign Policy, etc.

Maher's show is the only one that actually features discussion, not just a monologue written by staff more or less. I don't think Oliver's show portrays more news or any news to me at all that I don't know from watching Maher, but I always watch both to get a variety of opinions. VICE is the only show that actually offers news and their youtube channel is fantastic as well. I don't watch cable news anymore, but if I had to advise someone who was interested in the best out there, I would say watch Maddow. Who/what show is better? I don't think it's fair to put Daily Show or Colbert as news

Maher isn't biased? Lol yea right. I have a love-hate type of thing with that guy. Some of his stances i totally agree with. But to say he gives a fair shake to republicans would not only be a lie, but so far from the truth that it's actually pretty funny. I don't even remmebr the last time i heard him talk without completely trashing the right wing ... and that "vicious" on the offense liberal attitude of his seems to be getting worse with time. Oh well.

What's with you and this bias thing? Have you just found out about this word today? Everyone is biased in one way or another. Maher's show, I would argue, is the least biased because he actually has discussions featuring different points of view, but he can/his producers to sometimes pick people that just ride his coattails and those episodes are pretty worthless.

He says the republicans are stupid, and their base basically is and put forth some really archaic ideas. He talks shit about democrats too, sooooo
Yeah bro, i just "discovered" that word ... but have been complaining about liberal media bias for years now. Just like how i "discovered" Testament and Whiplash last week.:rolleyes: Fuckin' moron.

Jon Stewart for example, as mentioned earlier, is far less biased than he is and shows respect to every one of his guests ... and is an overall class act. Maher on the other hand, tries to eviscerate most of his right wing guests every chance he gets and i certainly don't need to tell you that if you watch his program.
Stewart is literally the epitome of left wing ideology, I don't think you know what bias means. Maher never intends to eviscerate any guest, so not sure you watch the show
I've never been to America. I've seen the news from the major US networks though.

I don't think that there is such a thing as a perfect political system or economic policy or system. I think you have to look into what exactly a state is and why it exists.

What do you think of this NoumeGnon:

The point missing, in this exact wording, from that article, is that despite being a successful prestige/affluent clientele/whatever retail chain, it's actually a workers co-operative. So basically a bit like communism. You wont hear about that though. There have been others in Britain too.
I've only seen Maher's 'Religilulous' or whatever, but I did find him to be kind of a douche. Its one thing to say whatever you want on your show, another seeking out people just to contradict them. Straight up rude IMO, and I'm far from religious. Then again who knows how much of that was real or how much money they were paid.
I actually thought Religulous was pretty awesome.

Stewart is literally the epitome of left wing ideology, I don't think you know what bias means. Maher never intends to eviscerate any guest, so not sure you watch the show

Yea bro, i don't even know who they are, i just made all of that right up.:rolleyes: I can link about 25 clips here with Maher blasting right wingers throughout the years(including guests) ... sometimes even ganging up on em' with his other lefty guests, but i'm not even going to bother. And did i say Stewart isn't a left winger? Do you really fail at reading that badly? And you have the nerve to say i don't know what bias is? So if you're a left winger that automatically makes you a bias lefty? :lol: You're fuckin' hilarious man. And honestly, jokes aside, i think you're truly about as smart as a bag of hammers.
How was Religulous pretty awesome? He basically did "Jay-walking" specifically targeting religious people. People are ignorant, more news at 11. I did think it was hilarious Ken Ham figured out his gig and shut it down.

Edit @ SS: What about it?
I don't mind the laughing at religion. It's when you go pick on some poor schmo with that shit eating grin and under false pretenses that I don't find it amusing.
Things in nyc are getting really intense. Not saying I don't feel safe or anything but there's a tone that's unmistakable. Kinda happy I'm in a decent part of Jersey these days.
There is really only one bias in the media, and that's toward ratings (i.e. money).

There are leftists and conservatives in the media, and they tend to let their views influence their reporting. That's inevitable. There's no such thing as a pure observer, and there are no pure facts. Facts only register on an impactful level with an audience if those facts mean something; and they can only mean something at an ideological level. This is Nietzsche 101: truths become perspectives as soon as Man discovers them.

The trumped up charges of a left-leaning media establishment are actually embellished by the right-leaning media establishment; so it goes in a big circle. The White House doesn't pay journalists for good stories; but sure, if Obama has to answer a hard question he'll probably let a liberal journalist ask it. The whole entire thing is a sideshow. Do all of us really believe that what's going on with North Korea is actually what the major news stations report is going on?

Ultimately, the best way to get the news is to read multiple sources, combine that with what you see coming out of new media (i.e. twitter feeds, Facebook, video uploads, etc.), and underscore all of this with a halfway-decent knowledge of how ideology works.
How was Religulous pretty awesome? He basically did "Jay-walking" specifically targeting religious people. People are ignorant, more news at 11. I did think it was hilarious Ken Ham figured out his gig and shut it down.

Edit @ SS: What about it?

I don't know, I thought that type of thing couldn't happen according to your beliefs.
Anyone catch last weeks Real Time? Maher was just spewing nonsense out of his ass as usual but this time he took the cake ... every single word that came out of that mans mouth this week was completely cringeworthy, and having a dumb fuck like howard dean on his panel didn't help either.

"what does the navy even do? What do we need them for?" "people who go see american sniper are people who are angry" "most of the people that watched the movie are tea baggers" :lol: :lol:

I genuinely feel sorry for any human being that is on the same page as these liberal lefty clowns.

Good thing at least Bret Stephens was there to school both of those idiots.
Maher is an annoying shit I'll give you that, but everyone I've known that went to see American Sniper has been the usual suspect - "SUPPORT THE TROOPS OR YOU'RE A COMMIE AND SATAN" types

Don't have time for idiots like that nor the propaganda pieces meant to placate them.
Yea those types of people are obviously gonna go see it. But do you know how many people have already watched it? It's the highest selling war movie of all time. To say that everyone that watched is one of those nutcases you mentioned isn't accurate at all ... not even close.

edit: I have more than a few friends who could couldn't give less of a fuck about the military, wars, patriotism or anything of that sort. But they all still went and watched it, some with their girlfriends ... and just about every one of them came out saying it's one of the best movies they've seen in recent years.