The News Thread

and now the entire alt-right (so i can't single out racists)

I consider the alt-right to be a racist movement (or whatever it is) anyway so no, that's not what I was doing.

They even created the term alt-lite for people in the movement who only like memes and shitposting, rather than ethno-nationalism and being woke on the "Jewish question."

I'm pretty much over this convo, spoke my mind already, but lol at the accusation of goalpost shifting. Who brought in all these other topics of communism, McCarthyism, and now the entire alt-right (so i can't single out racists), it's seriously lols. Let's turn it into an argument about everything at once so he can't win, instead of what he actually said about white supremacists having the moral low ground. Was it uncomfortable to talk about white racists so you had to switch the goalposts? Just be honest and say how you really feel here lol.

I'm indigenous Australian you silly dickhead, are you really trying to imply that I support the extermination of myself and my own family?

You still haven't explained what you mean by this:
Well I meant exactly what I said. In the past we fought a war to defeat the Nazis. Why let the new Nazis demonstrate in America? Would we have let them in 1945? I'd like to think we've made even more progress since then. Why should we tolerate any demonstration, in our homeland, in support of a brutal foreign regime who were almost universally despised, and defeated long ago? Why should we tolerate the racism and hatred they promoted? Why should we let them bring these conflicts back again, why let them sow these unnecessary seeds of social discord?

What do you want the government to do?
I couldn't quote everything from last night. Too much mind melt.

Whoever brought up communism should be congratulated for distracting from the specifics of the discussion. Well done.

All I am saying is, both sides are guilty of shit beliefs and violence. Racism isn't the only shit belief in existence and vigilante violence driven by far-left Socialist and Communist ideology doesn't become less shit simply because they're facing down ethno-nationalists and fascists.

One side shows up and says they're ready for violence (maybe not all of them, but they banded together) and that they're ready to fight blacks, Jews, queers, etc. because of who those people are.

The other side, which includes blacks, Jews, queers, etc. shows up and says that's an awful fucking position and we're prepared to fight back if you threaten us.

It was ready to blow from the beginning, no doubt. I just can't believe we're actually discussing a political equivocation between the two sides.

Who the fuck even quotes Jimmy Kimmel? By his own logic, he was too soft on Donald Trump when he was on his show and now Kimmel is complicit in white supremacy.

Give me a fucking break.

Kimmel is complicit in white supremacy. So am I.

So are you.

But nobody wants to have that argument, do they?

The entire basis of "white supremacy" isn't violence. The USA was a white supremacist nation until approximately LBJ (1964 Civil Rights Act + 1965 ending of white immigration quotas), but for 100 years prior, our federal government didn't do much in the way of explicit violence.

No, it just didn't prosecute whites for lynching blacks, or beating blacks, or raping them. Ain't it great when the citizenry carries out justice for you?

Obama built his administration on black identity, btw.

In short, good. Black identity is an entirely different phenomenon than white identity, and the hostility that many whites are feeling now isn't anything like the denigration that blacks have felt for centuries. Whites are feeling paranoid that their country is being taken from them. Fucking stupid honkies.

I have to disregard all the other questionable stuff you said, which is posturing and perspective, not fact.

I'd argue that BLM did come from a racist starting point. You don't see people rioting when a black man legally shoots a poor innocent little angel of a white thug. BLM formed because they identify along racial grounds primarily. Today they're the more moderate face of it, filled with as many Starbucks-liberal white college students as black people, holding candlelight vigils and whatever, but the origins are at least racialist.

This basically demonstrates that you do equate black identity politics with white identity politics (can't believe I have to use that fucking phrase), and that's where your problem lies.

This widely held shit opinion is why this whole discussion always becomes pointless, and why the "alt right" is growing in response. Don't know why I bothered dipping into this.

Neither do I, since you have nothing to contribute.
Kimmel is complicit in white supremacy. So am I.

So are you.

But nobody wants to have that argument, do they?


Whip yourself upon the altar of white guilt all you like but leave me out of it.

One side shows up and says they're ready for violence (maybe not all of them, but they banded together) and that they're ready to fight blacks, Jews, queers, etc. because of who those people are.

The other side, which includes blacks, Jews, queers, etc. shows up and says that's an awful fucking position and we're prepared to fight back if you threaten us.

It was ready to blow from the beginning, no doubt. I just can't believe we're actually discussing a political equivocation between the two sides.

One side showed up to protest the removal of a statue.

Whip yourself upon the altar of white guilt all you like but leave me out of it.

Fair enough. I've come to terms with this and am comfortable with it.

One side showed up to protest the removal of a statue.

So now it's my turn to laugh?

Marching across campus with torches and shouting "You will not replace us" isn't protesting the removal of a statue.
Do they not have fucking lives?

I didn't know it was all one long event, I've only seen those hilarious photos of the polo shirt tiki torch retards at night and then watched footage of the daylight scuffles.

Edit: Okay I was clearly wrong about why they originally rallied. My bad.
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To be fair, there were organizers who promoted an event in protest of the removal of a statue. But that really got overshadowed by the arrival of white supremacists the night before, and the hostilities from their continued presence the following morning.
I doubt high percentages on either side have much in the way of jobs or lives. Don't kid yourselves, most of these people are on welfare, cheese stamps etc. and are angry on top of stupid...a bad combination. In Portland the liberal protesters are just as uneducated as the white pride groups- a majority of the "antifa" protesters arrested had no high school diplomas, and DIDN'T EVEN VOTE!!
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One side shows up and says they're ready for violence (maybe not all of them, but they banded together) and that they're ready to fight blacks, Jews, queers, etc. because of who those people are.

hate =/= violence

So again, i ask you this. Which of those two groups was/is more violent? The group that's holding signs or the ones in masks, holding bats, homemade flamethrowers, etc? Honestly, all you are doing is showcasing your bias here ... which is not respectable in the least.
hate =/= violence

Hate b/c of what someone is =/= hate b/c of what someone believes

So again, i ask you this. Which of those two groups was/is more violent? The group that's holding signs or the ones in masks, holding bats, homemade flamethrowers, etc? Honestly, all you are doing is showcasing your bias here ... which is not respectable in the least.

I am biased, I admit that. I see nothing wrong with being biased against white supremacists. But then, I'm biased...

Who showed up with fucking guns, by the way. What am I supposed to be defending here? Open carry is legal so let's show up fully-armed... oh, but these guys carrying bats and homemade flame-throwers, that's crossing the line!
Bias against white supremacists? :lol: Yes, i take back what i said yesterday about me thinking you're not shallow. I actually took it back when i read your response to my "running with it" and realized that you genuinely didn't understand what i was saying, sadly. Having a discussion with you about politics or anything that is even slightly related is about as fruitless as it gets.

Also, how many people did they shoot or assault?
At least twenty people, tragically (inb4 "lets ban cars dur hur hur").

I don't care what you think of me, you and I understand each other, and we understand that we don't understand each other.

If you think I misunderstood what you meant by "running with it," then be more fucking clear. It's not my fault your prose is as vague as Trump's condemnations. You want me to get what you're saying, then spend the time to actually specify what you mean.

Unless you don't care, which is fine too. I don't consider your opinion one worth winning over.