The News Thread

Whoever brought up communism should be congratulated for distracting from the specifics of the discussion. Well done.

How is it not relevant?

One side shows up and says they're ready for violence (maybe not all of them, but they banded together) and that they're ready to fight blacks, Jews, queers, etc. because of who those people are.

The other side, which includes blacks, Jews, queers, etc. shows up and says that's an awful fucking position and we're prepared to fight back if you threaten us.

It was ready to blow from the beginning, no doubt. I just can't believe we're actually discussing a political equivocation between the two sides.

Things that never happened. Show proof that white supremacists showed up with the intention of fighting minorities. Fighting ANTIFA, sure, but that's just basic awareness of a situation.

No, it just didn't prosecute whites for lynching blacks, or beating blacks, or raping them. Ain't it great when the citizenry carries out justice for you?

That doesn't describe all ethnic nationalist movements. Japan is by most measures a Japanese supremacist nation, but they don't lynch their Korean minorities in the streets (though many Japanese nationalists do rally in protest against them).

In short, good. Black identity is an entirely different phenomenon than white identity, and the hostility that many whites are feeling now isn't anything like the denigration that blacks have felt for centuries. Whites are feeling paranoid that their country is being taken from them. Fucking stupid honkies.

I have to disregard all the other questionable stuff you said, which is posturing and perspective, not fact.

Describe the good that black identity brings as you see it. There's a difference between bringing attention to disparities in the treatment of ethnic groups, and defining yourself primarily according to your race.

You disregard anything that proves you wrong because you're an anti-intellectual.

IThis basically demonstrates that you do equate black identity politics with white identity politics (can't believe I have to use that fucking phrase), and that's where your problem lies.

When black identitarians murder and rape whites in the name of blackness, I don't see any problem with equating the two extremist ideologies.
I can't find anything about gunfire at Charlottesville, even shots fired at the ground, and all the photos I've seen of people holding guns were the 3%er/militia types, who were more or less neutral during the event and didn't get caught in the violence. One of our resident leftists post proof pls.
Yeah I know, there are reports that some of them were armed at Charlottesville, which I just learned about.

To end this on a somewhat amicable note, I don't think that saying the two sides aren't the same means that we can't criticize the left for its behavior. I'm entirely willing to believe that the left engaged in unprovoked violence, and I believe they probably did.

But I also happen to think that the alt-right (and I'm not using white supremacist here, intentionally) probably provoked the left more, either by intimidating them with weapons (documented, believe it or don't) or by tainting them with racial slurs (also documented, believe it or don't).

I'm not willing to discount a half-century of intellectual and political work tearing apart white nationalist ideologies just so we can condemn the leftist violence exhibited in Charlottesville to an equal degree. They're not the same, and that's an intellectual position, not an emotional one.

I don't mean for this to be a last word, but the conversation isn't going anywhere and I know it's not worth arguing intellectual history with some people here. So I'm going to bed.
I disagree, I think the conversation is just getting good. Let's make fun of other people- not each other lol...IMG_1147.JPG
Most of these guys look like they've already lost their gun rights (and jobs) so affording guns is probably the biggest issue for them- hence the plywood shields and hairspray flamethrower (still laughing btw) so gun presence was bare minimal ....but apparently someone mistook the protest for the Highland games and lost control of their "medieval" battering rampart- the driver is currently suing the town friar for over-serving mead (sarcasm).
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I can't find anything about gunfire at Charlottesville, even shots fired at the ground, and all the photos I've seen of people holding guns were the 3%er/militia types, who were more or less neutral during the event and didn't get caught in the violence. One of our resident leftists post proof pls.

Read Corey Long's story. If you don't believe it, then that's your prerogative.

Regarding all the other questions, I encourage everyone to do their own reading. I waste too much time arguing futilely on this forum.

Well that's the most admirable quotable you've had in the last 10 pages. Color me impressed. I still say that that from any intellectual angle, they are the the same. To say they aren't the same requires you and I to point a theoretical gun (as in literal theory) at each other.

This has been my sentiment the entire time. It is true, however, that coverage of the event suggests that the right stirred a lot of the unrest, although some from the left certainly did too. Corey Long's story is just one, but journalists are saying it reflects the general dynamic of the event. He had guns pointed at his head and fired at his feet, then was attacked by a group of white men with confederate flags and turned his fire on them.

After this he was beaten and chased into a parking garage. I'm sure that many people here don't believe his story, but I find that to be a nonstarter. If we don't believe the media coverage, then all we have are firsthand accounts, none of which will be more credible than any other.
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That story sounds a little rich...and the cameraman missed everything but the hairspray torch? Yeah- I couldn't believe that story if I wanted to.
'Gun to his head, gunfire at his feet, attacked by "white men"...if you can't smell the bullshit coming off this guy's story then I don't know what to tell you. Every liberal keyword was used in that story lol!! If neither of these moronic groups were using public property to act out their childish fantasies, then this wouldn't be an issue- Guy with the torch was clearly there to cause problems, so stop making it out to be a racial attack on him.
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Just realize these nut jobs are a micro tiny fraction of the slice...not everyone is ready to go act out like this. These demonstrators are more of non-working demographic- I can tell because of all the people I work with/around as a construction general contractor in Portland, not one person I've met partakes in these nerd rallies. Here, the white nationalist types are pretty seldom, but are equally as stupid. People just want to fight in the streets after they finally look up from their TV's. I can see why Americans look like idiots according to what's playing out on TV. The media is certainly feeding into this idea that "everything's falling apart" to fan the flames.

Murdock counted Judicial Watch's state-by-state tally and found that 462 U.S. counties had a registration rate exceeding 100% of all eligible voters. That's 3.552 million people, who Murdock calls "ghost voters." And how many people is that? There are 21 states that don't have that many people.

Nor are these tiny, rural counties or places that don't have the wherewithal to police their voter rolls.

California, for instance, has 11 counties with more registered voters than actual voters. Perhaps not surprisingly — it is deep-Blue State California, after all — 10 of those counties voted heavily for Hillary Clinton.

Los Angeles County, whose more than 10 million people make it the nation's most populous county, had 12% more registered voters than live ones, some 707,475 votes. That's a huge number of possible votes in an election.

But, Murdock notes, "California's San Diego County earns the enchilada grande. Its 138% registration translates into 810,966 ghost voters."

What a coinkydink that Clinton won the popular vote by nearly the same amount of votes as there are over-registrations.
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Attended the Boston rally. No violence except for a scuffle outside the Common in which someone (who was probably antifa) punched a Trump supporter.

Right-wing protestors were outnumbered roughly 100 to 1, and ended their rally early when the first speaker didn't show up. One of the more amusing tweets came from an alt-right tweeter on the bandstand who said they weren't sure if they'd be allowed to leave peacefully or would have to fight their way out. They didn't have to fight. The chosen method of confrontation by the counter-protestors was to heckle them.

Alt-right trolls were walking through the left-wing groups trying to stir shit up, including the group I was with, so we walked away (as did everyone else this particular goofball approached).

Long story short, it was peaceful, as expected.