The News Thread

Well thanks for pointing out that Palestinians are culturally and linguistically arabs, just like some christians and jews are. But if i am not mistaken Palestinians predate arabs .... so your "manufacturing" part doesn't really make sense here.

And lol at calling what they do "combat". Does Palestine have an official army? no, they dont. And i dont know if you missed one of my links but it would be very hard for any nation to actually help them, considering how the jews have practically cut them off form the rest of the world. And the country that TRIES to help them the most isnt even an arabic nation. Its Iran. So id say just about that whole post is incorrect ..... edit: except for the part about israel being a western manufactured nation, which is basically a fact.

"Predate Arabs but are Arabs". Otay. Arabs could have easily assimilated Palestinians if they wanted to. Instead, they wanted leave refugees to make things difficult on Israel (plus Arabs are a selfish lot anyway). I don't have any pro-Israel dog in this fight, but that doesn't mean the Palestinian plight is all it gets blown up to be. That Persians try to help Palestinian Arabs more than other Arabs do just shows the degree to which Arabs treat each other at least as shitty as they treat anyone else.
yes, as in today they're are linguistically and culturally arabs, did you miss that part?

That Persians try to help Palestinian Arabs more than other Arabs do just shows the degree to which Arabs treat each other at least as shitty as they treat anyone else.

Nah it just shows that you didn't know what you were talking about? "ARAB MANUFACTRED group that is used by OTHER ARAB NATIONS". Right? Do you know how to say "my bad, i was wrong"? No? Otay.

And yes, i do agree on arabs being a very selfish group of people. Dont have much love for them on a whole.
yes, as in today they're are linguistically and culturally arabs, did you miss that part?

Nah it just shows that you didn't know what you were talking about? "ARAB MANUFACTRED group that is used by OTHER ARAB NATIONS". Right? Do you know how to say "my bad, i was wrong"?

And yes, i do agree on arabs being a very selfish group of people. Dont have much love for them on a whole.

It's Arab manufactured as in, I have to qualify they are "Palestinian Arabs". They are Arabs. These Arabs were pushing for their own tribal state after WWI, but lost out in the Jew-sympathizing Western-dominated shuffle, and other Arabs want to pretend they are this unique people of the Levant rather than pretty much the same thing as Saudis, Jordanians, etc. They do this because it's politically expedient and they are, as a culture, extremely tribal. You should know the old Bedouin saying.
again, you're just ignoring the fact that they are an older group of people than than Arabs, doesnt matter if they speak arabic today man. They have been in that region longer than ayrabs have. Jews have been around longer than arabs have, does that mean that arab jews are not jews? And honestly, im not willing to argue with someone who cant even say they were wrong after posting something as incorrect as this ...

"Palestinians are an Arab manufactured group. They are Arabs that other Arab nations are using as a tool to combat..."

Do you not know what manufacturing is? Did you not know that Iran was their #1 supporter? Or did you not know that Persians are not arabs?

oh and btw, they are indeed one of the original people of the Levante. Im also starting to notice some blind hate here tbh.
again, you're just ignoring the fact that they are an older group of people than than Arabs, doesnt matter if they speak arabic today man. They have been in that region longer than ayrabs have. Jews have been around longer than arabs have, does that mean that arab jews are not jews? And honestly, im not willing to argue with someone who cant even say they were wrong after posting something as incorrect as this ...

"Palestinians are an Arab manufactured group. They are Arabs that other Arab nations are using as a tool to combat..."

Do you not know what manufacturing is? Did you not know that Iran was their #1 supporter? Or did you not know that Persians are not arabs?

oh and btw, they are indeed one of the original people of the Levante. Im also starting to notice some blind hate here tbh.

Since you can't recognize that I pointed out Persians not being Arabs it's understandable you're failing to grasp these other areas. I think it's funny you suddenly think criticism = hate. What an SJW :p
you mean after i pointed out that Iran is their #1 supporter after you said they are "used as a tools by the ARABS to combat others"? heh. And lets be real, you're not just criticizing them. Its clear you dont care much for arabs, which doesnt bother me at all. But even if i dont like most arabs, that doesnt mean im going to ignore what i think is right or wrong. And whats happening to Palestine is WRONG. no?
Israel is a kind of police state utopia though, like Japan on steroids, so maybe he sees Israel as an honorary Asian utopia.

Yes, genocide. Keeping them basically trapped in a piece of land while they kill Palestinian civilians by bombing their schools and hospitals("but that's where they were shooting their little rockets at us from":lol:) is imo genocide. Lol at you just referring to it as "displacement". It is a modern day genoicde that we are all witnessing, that's why everyone is slowly starting to wake up and see israel for what they really are ... the biggest terrorists in that region.

i hate to be the one to post a huffpo articel, but here ...

Don't Hamas forces purposely hide in schools and hospitals specifically to create moral quandaries for Israel?

First off, they were completely different times. Secondly, what other country/nation at that time turned around and wanted to sit down with a group that they could have easily wiped out? Peter the Great exterminated nations off of this planet while conquering. Yes, we killed a shit load of indiains, but we also offered them jobs, homes and even gave them some land. So that comparison doesnt make sense to me at all. And to your any context part, have you heard of Indian Reservations? They basically run all the casinos out here in the southwest.

