The News Thread

I didn't say Armenia became a part of the USSR in 1918, I quoted a link which showed they became of the USSR in 1920 which is what I thought you were talking about (my mistake).

"look, they didnt become apart of the RUSSIAN EMPIRE without military force" ...... links a wiki article of the Republic of Armenia and the USSR. lmao while complete ignoring how Armenia became apart of the Russian empire. IN THE FUCKIN 1800's :lol:

Hahaha, a shitty political football that the Russians kicked back to the Turks.

The Russian Empire's response to the bombardment of its Black Sea naval ports was primarily a land campaign through the Caucasus. Early victories against the Ottoman Empire from the winter of 1914 to the spring of 1915 saw significant gains of territory, including relieving the Armenian bastion resisting in the city of Van in May 1915. The Russians also reported encountering the bodies of unarmed civilian Armenians as they advanced.[164] In March 1916, the scenes they saw in the city of Erzurum led the Russians to retaliate against the Ottoman III Army whom they held responsible for the massacres, destroying it in its entirety

They bent the knee, as they always have through all of history like the backwater cowards they are.

Every smaller nation bent the knee to the Romans, Mongols, Persian etc. Even the shitty european nations that your mudbutt blood comes from. The difference is we actually tried to fight back against all of them, except for the Russians, because there was no need to since NO MILITARY FORCE WAS USED BY THEM
Cheerlead? Jesus you're being salty and triggered right now. I've never seen you like this.


I'm still reading about empires as I cook dinner, twatholio.
You better hurry up, he needs someone to whisper in his ear and stick a finger in his butt while he spews forth his nonsense and rewrites history with his autism.

edit: hes probably raging because i posted a pick of him fondling one of the stuffed animals his mommy gave him. At the ripe ole' age of 30. :lol:
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Tigranes II, more commonly known as Tigranes the Great (Armenian: Տիգրան Մեծ, Tigran Mets;[2] Ancient Greek: Τιγράνης ὁ Μέγας Tigránes ho Mégas; Latin: Tigranes Magnus)[3] (140 – 55 BC) was King of Armenia under whom the country became, for a short time, the strongest state to Rome's east.[4]

edit: @CASSETTEISGOD dont let him fool you with his autistic ways. The ottoman empire was not a country and you would have to be a legit retard to even entertain that idea. Have you heard of the COUNTRY of THE BRITISH EMPIRE? Man it was such a big country that it had land on every continent. You never read about it in any history books? The British EMPIRE was the largest COUNTRY ever bro. :lol:
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The strategy of argument strikes me as odd because of the way "country" is being applied. The definition of "country" is a historically constructed set of conditions. Just because we have a definition for "country" today doesn't make the Persian or Roman Empires "countries." No one would call Rome "the country of Rome." Definitions don't assume some kind of universal positivist application once they're created; they depend on historical use and relevance. The modern nation-state didn't even exist during the time of the Roman Empire, so it doesn't really make sense to call Rome a country in the modern sense. You could argue logically for it, but I'm not sure it gets us anywhere. It's like trying to call the Bible a novel. You could make an argument for it, but it would be pointless and virtually senseless because the novel is a particular historical artifact.

The word "country" etymologically used to mean simply "a land apart," or something like this--from "contra," "against," meaning the land lying next to another land. In this sense, "country" specifically implied a regional distinction; empire, on the other hand, comes from the Latin word meaning "to command." It specifies oversight and control. The word "country" didn't assume the sense of modern nation-building until long after the fall of Rome (or 476 A.D., if we want to debate whether Rome ever actually "fell").

I think at best all you can say is this: all empires can be described as behaving like countries in some respects, but the words imply inverse functions. "Empire" implies expansion and appropriation, while "country" implies isolation (although this doesn't mean that countries must practice isolationist policies). I don't deny that we can make the definition of empire fit the definition of country; I'm just not sure I see the point in eliding the distinction, and ultimately I think it generates more confusion than clarity.
In this sense, "country" specifically implied a regional distinction

this is really the underlying distinction and obviously the definition is fuzzy in regards to the U.S. but jesus christ 100 replies since last night. can you two just seriously start your own thread(s) to do this little fucking game every day
I love how the left is totally embracing and backing jimmy kimmel over this healthcare fiasco.

Yet, i seem to recall someone named jimmy kimmel on a show called The Man Show some years back. This show embraced all things masculine like drinking beer, half naked Juggie Girls prancing their asses around, having a fat kid demean women, etc.

Surely its not the same person.....
I missed this one, and i was wondering why you hadnt responded to my post.
Genocide? Displacement maybe.

Yes, genocide. Keeping them basically trapped in a piece of land while they kill Palestinian civilians by bombing their schools and hospitals("but that's where they were shooting their little rockets at us from":lol:) is imo genocide. Lol at you just referring to it as "displacement". It is a modern day genoicde that we are all witnessing, that's why everyone is slowly starting to wake up and see israel for what they really are ... the biggest terrorists in that region.

i hate to be the one to post a huffpo articel, but here ...

Do you think America should be returned to the Native Americans, in any context?

First off, they were completely different times. Secondly, what other country/nation at that time turned around and wanted to sit down with a group that they could have easily wiped out? Peter the Great exterminated nations off of this planet while conquering. Yes, we killed a shit load of indiains, but we also offered them jobs, homes and even gave them some land. So that comparison doesnt make sense to me at all. And to your any context part, have you heard of Indian Reservations? They basically run all the casinos out here in the southwest.
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jimmy kimmel over this healthcare fiasco.

Yeah, its pretty ridiculous tbh. But i kkkkiiiind of see why hes so wound about the whole healthcare thing. You do know about his baby boy right? But that prick has almost always been leaning left, especially in recent years when not a single show has passed by without him trying to push some kind of leftist agenda.
First off, they were completely different times. Secondly, what other country/nation at that time turned around and wanted to sit down with a group that they could have easily wiped out? Peter the Great exterminated nations off of this planet while conquering. Yes, we killed a shit load of indiains, but we also offered them jobs, homes and even gave them some land. So that comparison doesnt make sense to me at all. And to your any context part, have you heard of Indian Reservations? They basically run all the casinos out here in the southwest.
I think what makes this even more of a false equivalency is that Israel was created as a result of the destructive nature of the Holocaust yet they are taking actions which result in the deaths of Palestinian civilians and think that they are completely exempt from blame from this vague notion of defense (while also taking more and more land).
Well thanks for pointing out that Palestinians are culturally and linguistically arabs, just like some christians and jews are. But if i am not mistaken Palestinians predate arabs .... so your "manufacturing" part doesn't really make sense here.

And lol at calling what they do "combat". Does Palestine have an official army? no, they dont. And i dont know if you missed one of my links but it would be very hard for any nation to actually help them, considering how the jews have practically cut them off form the rest of the world. And the country that TRIES to help them the most isnt even an arabic nation. Its Iran. So id say just about that whole post is incorrect ..... edit: except for the part about israel being a western manufactured nation, which is basically a fact.
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