No, im not "pro choice" so we can put that question to rest, and I'm taking this in stride...I think it's pretty clear by your overly defensive, almost seething remarks such as..."fuck you"..."you're a bitch" etc. that somehow the topic turn (unintentional) really got to you. Look at the tone of your comments- making statements that you'd talk to people's face like you do on this forum while you're obviously angry- which says nothing...because your NOT saying it to someone's face. Hence the keyboard "warrior" poke. You took a tongue in cheek joke that I "liked" as serious, apparently too. ...And what's wrong with editing posts?...sometimes I think of a better way to word things- and I don't understand how that always correlates to being wrong, or backpeddling to someone who sees the edit...? I honestly like others' perspective (even yours) and I'm certainly not offended by your opinion...or feel disrespected despite the statement you made about having "no respect, none" for people who identify as pro-choice- I don't take it personally, in fact if I could pass you a beer through the screen...I would