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Wow nice source, some Armenian that made a post on Reddit 3 years ago.

Oh shit, he was Armenian?

Can you guess what this cocksucking faggot is?

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but clearly that guy doesnt know what the fuck hes talking about as displayed in the first sentence of his post, that's why i didnt post his "definition".... "expands to rule over others using military force". Lmao, right off the bat. Do you know how many empires expanded and ruled over COUNTRIES without using military force? a shit load.

Greece, for one, you fucking idiot. Also, Armenia was a well established country run by its own government during the ottoman empire, how many times do i have to drill that into your dense skull? There are plenty more, maybe your whore mother should have dropped you off at school instead of trying to educate you while you still hung off he saggy nipples at the ripe age of 12.

Name these empires that expanded without military force. I'm sure there are a couple weird exceptions as there are with everything, but it's broadly true at least in most cases.

Greece ruled Palestine? Wow, thanks for the information, I had no idea. Oh wait, you're forgetting the subject again? Fair enough, let's talking about Greece. How, exactly, did the Greeks rule Greece during Ottoman subjugation?

The Sultan sat at the apex of the government of the Ottoman Empire. Although he had the trappings of an absolute ruler, he was actually bound by tradition and convention.[11] These restrictions imposed by tradition were mainly of a religious nature. Indeed, the Qur'an was the main restriction on absolute rule by the sultan and in this way, the Qur'an served as a "constitution."[11]

Ottoman rule of the provinces was characterized by two main functions. The local administrators within the provinces were to maintain a military establishment and to collect taxes.[12] The military establishment was feudal in character.[12] The Sultan's cavalry were allotted land, either large allotments or small allotments based on the rank of the individual cavalryman. All non-Muslims were forbidden to ride a horse which made traveling more difficult.[12] The Ottomans divided Greece into six sanjaks, each ruled by a Sanjakbey accountable to the Sultan, who established his capital in Constantinople in 1453.

The conquered land was parceled out to Ottoman soldiers, who held it as feudal fiefs (timars and ziamets) directly under the Sultan's authority. This land could not be sold or inherited, but reverted to the Sultan's possession when the fief-holder (timariot) died.[12] During their life-times they served as cavalrymen in the Sultan's army, living well on the proceeds of their estates with the land being tilled largely by peasants.[12] Many Ottoman timariots were descended from the pre-Ottoman Christian nobility, and shifted their allegiance to the Ottomans following the conquest of the Balkans. Conversion to Islam was not a requirement, and as late as the fifteenth century many timariots were known to be Christian, although their numbers gradually decreased over time.[13]

The Ottomans basically installed this feudal system right over the top of the existing system of peasant tenure. The peasantry remained in possession of their own land and their tenure over their plot of land remained hereditary and inalienable.[12] Nor was any military service ever imposed on the peasant by the Ottoman government. All non-Muslims were in theory forbidden from carrying arms, but this was ignored. Indeed, in regions such as Crete, almost every man carried arms.

Greek Christian families were, however, subject to a system of conscription known as the devshirme. The Ottomans required that male children from Christian peasant villages be conscripted and enrolled in the corps of Janissaries for military training in the Sultan's army.[12] Such recruitment was sporadic, and the proportion of children conscripted varied from region to region. The practice largely came to an end by the middle of the seventeenth century.

Under the Ottoman system of government, Greek society was at the same time fostered and restricted. With one hand the Turkish regime gave privileges and freedom to its subject people; with the other it imposed a tyranny deriving from the malpractices of its administrative personnel over which it exercised only remote and incomplete control. In fact the “rayahs” were downtrodden and exposed to the vagaries of Turkish administration and sometimes to the Greek landlords. The term rayah came to denote an underprivileged, tax-ridden and socially inferior population.[14]

Yeah, "ruling", right.
Name these empires that expanded without military force.

i already named you a few, Armenia being a part of the Russian Empire for one. The Brits also didnt use "military" force in all of their campaigns. Same for the Persian. And even the Mongols(which Armenia was also a part of). Your mother should have read you a few history books while breastfeeding you.