Well, unfortunately for Israel and Palestine their differences are so fundamental that they could probably never reach a level of harmony like Native Americans and the United States have.
Don't Hamas forces purposely hide in schools and hospitals specifically to create moral quandaries for Israel?
No, they dont "purposely hide in schools". Thats zionist propoganda. But they come from "those areas" which is funny considering how small Palestine is today. Its only 2,400sm. And they have nothing there, no military bases or anything. They shoot bootleg rockets from their neighborhoods(which is ALL they can do), the same neighborhoods that are literally right across the border and on the "front line". So its very easy for the zionists to paint a picture the way they want to, but im glad that everyone is starting to call them out on it in recent years.

"we bombed a school and killed dozens of children because a rocket came from that area" :lol:
I personally dont care what other muslim countries/groups do when it comes to this. And i dont lump them together just because they are of the same religion. Most of those cunt arab countries dont even have the backbone to help Palestine, as Dak mentioned earlier.

What a bullshit article. "Hamas's use of civilian Palestinian buildings". Whoever says something like that should just shut the fuck up because clearly they are being greased by the zionists to word it out the way they need it to come out. There are civilians everywhere in that little piece of land. There is no army, the people fighting back ARE civilians(terrorist if you lsiten to netanyahu, who imo is one of the biggest war criminals of today). Again, they dont "purposely hide in schools". I already told you why they would be firing from those areas, so i suggest you go back and re-read my last post. It is a small, densely populated piece of land that is cut off from the rest of the world, they have no military bases and no military. A few dozen yards(some places feet) and youre already in those neighborhoods that have civilians, schools etc. Do you understand that what your trying to say they should do is literally impossible?

OH btw ezra klein, the editor-in-chief and one of the founders of vox is a giant jew, and im pretty sure the guy who wrote that article is too.
The strategy of argument strikes me as odd because of the way "country" is being applied. The definition of "country" is a historically constructed set of conditions. Just because we have a definition for "country" today doesn't make the Persian or Roman Empires "countries." No one would call Rome "the country of Rome." Definitions don't assume some kind of universal positivist application once they're created; they depend on historical use and relevance. The modern nation-state didn't even exist during the time of the Roman Empire, so it doesn't really make sense to call Rome a country in the modern sense. You could argue logically for it, but I'm not sure it gets us anywhere. It's like trying to call the Bible a novel. You could make an argument for it, but it would be pointless and virtually senseless because the novel is a particular historical artifact.

In the context of a well-established country existing in the Palestine prior to British and then Israeli occupation, it then makes one ask the question of the specific country Turkdodger was referring to. He still hasn't given an answer on that one. In most other contexts I would refer to the Ottoman Empire as an empire first, fair.

The word "country" etymologically used to mean simply "a land apart," or something like this--from "contra," "against," meaning the land lying next to another land. In this sense, "country" specifically implied a regional distinction; empire, on the other hand, comes from the Latin word meaning "to command." It specifies oversight and control. The word "country" didn't assume the sense of modern nation-building until long after the fall of Rome (or 476 A.D., if we want to debate whether Rome ever actually "fell").

I'm not arguing that the Ottoman Empire was a country in the same way countries exist today. Obviously many things are different today. Not even CASSETTE was arguing that, though he appears to have changed his mind again; he previously said that an "Ottoman State", the country-bit, existed within the empire. I'd like to see him try to define that point again.

I think at best all you can say is this: all empires can be described as behaving like countries in some respects, but the words imply inverse functions. "Empire" implies expansion and appropriation, while "country" implies isolation (although this doesn't mean that countries must practice isolationist policies). I don't deny that we can make the definition of empire fit the definition of country; I'm just not sure I see the point in eliding the distinction, and ultimately I think it generates more confusion than clarity.

Where does "country" imply isolation? "Regional distinction" (your previous definition broad enough for me to find agreeable) does not necessitate that at all, and no definition of "country" refers to that. The only reason it's generating confusion is because it's a critical point in the argument over whether Palestine was a country. I'd argue not, on the basis it was territory of the Ottoman Empire governed like a province for 500 years before it was last an independent country. It would be like arguing that the East Africa Protectorate was more of a country than the British Empire. If one acknowledges that empires have central components which are effectively countries (which is what CASSETTE has acknowledged), then surely the part of an empire containing a country is more of a country than the part of an empire not containing a country.

Cheerlead? Jesus you're being salty and triggered right now. I've never seen you like this.


I'm still reading about empires as I cook dinner, twatholio.

And so where has the reading taken you?

You frequently make stupid arguments, back out pretending to concede a point or do more research, and then continue posting dumb reaction images and liking the posts of the people that agree with you. Spend less time reading about Kekistan and listening to Jordan Peterson podcasts and maybe you'll be able to formulate your own arguments.
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Israel is on my bucket list, fucking awesome place.

My Zionist family members have taken multiple trips to Israel. They say there's military everywhere, lots of scary big black guns at all times, escorting you anywhere that there's a site of historical value. They still loved it, but they don't hate guns either. I don't think you'd like it from what I've heard.