The News Thread

"Extinction level event". You're obviously far past any sort of intellectual level of discourse. Go ahead and just start spamming Hitler please, it'll save yourself and the rest of us some time.

This is a guy who may end up having the Nuclear codes. Honestly to say that his election might bring about the apocalypse isn't out there crazy, it's an actual possibility.
And that's the crux, idiots want career politicians no matter how terrible they are.

So, what you're saying is that just anyone can't make analogies...?

We aren't talking about sins of omission here. We are talking about federal crimes that would put anyone not so well connected behind bars for years, and has Snowden in hiding - and he didn't even lie about it.

They actually kind of are sins of omission, in a sense. And no one really knows for sure what happened with the Benghazi thing, so that's a big ol' propaganda stunt in my opinion.
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As Einherjar said, blown out of all proportion.

You're a moron, there's no way around it. Blown out of proportion? If anything it's been contained and suppressed by people that support a Hillary presidency.

Except that we're not talking a career politician vs a promising but inexperienced up-and-comer. We're talking a career politician vs an ego-maniacal reality TV star with a below average IQ.

We're talking a terribly corrupt career politician running on a campaign of her genitals and dynasty vs a business man people know from television that has a habit of making boneheaded statements.

If Trump is such a horrible candidate, how does that make Hillary the choice? If his IQ is such a problem for you, how does that not taint Hillary's campaign since Trump has been a democrat and specifically a Clinton donator and supporter for most of his life in the spotlight?
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They actually kind of are sins of omission, in a sense. And no one really knows for sure what happened with the Benghazi thing, so that's a big ol' propaganda stunt in my opinion.

I don't care about Benghazi except insofar as it was apart of the entire Libyan debacle, which pretty much everyone has laid at Clinton's feet - her baby. That entire operation is the most recent example of the sort of dumpsterfire she can create when she has significant input into foreign policy - particularly as it relates to warwaging. #LibyanLivesMatter. But she did straight up lie - repeatedly, about the emails.

[Trump has] a below average IQ.

He may possibly be average, but the odds of graduating a prestigious business school and of turning some millions (particulars are vague, could have been 1-200) into 3 billion (conservative estimates) while being in a mental class of people who are unlikely to finish high school or hold even a minimum wage job for long are pretty much nil.
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It's really funny to see people attack Trump's IQ now that he has different views publicly and is a GOP frontrunner.

Nobody said shit when he was a liberal democrat, I guess he hit his head recently or something.

Was his IQ low when he supported gay marriage or donated to the Clintons?
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We're taking a terribly corrupt career politician running on a campaign of her genitals and dynasty vs a business man people know from television that has a habit of making boneheaded statements.

It's not that he has a habit of making boneheaded statements, it's that he's incapable of speaking any other way. He doesn't make the occasional slip up - everything he says is complete nonsense. He is consistently nonsensical. As to Hilary running on her genitals and dynasty: a) obviously she will exploit what advantages she has, that's the smart thing to do. b) They aren't the actual substance of her campaign, just the garnishing. Whereas there is no substance to Trump's campaign. She has realistic policies, he has blather.

If Trump is such a horrible candidate, how does that make Hillary the choice? If his IQ is such a problem for you, how does that not taint Hillary's campaign since Trump has been a democrat and specifically a Clinton donator and supporter for most of his life in the spotlight?

There are plenty of stupid supporters on every side of the political spectrum; it doesn't really taint Hilary's campaign if one particularly famous moron previously came out on her side. That said, it does undermine pretty much every criticism him or his supporters can make about her if he actually agrees with her.
It's really funny to see people attack Trump's IQ now that he has different views publicly and is a GOP frontrunner.

Nobody said shit when he was a liberal democrat, I guess he hit his head recently or something.

Was his IQ low when he supported gay marriage or donated to the Clintons?

It isn't his opinions that make him dumb, it's his inability to express what they actually are.
it's his inability to express what they actually are.

His opinions are pretty open. He hasn't expressed detailed plans. This is smart for someone who, you know, doesn't actually have experience in how things work in office. He's absolutely egomaniacal. But he isn't stupid.

I suggest you guys read some Scott Adams for some perspective that isn't being shoveled to you by HuffPo et al.
It isn't his opinions that make him dumb, it's his inability to express what they actually are.

Now you're just being disingenuous. Majority of the people that hate him, hate him because of his expressed opinions.
Specifically his immigration policy, but I myself dislike him based on his proposed economic policies.

I'm not saying he's not flip-flopped on issues, he has certainly done that. The biggest problem in my opinion with Hillary Clinton is the clarity of just how terrible she is. Trump is a gamble, his ego could mean he starts a war with China or he tries to have the best presidency possible so he's remembered glowingly. It could mean that he ignores all of his experts or it could mean that he relies more heavily on his experts because his ego makes him proud of his cabinet.

Clinton however is a human trashfire. It's burning, it's directly under our nostrils and in our vision, yet she tries to lie about it. It's all right there in our faces and that kind of clarity will make most other things look great in comparison. She pretends to be a feminist and says rape victims must be believed, which given her past is disgustingly ironic.

Personally, I would have voted for Bernie Sanders, since I agree with many of his social policies and his terrible economics would either be blocked by the democratic system or be implemented and finally put the last nail in the coffin of American socialism.
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It's funny, I used to really like Arianna Huffington herself and she never seemed like the kind of individual to create such a terrible outlet like HuffPo, though I'm sure it had much better early years.
Personally, I would have voted for Bernie Sanders.

lolwat, that man was by far the worst possible choice. I just didn't give a shit about him because he was never a real threat. What he had/has in his head is a fuckin lala land cartoon. I don't think i've facepalmed as much when listening to any other politician speak. I have trouble even referring to that man as an American.
lolwat, that man was by far the worst possible choice. I just didn't give a shit about him because he was never a real threat. What he had/has in his head is a fuckin lala land cartoon. I don't think i've facepalmed as much when listening to any other politician speak. I have trouble even referring to that man as an American.

Like I said, I wouldn't vote for him because I support his platform and policies (except that he's pro gun rights and had a great track record of supporting individual freedoms as the senator of Vermont) but more as a way to see radical leftism fail disastrously and perhaps finally close the question of socialism in America.