The News Thread

... yes it's clearly about hating Native Americans. That's what its been about for the past 100+ years, no?? :rolleyes: Not surprised coming form you anyway.

Everyone(outside of this place obviously) knows it's a politically charged move, has nothing to do with what its name was over a hundred years ago ... don't be so ignorant. McKinley is one of the most hated presidents amongst the dems(especially the radicals), and again that's no secret. You guys should look into some of these things before you start ignorantly spilling out your racial fuel.

But yeah, lets just make this into another whites vs everyone and everything topic again. Sad. You brainwashed fucks are beyond hope.

... ahh morty ole morty you'll never change. Spitting out venomous nonsense like that at people you don't agree with is your norm. Quote one single post, ONE that would make me a racist .. PLEASE! You cant. You're the pure definition of the scum that is ruining this country. Ugh

by far the worst of our lifetimes, that's without a doubt.

This entire post is proof enough. You willingly ignore the racial and cultural history of the indigenous peoples of this country just to advance your own political agenda.
Denali National Park and Preserve said:
Would you have preferred the name Deenaalee?

The curator of the park’s museum collection today offers additional cultural context about the new official name of the tallest peak in North America.

Denali is derived from the Koyukon name Deenaalee, which literally means, "the tall one." The Koyukon are people north of the mountain and have been in Interior Alaska for hundreds of years. Deenaalee at its core is a verb meaning “to be long, tall.” The verb stem “naal” is indicative of the awe one feels in the presence of something greater than oneself. Deenaalee begins with “D + ee” which signify gender neutrality, and it ends with “ee” to refer to “the one that” (Kari,1987).

One can say it is sacred because it has such an honor. It is not a person, but one that cannot be fully named. Naming a mountain after a man is the antithesis of the practice and belief of many of Alaska’s Interior peoples, collectively known as Athabascans, because mountains and ranges were never meant to be named after a person.

The Western ideology and practice of conquest through renaming of already Native-named places has been a form colonization and assimilation. It devalued Native identity, perspectives and relationships with the landscape that had and have been in place for hundreds of years prior to any outsider’s presence.

For this name change to happen is considered a great honor to Native peoples.

.. no need for the history lesson, sis. I know exactly what the mountains origins are.

And I didn't ignore anything, just said that almighty obama himself decided to change the name of the mountain due to politics. I never went into details and never said what it's name was, is or should be. So don't go putting words in my mouth like you usually do. Ugh x2.

For you to accuses me of being a racist based on no facts whatsoever is disgusting. I was raised and still live in multi-ethnicity, the last thing i think of when talking to someone is what color they are ... you divisive fuck. You are nothing but pure hate, i swear.

Okay, so you have no argument. Good.

BECAUSE THIS IS NOT REALLY ABOUT WHAT THE NAME OF THE MOUNTAIN IS GODDAMIT! friggin' simpletons. But yeah, sorry .... this is clearly not the place for me to have mentioned this topic. Once again, i apologize. Good day.
If you ignore the color of someone you ignore the experiences that they went through as a result of that color. Being some "I'M NOT RACIST I DON'T SEE COLOR" moron doesn't make you not racist.

i hate to burst your imaginary bubble, but no one around here goes through any different experiences because of their color. I already told you i was raised in and still live in a multiethnic neighborhood so i should know. Have you ever actually been to one? Yeah, i didn't think so. Like i said, good day .... you ignorant, divisive, lying, venomous fuck.
why do the cultural rights of minorities matter that much if they're happy to be lumped or self lumped into one big anti-white male collective of people who happily fuck white slutty women and live in countries with white ruling classes? If being an individual group mattered so much, they wouldn't listen to music from african american ghettos, watch films made by jews, eat european food and speak a language from Britain. Stop doing those things, then we'll give a shit about how awful it is that a rebel flag is flying somewhere or a place name is colonial in origin.
why do the cultural rights of minorities matter that much if they're happy to be lumped or self lumped into one big anti-white male collective of people who happily fuck white slutty women and live in countries with white ruling classes? If being an individual group mattered so much, they wouldn't listen to music from african american ghettos, watch films made by jews, eat european food and speak a language from Britain. Stop doing those things, then we'll give a shit about how awful it is that a rebel flag is flying somewhere or a place name is colonial in origin.

