The News Thread

FoxNews is not a viable source to get information on.

:rolleyes: are MSNBC or CNN better? That seems to be a very popular line amongst the people who just refuse to listen to anything they don't agree with. The more i hear progressives saying something like that(FOX IS BAYYYDD), the more i'm inclined to watch and listen to that news channel instead of the constant bullshit that the libs are spewing out on the other "news" networks.

The transfer of human fetal tissue is not illegal in the United States.

yes, but selling and profiting from the cadavers of unborn children IS. It's as simple as that. And what's even more fucked up is that some of the women werent even told beforehand(as the latest video shows).

Moreover, if one or two crooked doctors have negotiated and abused their practice then that doesn't mean that ALL of what is done at Planned Parenthood is wrong and illegal.

Im guessing you didnt even bother watching the PP clips? It's weird to me how some people would blindly defend something like this without even looking into the facts. Its not just "one or two" crooked doctors. So far there have been 6-7 different videos released, with different members/workers in each of them. One of the videos(from the ones you quoted) is a friggin Senior Executive, and she's talking about how she wants to drive a lamborghini all while laughing and negotiating prices. And one of the others was one of their most "respected" doctors. :lol: That is why several states cut funding for them after those videos surfaced. But yeah, what the fuck do they know, right?

Oh, yeah that's right because these people want to tell women what to do with their bodies and mask it in "they are selling dead baby parts"

They are selling dead baby body parts and organs, that's an irrefutable fact, regardless of what you want to believe. Also, did you miss the last part of my post you quoited ...

And it's not just men who have something to say about this. I can post pictures of hundreds and thousands of women rallying against planned parenthood AND abortion. The main person that is leading this fight to close planned parenthood is actually a woman(Sen. Joni Ernst). You should check out the videos i posted on the last page.

Is Joni Ernst a man? What about Dana Perino and Kimberly Guilfoyle from that video where you said they were attacking PP? What about the millions of women who are not only against PP, but are also against abortion? Are they not women? Are they the people you're referring to when talking about people who "tell women what to do with their bodies"? Or is it that they're just not "real women" since they dont agree with you guys?

But yes, FOX news isnt real and defunding planned parenthood for harvesting AND SELLING the body parts and organs of unborn children is nothing more than a war on women. :rolleyes: yeah, the lefts propaganda machine is too strong if it has you guys spouting out nonsense like this in order to defend their vile company. Fact of the matter is that every time the left gets their card pulled, they resort to defending themselves with the " BUT THEY SEXIST" "BUT THEY"RE RACIST" etc type of diversionary arguments. It's pathetic and truly makes anyone with even half a brain lean as far away from you guys as possible.

They're going down, just like crooked ass ACORN did, and rightfully so. And you guys will defend them regardless of what the truth is, just like you guys did with acorn .. until shit really hits the fan, and then you guys will abandon ship when everyone starts to see the truth, just like you guys did with acorn.

And out of curiosity, how many of you guys here who have talked shit about FOXNews watch MSNBC?
Let's compare MSNBC to Fox News with Politifact, shall we? They regularly keep a scorecard of statements made by pundits, hosts, and other related media figures.

Statements made on FOX

True 16 (11%)(16)
Mostly True 18 (12%)(18)
Half True 29 (19%)(29)
Mostly False 31 (20%)(31)
False 44 (29%)(44)
Pants on Fire 14 (9%)(14)

Statements made on NBC

True 16 (12%)(16)
Mostly True 32 (23%)(32)
Half True 31 (22%)(31)
Mostly False 30 (22%)(30)
False 24 (17%)(24)
Pants on Fire 5 (4%)(5)

"At Fox and Fox News, 10 percent of the claims we’ve rated have been True, 11 percent Mostly True, 18 percent Half True, 21 percent Mostly False, 31 percent False and nine percent Pants on Fire. That means about 60 percent of the claims we’ve checked have been rated Mostly False or worse"

At MSNBC and NBC, 44 percent of claims have received a rating of Mostly False or worse.

And as for CNN? It has the best record among the cable networks, as 80 percent of of the claims we’ve rated are Half True or better."

So according to Politifact, CNN and MSNBC are both superior to Fox when comparing the accuracy of their statements, with CNN being the best overall.
First it was Dolezal, and now this clown? :lol:

edit: Also, everyone knows that MSNBC is by far the most bias "news" station on tv. Its not news, its the opinions of the left. Their sole purpose is to push left wing propaganda. They actually have that racist piece of shit al sharpton hosting one of their shows ... which should tell you enough.

here are a few links from your beloved Huffington Post and such proving that

If you’re like most cable news viewers, you probably think the channel you favor has a monopoly on the facts and the other ones are nothing more than a bunch of ranting. In fact, which cable network is the most opinionated is not a matter of opinion. It’s MSNBC.

A full 85% of the Comcast-owned network’s coverage can be classified as opinion or commentary rather than straight news, according to the authors of the Pew Research Center’s annual State of the News Media report.

CNN and Fox News Channel, meanwhile, fall much closer to a 50/50 distribution
How dare he pay respects to it's first name based on the Injuns that lived there rather than some President

Yeah, I'm not sure how anyone could have a problem with that unless they hate Native Americans.

Yeah, I'm not sure how anyone could have a problem with that unless they hate Native Americans.

... yes it's clearly about hating Native Americans. That's what its been about for the past 100+ years, no?? :rolleyes: Not surprised coming form you anyway.

Everyone(outside of this place obviously) knows it's a politically charged move, has nothing to do with what its name was over a hundred years ago ... don't be so ignorant. McKinley is one of the most hated presidents amongst the dems(especially the radicals), and again that's no secret. You guys should look into some of these things before you start ignorantly spilling out your racial fuel.

But yeah, lets just make this into another whites vs everyone and everything topic again. Sad. You brainwashed fucks are beyond hope.

Knowing how racist TB is, wouldn't be surprised...
... ahh morty ole morty you'll never change. Spitting out venomous nonsense like that at people you don't agree with is your norm. Quote one single post, ONE that would make me a racist .. PLEASE! You're the pure definition of the scum that is ruining this country. Ugh.

Mathiäs;11046913 said:
A very mediocre president at best
by far the worst of our lifetimes, that's without a doubt.
Restoring historical names of places that were essentially taken from Native Americans clearly takes precedence over 100 years of having a very forced law in place. Sorry, but the name Denali has a lot more than 100 years of history behind it, and the people who named it that had no say in it being changed by lawmakers.