Greece ruled Palestine? Wow, thanks for the information, I had no idea. Oh wait, you're forgetting the subject again? Fair enough, let's talking about Greece. How, exactly, did the Greeks rule Greece during Ottoman subjugation?

Im not forgetting anything, im just schooling you. You're asking for well established countries(now squeezing in "ruled" in there like the little sideways faggot you are) thinking no such thing existed. You can add Egypt, Bulgaria, Albania and a shit load of other COUNTRIES(look up the definition, they were all headed by their own government) that were ruled by that EMPIRE to that list too. "OH NOEZ THEY WERE RULED BY THE TURKS SO THEY WERENT A COUNTRY" :lol:
"name me a well established country that was a part of the ottoman empire, err i mean the country of ottoman"

go play with your stuffed animals sweetie.
i already named you a few, Armenia being a part of the Russian Empire for one. The Brits also didnt use "military" force in all of their campaigns. Same for the Persian. And even the Mongols(which Armenia was also a part of). Your mother should have read you a few history books while breastfeeding you.

Im not forgetting anything, im just schooling you. You're asking for well established countries(now squeezing in "ruled" in there like the little sideways faggot you are) thinking no such thing existed. You can add Egypt, Bulgaria, Albania and a shit load of other COUNTRIES(look up the definition, they were all headed by their own government) that were ruled by that EMPIRE to that list too. "OH NOEZ THEY WERE RULED BY THE TURKS SO THEY WERENT A COUNTRY" :lol:
"name me a well established country that was a part of the ottoman empire, err i mean the country of ottoman"

go play with your stuffed animals sweetie.

The Armenian National Council declared the independence of Armenia on 28 May 1918. From the very onset, Armenia was plagued with a variety of domestic and foreign problems. A humanitarian crisis emerged from the aftermath of the Armenian Genocide as tens of thousands of Armenian refugees from the Ottoman Empire settled there. The republic lasted for over two years, during which time it was involved in several armed conflicts caused by territorial disputes. By late 1920, the nation was conquered by the Soviet Red Army. The First Republic, along with the Republic of Mountainous Armenia which repelled the Soviet invasion until July 1921, ceased to exist as an independent state, superseded by the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic that became part of the Soviet Union in 1922. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the republic regained its independence as the current Republic of Armenia in 1991.[21]

Provide examples for the UK, Persia, and (especially, lmao) the Mongols.

No shit there were countries taken over and ruled by the Ottomans. I've said as much. However, they weren't sovereign. That is in distinction to your point about "already well established countr[ies]". You're saying Palestine belongs to Egyptians that were defeated 500 years ago?
whats my point? you faggot you said there were no well established countries under the ottoman empire. You literally displayed with one of your first post that you didnt even fucking know the different between a country and an empire.

And the fact that you LOL'd over the Mongol empire part of my post is the funniest tbh. Just again displaying your ignorance. its like every one of your responses is "PROVE IT". "PROVE THAT THERES WHITE GUILTTT" lmao. If you think every country sharpened their sword when they saw the Persian or Mongols heading their way than you surely should not even be commenting on this subject. And im not going to hold your hand and walk you through everything like ive been doing for the past few weeks. Go look for them yourself.

And what exactly are you trying to say with that republic of Armenia link? That Armenia wasnt a real country before 1918 ?:lol::lol:
whats my point? you faggot you said there were no well established countries under the ottoman empire. You literally displayed with one of your first post that you didnt even fucking know the different between a country and an empire.

And the fact that you LOL'd over the Mongol empire part of my post is the funniest tbh. Just again displaying your ignorance. its like every one of your responses is "PROVE IT". "PROVE THAT THERES WHITE GUILTTT" lmao. If you think every country sharpened their sword when they saw the Persian or Mongols heading their way than you surely should not even be commenting on this subject. And im not going to hold your hand and walk you through everything like ive been doing for the past few weeks. Go look for them yourself.

