The News Thread

Dude...he's got a can of aqua net and a lighter haha...Maybe I'm just immature but I can't stop laughing at that picture. Their (all of them) weapons and outfits keep getting funnier...reminds me of the street fight in 'Anchorman'...
We should talk about how if you're anti George Washington you probably shouldn't be an American citizen. Are mofuckas still talking about tearing him down next?
Where is your evidence that they put a gun in his face? All you have is basically him saying "i sprayed them because they pointed a gun at me"?

Ya dude, first-hand account corroborated by journalists and photographers. But apparently accounts don't matter, the PHOTO is all that matters, and you know exactly what's going on in it. So what's the point?
I share Taleb's sentiment that journalists are dumbass hacks that couldn't hack it in anything more demanding than regurgitating what they are told to and following people doing more interesting things than following people doing interesting things.
This is fucking hilarious:

Yeah Wolf Blitzer, you hack, Islamic terrorists are inspired by the fucking alt-right. :lol:

Who showed up with fucking guns, by the way. What am I supposed to be defending here? Open carry is legal so let's show up fully-armed... oh, but these guys carrying bats and homemade flame-throwers, that's crossing the line!

Antifa and Antifa-allied groups have shown up with guns before, just take a few minutes to Google it.

TIL I'm a Jew unless @CASSETTEISGOD was referring to something else

Oh sorry, I thought you had said you were Jewish in the past on Facebook.
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I doubt he pointed a gun at the guy's head- the photographer was rolling the whole time...he didn't just happen to miss that part of it. It looks like both of racist dudes hands are firmly on his dukes of hazard flag to spray dude was probably hoping to catch his flag on fire lol...racist guy was trying to put the fire out with his flag. A real battle of wits.
Antifa and Antifa-allied groups have shown up with guns before, just take a few minutes to Google it.

Yeah I know, there are reports that some of them were armed at Charlottesville, which I just learned about.

To end this on a somewhat amicable note, I don't think that saying the two sides aren't the same means that we can't criticize the left for its behavior. I'm entirely willing to believe that the left engaged in unprovoked violence, and I believe they probably did.

But I also happen to think that the alt-right (and I'm not using white supremacist here, intentionally) probably provoked the left more, either by intimidating them with weapons (documented, believe it or don't) or by tainting them with racial slurs (also documented, believe it or don't).

I'm not willing to discount a half-century of intellectual and political work tearing apart white nationalist ideologies just so we can condemn the leftist violence exhibited in Charlottesville to an equal degree. They're not the same, and that's an intellectual position, not an emotional one.

I don't mean for this to be a last word, but the conversation isn't going anywhere and I know it's not worth arguing intellectual history with some people here. So I'm going to bed.
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I can live with that, I just hope everybody is prepared to condemn the leftist side when they inevitably up the ante because this shit isn't over.

I hate them all already.

But of course, 13 dead in Barcelona due to an ISIS-related van of peace attack, because real fascists can and will never be outshined by milquetoast American fascists.
I'm not willing to discount a half-century of intellectual and political work tearing apart white nationalist ideologies just so we can condemn the leftist violence exhibited in Charlottesville to an equal degree. They're not the same, and that's an intellectual position, not an emotional one.

I don't mean for this to be a last word, but the conversation isn't going anywhere and I know it's not worth arguing intellectual history with some people here. So I'm going to bed.

Well that's the most admirable quotable you've had in the last 10 pages. Color me impressed. I still say that that from any intellectual angle, they are the the same. To say they aren't the same requires you and I to point a theoretical gun (as in literal theory) at each other.