The News Thread

I dont know what an "abortion ban is". But what are your thoughts on the subject overall? When is it okay or not okay to get an abortion in your opinion? Or are you one of those people who think "as long as she wants to"?
Religious conservatives want legal bans on abortion...why the fuck do you think pro-life and pro-choice have been a huge hot button political issue for 25+ years?lol... I think the state and government should stay out of most personal choice matters since I'm not a religious 'life enforcer'...but IMO, it being a matter of personal choice- abortion should be paid out of pocket (except extreme circumstances), where I believe programs like planned parenthood should continue to get funding on the birth control end...because I think birth control is a good idea not just for population reasons but because taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for irresponsible people's poorly planned rat-babies. I'd gladly rather pay for their birth control than their: free birth at the hospital, healthcare, housing, food, etc. and reward the worlds' most irresponsible people just to pay to raise another generation of uneducated mouth breathers...flame away lol
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"ban abortions"? lmao. And then you go off trying to tell me what pro-life and pro-choice is? You sound like UA.

Unless you were raped or the mothers life is in jeopardy, there is absolutely no other acceptable reason. And most of the right is in the same boat. Just because there are one or two nutjobs dosnt mean that "HER DER THEY WANNA BAN ABORTIONSS"

and not a single cent from the government should go to whores who have the"oops i fucked up" mentality.
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i have absolutely no respect for anyone that calls themselves "pro-choice". None. Bunch of disgusting murderers as far as i'm concerned. "BUUTUBUBUTBUBTUBT A FETUS ISNT A LIFE"

You asked...I have no fucking desire to argue with you about abortion my stand, or no

i asked and all you did is repeat the same nonsense that made me ask you that question. I dont give a shit if you have the desire to argue or not, if you dont have a proper answer then dont even fuckign respond. "the republicans wanna baaan abortiooonss"

i see you edited your post. So please, tell us what an abortion ban means?

Edit: Also. Yes, i dont agree with the religious nutcases as ive made clear, but you're pushing a left wing agenda by trying to imply that the conservatives are all "religious cucks that want to ban all abortions". I can ask you for stats, what will you do then? Find me the one or two people in the right that said we should ban all abortions?
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Protecting people from the consequences of irresponsibility .

So flushing their future babies down the toilets is not protecting them from the consequences of their irresponsibilities?

And we shouldn't fund planned parenthood for shit. They are the biggest abortion factory in history. "But the money goes towards this and that" and not a single mammogram machine in any planned parenthood. Yeah lets give money to an abortion factory that is known to chop up and sell baby organs

And just to make sure. @Nate Skalman @Dak You guys are both pro-choice?
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Man...your a real keyboard warrior. I thought you might be asking a legit question and I didn't catch the instant hostility...but instead you were attempting to lure me into your outdated abortion rant that apparently suddenly hit a (very) sore spot with you. Go ahead, verbally attack me, I was making a point about not always agreeing with said party and couldn't care less also that you disagree...after hearing about Armenian genocide, coked up dog fighting, and insulting people for (supposedly) being divorced on here, everything by me isn't exactly taken seriously, let alone personally. I get it, you fancy yourself an intellectual and I know you understand Roe vs. Wade- I felt you asked a loaded and smartass question so I answered with a smartass answer....based on my opinion. I doubt people here want to argue about abortion, (maybe they do lol) sorry for getting the ball rolling but wasn't meant to be an argument starter, no need to go for the jugular lol...nobody's getting slapped through the keyboard
So flushing their future babies down the toilets is not protecting them from the consequences of their irresponsibilities?


You guys are both pro-choice?

I think there's plenty of room for practical policy that is somewhere between acting like abortions are some awesome thing that needs to be incentivized and putting aborting mothers and fathers on trial for murder.
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Man...your a real keyboard warrior. I thought you might be asking a legit question and I didn't catch the instant hostility...but instead you were attempting to lure me into your outdated abortion rant that apparently suddenly hit a (very) sore spot with you. Go ahead, verbally attack me, I was making a point about not always agreeing with said party and couldn't care less also that you disagree...after hearing about Armenian genocide, coked up dog fighting, and insulting people for (supposedly) being divorced on here, everything by me isn't exactly taken seriously, let alone personally. I get it, you fancy yourself an intellectual and I know you understand Roe vs. Wade- I felt you asked a loaded and smartass question so I answered with a smartass answer....based on my opinion. I doubt people here want to argue about abortion, (maybe they do lol) sorry for getting the ball rolling but wasn't meant to be an argument starter, no need to go for the jugular lol...nobody's getting slapped through the keyboard

a keyboard warrior? Did i threaten or disrespect you or something? Did i somehow hurt your feewings? I dont get it. Also, im the last person here who pretends on the internet(unlike a shit load of the other posters as you even made clear), i would say everything i say here to all of your faces. So i'd say you're potshot right there is absolutely incorrect. And lol @"i thought you might be asking legit question" when all you've done is respond with a pop-tart answer. edit: And again, i jsut went back and re-read my comments to see if maybe i said anything to you that would have made you take that potshot at me, and yea nothing. So why are you being so thin-skinned? Go re-read my responses, i expect an apology.

And dont know what that keyboard slap comment from you means, what i was implying is that NOBODY IS GETTING SLAPPED PERIOD. You give that faggot a like for saying "pro-life people need to get slapped" and then accuse ME of being the keyboard warrior? Hmmm. O.K.
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