The News Thread

What we need to do is split it into three different states. No reason that one government should be able to monopolize all that amazing coastline and Mediterranean climate. That, or invade Mexico and make Baja California part of us.
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I could say the same thing. "Would red states be wanting to change how all this works if they lost while winning the popular vote?"


Conservatives are more prone to honor the rules of a system even when it goes against them.
I think the electoral college is an effective (not foolproof but better than nothing) measure against voter fraud. How many of Hillary's 200k popular vote lead were illegals, immigrants who were mass-rushed citizenship by the dems just for the election, dead people, or Soros rigged machine votes?
Yea i changed my mind on the electoral college we should keep it.

Electoral votes should be awarded proportionately though. All or nothing is dumb. California for example would be 33% of 55 = 18.15 Trump and 61% of 55 = 33.55 Clinton
Conservatives are more prone to honor the rules of a system even when it goes against them.

Don't give me that. There were all kinds of trump supporters saying there would be a revolution if he lost, #Texit and so on. Many republicans and DT himself whining that the election was rigged Before the election even happened. Turned out it was rigged Donald, it was rigged in your favor and you won while getting fewer votes than hillary. Now it's all what rigged? rigged? working as intended. Bunch of bs partisanism.

Supporting a clearly broken or 1 sided system will never fix the country. It's just going to go back and forth, 2 sides of the same coin. We get tired of one side and elect the other, with this grass is greener mentality. The problem is the further you go on both sides they're full of shit.
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how are you still spouting this electoral college misinformation? Christ, I thought you were a smart person

The system was rigged against at least Bernie. Could argue the RNC was too but failed, and scared to lose another 8 years of the presidency
Conservatives are more prone to honor the rules of a system even when it goes against them.

Don't give me that. There were all kinds of trump supporters saying there would be a revolution if he lost, #Texit and so on. Many republicans and DT himself whining that the election was rigged Before the election even happened. Turned out it was rigged Donald, it was rigged in your favor and you won while getting fewer votes than hillary. Now it's all what rigged? rigged? working as intended. Bunch of bs partisanism.

Rigging has been mutual on both sides for quite a long time. Those Veritas vids quoting high ranking DNC officials about voter fraud dont just disappear because the election took a favorable turn towards Trump. Also it is much easier to rig the primaries than the general election, which definitely happened when Bernie lost and Hillary took the Democratic nomination.

Shit would have gone down if Trump lost though, without a doubt. The liberals would be up on their high horse telling people to accept the results, but now that things havent gone their way they are throwing tantrums.

This shit is fucking hilarious:

Supporting a clearly broken or 1 sided system will never fix the country. It's just going to go back and forth, 2 sides of the same coin. We get tired of one side and elect the other, with this grass is greener mentality. The problem is the further you go on both sides they're full of shit.

Personally im hoping for a halfway decent libertarian candidate to come along in the next election. The DNC and RNC both took some heavy hits this election. The primaries were a fucking shit show, with the DNC being exposed of it's corruption and the RNC allowing an outsider to steal the nomination. Sure, they will still exist in 4 years, but I hope people are dubious enough to give true libertarianism a try. At the moment im hoping that Trump becomes the symbolic 'fuck you' to establishment politics and stirs things up a bit.
Yea i changed my mind on the electoral college we should keep it.

Electoral votes should be awarded proportionately though. All or nothing is dumb. California for example would be 33% of 55 = 18.15 Trump and 61% of 55 = 33.55 Clinton

That is mathematically the same thing as a popular vote.
Don't give me that. There were all kinds of trump supporters saying there would be a revolution if he lost, #Texit and so on. Many republicans and DT himself whining that the election was rigged Before the election even happened. Turned out it was rigged Donald, it was rigged in your favor and you won while getting fewer votes than hillary. Now it's all what rigged? rigged? working as intended. Bunch of bs partisanism.

Complaining about election rigging (which the Democratic Party was just confirmed in engaging in in the current election cycle), or threatening secession, is not the same as complaining about the rules themselves or wanting them disregarded. How one can claim the system was rigged for Donald is a little mind blowing. Even if it was, it's not something in *my* favor, unless just considering that at least Hillary didn't win means "in my favor".

The problem is the further you go on both sides they're full of shit.

Well we can agree on that.…-conservative/

That’s pretty extraordinary, when you think about it. After all, one of the teams of commenters includes New York University social psychologist John Jost, who drew considerable political ire in 2003 when he and his colleagues published a synthesis of existing psychological studies on ideology, suggesting that conservatives are characterized by traits such as a need for certainty and an intolerance of ambiguity. Now, writing in Behavioral and Brain Sciences in response to Hibbing roughly a decade later, Jost and fellow scholars note that…

There is by now evidence from a variety of laboratories around the world using a variety of methodological techniques leading to the virtually inescapable conclusion that the cognitive-motivational styles of leftists and rightists are quite different. This research consistently finds that conservatism is positively associated with heightened epistemic concerns for order, structure, closure, certainty, consistency, simplicity, and familiarity, as well as existential concerns such as perceptions of danger, sensitivity to threat, and death anxiety.
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how are you still spouting this electoral college misinformation? Christ, I thought you were a smart person

in what way have you proven my Opinion to be wrong? I thought you were smarter than to judge someone's intelligence based on their political opinions anyhow. "dosnt agree with me, must be dumb"... yeah real brilliant conclusion einstein