And what exactly are you trying to say with that republic of Armenia link? That Armenia wasnt a real country before 1918 ?:lol::lol:

Emphasis on well established. Wow, you've shown that Serbia regained independence after 400 years of subjugation, that proves what exactly? Palestine was never a nation. It was a part of Egypt 500 years ago, and then conquered in war. That's life. You lose claim to your homeland after it is lost for 500 years. Your post is natural selection at work; if your ancestors' kin dodged points as well as your own direct ancestors, their children might still be alive.

Just because Mongols offered a chance of surrender before committing genocide doesn't mean they didn't use a military to conquer half the world.

I'm saying that Russia didn't non-militarily incorporate Armenia into its empire. It's almost like you enjoy being fucked by Russian dick. Does it taste differently from Turkish dick?
I'm saying that Russia didn't non-militarily incorporate Armenia into its empire.

:lol: You fucking idiot, Armenia was a part of the Russian empire sine the early 1800's, whihc i said in one of my first posts. Do you not know how to fucking read? What you did was post a link that was basically Armenia becoming "the republic of Armenia" AFTER the Russian empire fell apart. A-F-T-E-R-. In other words, your link makes absolutely no sense.
no military force. Fuuuuuuuck you're such an idiot.
:lol: You fucking idiot, Armenia was a part of the Russian empire sine the early 1800's, whihc i said in one of my first posts. Do you not know how to fucking read? What you did was post a link that was basically Armenia becoming "the republic of Armenia" AFTER the Russian empire fell apart. A-F-T-E-R-. In other words, your link makes absolutely no sense.
no military force. Fuuuuuuuck you're such an idiot.

Russian Armenia is the period of Armenian history under Russian rule from 1828, when Eastern Armenia became part of the Russian Empire following Qajar Iran's loss in the Russo-Persian War (1826–1828) and the subsequent ceding of its territories that included Eastern Armenia per the out coming Treaty of Turkmenchay of 1828.[1]

Eastern Armenia became part of the Russian Empire following Qajar Iran's loss in the Russo-Persian War (1826–1828)

Still waiting for expansion of an empire without military force.
Armenians still living under Persian rule were encouraged to emigrate to Russian Armenia and 30,000 followed the call. In 1828, the Russians declared war against the Ottoman Empire. They quickly conquered Kars, Akhalkalak, Akhaltsikhe, Bayazid, Alashkert, Erzerum, and reached Trabzon. However, in the peace treaty of 1829, the Russians gave all of the newly captured Armenian territories back to the Ottoman Empire, keeping only Akhalkalak and Akhaltsikhe.

Hahaha, a shitty political football that the Russians kicked back to the Turks.
:lol: yeah you're a leatherfaced idiot. I just posted you a link that explains exactly what happened. And yet your point out how the Russians fucked up the Persians? :lol: As in the Russian EMPIRE(not country) fucked up the Ottoman EMPIRE.

Peter the Great, declared war against the Safavid Iranians, who were at that time in heavy decline. Georgians and Karabagh's Armenians helped the Russians by rebelling against Safavid rule.

Russia sought to further expand its territory in the Caucasus at the expense of Ottoman Turkey and Qajar Iran.
The Russian campaigns found enthusiastic support amongst the Armenians, led by the Bishop of Tbilisi, Nerses Ashtaraketsi, who took part in the fighting in person.

Idiot didn't even know when the Russian empire fell. lmao "bbubuuuut butuutut 1918 is when Armenia became part of the russian empire" Lmfao. Do you know how many fucking mistakes you made in just that one statement?

Armenia accepted one military rule to end another. They bent the knee, as they always have through all of history like the backwater cowards they are.

I didn't say Armenia became a part of the USSR in 1918, I quoted a link which showed they became of the USSR in 1920 which is what I thought you were talking about (my mistake).
I like how CASSETTEISGOD just half-admitted being wrong and then dropped out except to cheerlead you, Turkdodger.