The News Thread

... im just not going to respond to you anymore until you answer my question.

I've never heard that one before.

Here's a question for ya - How come rep. have such a easy time killing all over the world and turning a cold shoulder to kids in need, but get so upset about abotion?
Is it a money thing? - Don't cost you people anything to force people to have unwanted children?
Mathiäs;11036828 said:
Yes, after which it is no longer a fetus.

Actually, it remains a "fetus" until it's born. The term "fetus" is used to designate a relatively arbitrary point at which the embryo looks vaguely human, and it is used until birth.

Everyone seems very concerned with when conception occurs, but no one asked what the value of conception is. If it's likely that the fetus poses a threat to its mother, or that it will be poorly cared for as a baby and will likely have a shit life, then the "responsible" thing to do would be to get rid of it. No one's saying that abortions are great, healthy, and that everyone should get them; but responsibility has to lie on both sides - parents but also the society that pressures them.

We put so much responsibility on the individuals involved: you fucked (up), you got pregnant, now have the damn child and take care of it. Even if these people may not have the means to take care of it. There's one thing people of all classes can keep doing to entertain themselves, and that's fuck. If we want to preach abstinence to them then we might as well abort the entire conversation.

Long story short, conception really plays no logical role in the conversation. It might be a "fact," but it becomes a perspective as soon as it enters into this conversation. The logic of the abortion debate cannot be deduced from the fact of fertilization. It's a cultural matter, and its logic permeates cultural attitudes and factors.
You said it twice? Did i miss something?

But yeah, good ... just wanted to make sure that we're in the same "camp". ;)

Haven't watched todays Real Time yet, but its on my DVR. I'll prolly smoke a joint and watch it before knocking out. Will chime in on it tomorrow.

dirty bitch answer my question
A decision like having a child should not be a decision that should be forced on people. Many of the problems with the world today is that people hold steady to these "rules" or "ethics" but yet do not uphold ones that actually make fucking sense and that matter (i.e. the decision to have a child or not being one that the parents make and not one that society makes).

I would be very disappointed in America if places like Planned Parenthood stops getting funded. Choice is a huge part of this country and it's sad that there are morons trying to take that away from others.

I also think it's hilarious that a lot men have so much to say against abortion, yet there's so many single mothers out there. I really could give two fucks when conception takes place. It's more terrible to have a child and not being able to properly care for it then to make the decision to not have one at all.
dirty bitch answer my question
Are you ok man? You didn't take your meds this morning?

I would be very disappointed in America if places like Planned Parenthood stops getting funded. Choice is a huge part of this country and it's sad that there are morons trying to take that away from others.

There are plenty of other healtchcare centers that provide for women. Close to a ten-thousand actually. No one is lobbying to close them. Planned Parenthood has to go though. Did you not watch those videos where they were talking about how to crush the babies heads to keep all the organs in tact? Talking and negotiating prices for parts and organs. How can you support a clinic that harvests and sells the body parts of unborn children?

And it's not just men who have something to say about this. I can post pictures of hundreds and thousands of women rallying against planned parenthood AND abortion. The main person that is leading this fight to close planned parenthood is actually a woman(Sen. Joni Ernst). You should check out the videos i posted on the last page.

edit: close to *ten thousand other healthcare centers.
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I've never heard that one before.

Here's a question for ya - How come rep. have such a easy time killing all over the world and turning a cold shoulder to kids in need, but get so upset about abotion?

1- i am not a republican

2 - Oh so democrats dont go to war? That's exclusively a republican thing? :lol:

3 - You do realize that when Bush was president we helped more dying children in Africa than any other country EVER has?'s_Emergency_Plan_for_AIDS_Relief
He was one of the biggest supporters of the No Child Left Behind Act, he dumped a shitload of funds into all kinds of educational foundations and institutes. But yeah, you dont hear about things like that. ... instead it's BUSH IS BAYYYD, DONT DO BUUUSH!

4 - You're clearly an idiot.
Those videos could not be more obviously edited and skewed. You're a goddamn moron for believing them.
poor people should be encouraged to abort so they stop bringing their shitstain spawn into the world

i see black mothers with a toddler, a baby in a stroller AND another one in her belly and i think fucking bitch leeching off my tax money
Actually, it remains a "fetus" until it's born. The term "fetus" is used to designate a relatively arbitrary point at which the embryo looks vaguely human, and it is used until birth.

Everyone seems very concerned with when conception occurs, but no one asked what the value of conception is. If it's likely that the fetus poses a threat to its mother, or that it will be poorly cared for as a baby and will likely have a shit life, then the "responsible" thing to do would be to get rid of it. No one's saying that abortions are great, healthy, and that everyone should get them; but responsibility has to lie on both sides - parents but also the society that pressures them.