what the fuck
why do the cultural rights of minorities matter that much if they're happy to be lumped or self lumped into one big anti-white male collective of people who happily fuck white slutty women and live in countries with white ruling classes? If being an individual group mattered so much, they wouldn't listen to music from african american ghettos, watch films made by jews, eat european food and speak a language from Britain. Stop doing those things, then we'll give a shit about how awful it is that a rebel flag is flying somewhere or a place name is colonial in origin.

Only ignorant people think this is a real thing that happens.
Hey did you guys hear about it?! We're changing the names of all of our cities, rivers, mountains and lakes back to what they were called by the Native Americans! Those darn settlers ruined everything, didn't they? Mt Whitney will from now on go by its indigenous name, Tumanguya. Mt Rushmore will be known as Six Grandfathers and Lake Superior will be Gichi-Gami. It's the right thing to do, since we've been oppressing and imposing our laws on the Native Americans, right MF?

goodnight y'all. ;)
That would actually be the right thing to do. It's a shame that there isn't a way to reverse the large scale genocide of Native Americans, even though I'm sure that you have a plan for that too.
We actually use a lot of Native American names, at least in New England and New York. Hell, Massachusetts is named after the indigenous peoples who lived in the area.

I don't think cities need to be changed. They were built and named by settlers, I don't think they need to be called by Native American names. As heartless as it is, history is destruction: "All progressions from a higher to a lower order are marked by ruins and mystery and a residue of nameless rage."

That said, small gestures like changing Mt. McKinley's name are worth it, I think.
Hey did you guys hear about it?! We're changing the names of all of our cities, rivers, mountains and lakes back to what they were called by the Native Americans! Those darn settlers ruined everything, didn't they? Mt Whitney will from now on go by its indigenous name, Tumanguya. Mt Rushmore will be known as Six Grandfathers and Lake Superior will be Gichi-Gami. It's the right thing to do, since we've been oppressing and imposing our laws on the Native Americans, right MF?

goodnight y'all. ;)

I wonder where the name Lake Ontario came from..
Progressions whether from higher to lower or lower to higher involve a measure of destruction. This naming stuff is the sort of stupid empty gesture and indignant uproar that defines both mainstream US political constituencies/leaders.
I'm going to second that in the tri state area of WV, Ohio, and PA exist a bunch of places with Native American names.
I wonder where the name Lake Ontario came from..
I think the other three great lakes(outside of Superior) all use names derived from Native Americans.

We actually use a lot of Native American names, at least in New England and New York. Hell, Massachusetts is named after the indigenous peoples who lived in the area.

Yea, a lot of our cities, states etc. names have Native American roots. Idaho is from the Shoshoni speaking Uto-Aztecs. Iowa is from the Ioway Sious. Minnesota comes from the Dakota Sious. Utah is form the Ute people. The name of my city(Pasadena) means "crown of the valley" in Chipewwa. etc. I dont think any of the English names should be changed unless they are clearly offensive to people ... for example, Polack Lake in Michigan, Jewtown in Georgia or even the town of Wop Draw in Wyoming. What obama should be trying to do is change the name of Darkey Springs in Tennessee, change the name of Negro Mountain in Maryland, change the name of Negro Creek and of Dead Negro Draw( in Texas ... not a mountain that was named after one of our presidents from over 100+ years just to stir some shit up in the political world. But yeah, there's a reason he is known as the Divider in Chief.

As heartless as it is, history is destruction: "All progressions from a higher to a lower order are marked by ruins and mystery and a residue of nameless rage."

Progressions whether from higher to lower or lower to higher involve a measure of destruction. This naming stuff is the sort of stupid empty gesture and indignant uproar that defines both mainstream US political constituencies/leaders.

Pretty much agree with these statements.