The News Thread

The 23-year-old elder care worker says he went to the counterprotests to have his voice heard. He didn’t want to see racism win and destroy the city he was raised in.

“I went out to voice my opinion. To have my freedom of speech. Just like the racist Nazis who took over my town,” Long said in an interview with The Root.

But what started out as a peaceful protest eventually turned violent. And Long says the cops stood around and did nothing.

“At first it was peaceful protest,” Long said softly as he spoke. “Until someone pointed a gun at my head. Then the same person pointed it at my foot and shot the ground.”

Long said the only weapon he had was a can of spray paint that a white supremacist threw at him earlier, so he took a lighter to the spray paint and turned it into a flame thrower. And a photographer snapped the photo.

Now, as far as your "reality" goes, here's more:

But inside every photograph is an untold story. If you look closely at Long’s picture, there’s an elderly white man standing in between Long and his friend. The unknown man was part of the counterprotests, too, but was afraid, and Long and his friends were trying to protect him. Even though, Long says, those who were paid to protect the residents of Charlottesville were doing just the opposite.
"Grab the ball and run with it"
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"They're both bad" = defending white supremacy. I'm seeing this all over facebook, the media, academia, etc. Lotta commie sympathizers on a nazi witch hunt. Pots vs kettles but these are good kettles! Trump looks more rational than most people currently spouting shit all over the web. SAD!

How the mighty have fallen.

"The Root" "Yesha Callahan" :lol: Like i said, where is the evidence? Mines is in that picture.

And there it is. Good talk.
... lol, thanks for destroying yourself. in other words there is no evidence whatsoever? just coreys story that was published by "the root"? They have a section called "very smart brothas". :lol: Do you need me to break down and spoon feed to you why i'm laughing here?
For my money I don't care if the statues stay or go- though more than anything I've been seeing is that there were a sizable portion of folks involved that were neither the commies nor the white supremacists, but rather people who didn't want historical statues torn down. Yet everything is pushed so black and white (pun not intended) to the point that there can't be a reasonable level of nuance without one side or the other calling you out on it. The way I see it you're probably doing something right if both extremist groups are disagreeing with you =D
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... lol, thanks for destroying yourself. in other words there is no evidence whatsoever? just coreys story that was published by "the root"? They have a section called "very smart brothas". :lol: Do you need me to break down and spoon feed to you why i'm laughing here?

Of course, his story and The Root aren't reputable--fake news! But if one of the guy holding the flag said something different, you'd say "Now see, look what this kindly old white man has to say!!"

Please dude, your bias is leaking everywhere like a political period. But as usual, it's entertaining to watch you think you're being objective.

Also, the photographer whose photo you claim represents "reality" corroborates the story.
For my money I don't care if the statues stay or go- though more than anything I've been seeing is that there were a sizable portion of folks involved that were neither the commies nor the white supremacists, but rather people who didn't want historical statues torn down. Yet everything is pushed so black and white (pun not intended) to the point that there can't be a reasonable level of nuance without one side or the other calling you out on it. The way I see it you're probably doing something right if both extremist groups are disagreeing with you =D

Precisely. There's no difference between pulling down statues in the US because muh racism and blowing up temples in the middle east because muh heresy. Separately, there's no economic and little political difference between neo-nazis and antifa/ancoms/sjws/etc. The problem the latter have with the former is their leftism isn't universalized.
my bias is leaking???? aahahhhahhhhahah after i basically accused you of that for the past 2 pages in literally every one of my posts? Please stop masquerading as some kind of intellectual when you're clearly dumber than a fuckin' bag of hammers.

I posted a picture of a GUY IN A MASK SHOOTING FLAMES AT A GROUP OF PEOPLE HOLDING FLAGS. As in fucking evidence that can back be used in a court of law. All you are doing is linking me to an article from a clearly bias website, one that is just giving you coreys side of the story? Are you fucking serious here? I mean, you're either a moron or just pure scum. I'd go with the former
my bias is leaking???? aahahhhahhhhahah after i basically accused you of that for the past 2 pages in literally every one of my posts? Please stop masquerading as some kind of intellectual when you're clearly dumber ythan a bag of hammers.

I know you said it first, doesn't mean I can't say it too. It appears that I have more restraint than you do. Who knew?

I posted a picture of a GUY IN A MASK SHOOTING FLAMES AT A GROUP OF PEOPLE HOLDING FLAGS. As in fucking evidence that can back be used in a court of law. All you are doing is linking me to an article from a clearly bias website, one that is just giving you coreys side of the story? Are you fucking serious here? I mean, you're either a moron or just pure scum. I'd go with the former

Once again, since you're the one ignoring things now: the photographer who took the photo basically corroborates that violence escalated after the white supremacist attendees started shit.
i think i've already rolled you up and shot you through the basket here for more than a few points already. Please be on your way now.

"starting shit"? :lol: so if you start shit with me, can i just come down over there and torch you? "he called me a nagggger and waved his flag in my face, let me spray him with flames" lmao!
That's because you edit your posts to include things you forgot to mention, sweetie.

And if by "start shit" you mean I point a gun in your face, then yeah--I'd say you're within your rights to torch me.
TIL I'm a Jew unless @CASSETTEISGOD was referring to something else

Precisely. There's no difference between pulling down statues in the US because muh racism and blowing up temples in the middle east because muh heresy. Separately, there's no economic and little political difference between neo-nazis and antifa/ancoms/sjws/etc. The problem the latter have with the former is their leftism isn't universalized.

You just threw out horseshoe theory? Really? You're that fucking stupid?