We put so much responsibility on the individuals involved: you fucked (up), you got pregnant, now have the damn child and take care of it. Even if these people may not have the means to take care of it. There's one thing people of all classes can keep doing to entertain themselves, and that's fuck. If we want to preach abstinence to them then we might as well abort the entire conversation.

Long story short, conception really plays no logical role in the conversation. It might be a "fact," but it becomes a perspective as soon as it enters into this conversation. The logic of the abortion debate cannot be deduced from the fact of fertilization. It's a cultural matter, and its logic permeates cultural attitudes and factors.

There could not be a better statement than this. Well said.
This is a good piece:

There’s a saying common in education circles: Don’t teach students what to think; teach them how to think. The idea goes back at least as far as Socrates. Today, what we call the Socratic method is a way of teaching that fosters critical thinking, in part by encouraging students to question their own unexamined beliefs, as well as the received wisdom of those around them. Such questioning sometimes leads to discomfort, and even to anger, on the way to understanding.

But vindictive protectiveness teaches students to think in a very different way. It prepares them poorly for professional life, which often demands intellectual engagement with people and ideas one might find uncongenial or wrong. The harm may be more immediate, too. A campus culture devoted to policing speech and punishing speakers is likely to engender patterns of thought that are surprisingly similar to those long identified by cognitive behavioral therapists as causes of depression and anxiety. The new protectiveness may be teaching students to think pathologically.

“As I looked up his penis was out of his pants and he shoved it in my mouth. His attack was fast with surgical precision and surprise on his side.”

“When Cosby was done, there was a horrible mess of semen all over my face, my clothes and in my hair. He took out a Kleenex to try to wipe off my face. He was mumbling that I had been blessed with his semen as if it was holy water.”


Mathiäs;11037226 said:
Those videos could not be more obviously edited and skewed. You're a goddamn moron for believing them.

Dude, are you slow in the head? The links i posted are the FULL videos, not the edit(EDITED, NOT DOCTORED) ones ... not that it even matters. Did you even bother clicking on those links before splurting out your typical "FOX NEWS ISNT REAL NEWS" nonsense? Stop being so damn ignorant. The nerve of some of you guys accusing me of "believing them" ... the irony in that is friggin' hilarious.
Just trolled an #alllivesmatter post with this. I can't believe it took me this long to find the best response, its so obvious! Haven't seen anyone else reference helter skelter yet either.

Just feeling really proud of my accomplishment right now. I'm a goddamn pioneer. This is my new thing. As you were.

Are you ok man? You didn't take your meds this morning?

There are plenty of other healtchcare centers that provide for women. Close to a ten-thousand actually. No one is lobbying to close them. Planned Parenthood has to go though. Did you not watch those videos where they were talking about how to crush the babies heads to keep all the organs in tact? Talking and negotiating prices for parts and organs. How can you support a clinic that harvests and sells the body parts of unborn children?

And it's not just men who have something to say about this. I can post pictures of hundreds and thousands of women rallying against planned parenthood AND abortion. The main person that is leading this fight to close planned parenthood is actually a woman(Sen. Joni Ernst). You should check out the videos i posted on the last page.

edit: close to *ten thousand other healthcare centers.

I didn't see this earlier, so I'll respond now.

The first video made it seem as though they were attacking planned parenthood because they were "selling baby parts" (which I'll address later). FoxNews is not a viable source to get information on. They bring people on there to have discussions and yet don't let them talk. (They've made my Professor fucking Michio Kaku look like an idiot because they talk over him and laugh at him, when he's probably smarter than all of them put together.) Those people were getting super defensive over that guy who was trying to speak. They were talking over and not allowing him to get his thoughts and concerns out, which were all valuable. You can say there are 10k other healthcare centers all you want, but Planned Parenthood are the ones who do provide services to women that these other healthcare services do not. They want to defund planned parenthood because its the largest healthcare center that provides abortions. Point blank period. That guy went on about how this dead baby stuff is like slavery, which already proves that he's just against abortion.

The transfer of human fetal tissue is not illegal in the United States. Women undergoing abortions sometimes choose to donate fetal tissue for scientific research and abortion providers do not facilitate these donations without their explicit consent. If you're against using this tissue for scientific reasons, that is an entirely different issue. However, scientists are able to use these cells to treat and cure diseases and honestly, why shouldn't they?

Moreover, if one or two crooked doctors have negotiated and abused their practice then that doesn't mean that ALL of what is done at Planned Parenthood is wrong and illegal. My sister is a clinical lab scientist and the negotiating and illegalness that goes along with body parts from dead humans can be JUST as bad. So how are we going to attack Planned Parenthood again when stuff like this even happens in out own medical industry? Oh, yeah that's right because these people want to tell women what to do with their bodies and mask it in "they are selling dead baby parts"

I'm onto them, and don't buy that nonsense.