The News Thread

And again that's a fucking ridiculous comparison. Those werent a bunch of jews protesting againt nazis who were denying the holocaust. "OH THEY HAD SWATZIKAS SO LETS JUST START ALKING HOLOCAUST AND ARMENIAN GENOCIDE" Should i go and start punching everyone that sports the crescent moon and star? You are comparing the outrage of leftist liberals(most who are not even jews btw) to that of people who are angry because of actual tragedies(The Holocaust, The Genocide)?

They were angry about people who downright and unequivocally support genocide though. Sure, maybe not all of them, but who the fuck stands shoulder to shoulder with people who do. It's tantamount to supporting that shit too.

What do you think the left was outraged about?

edit: Why do you completely ignore the fact that I admitted that it wasn't the best point I could have made.
Yes. What made the Holocaust a good thing for Jews, but the Armenian genocide a bad thing for Armenians? What's the difference between the two events as you see them?
Are you fucking serious? I told you to take a fucking look at Armenia before the genocide(ive linked you to maps numerous times that showed you just how big and prosperous Armenia was. Ask the Romans, ask the Persians) and Armenians after the genocide, we were left with a tiny dot on the fucking map and a country that was in shambles and has still not fully recovered while the zionists stole/bought(bought votes) a piece of land and have been thriving ever since. You have access to the internet, im sick and tired of holding your hand and schooling you on everything. Like i said, its mindboggling that someone can even entertain the idea of comparing the two in this context . "LOOK THEY'RE BOTH GENOCIDES SO THE OUTCOME IS THE SAME!" :lol: What can i say, your just a moron is all.
Are you fucking serious? I told you to take a fucking look at Armenia before the genocide(ive linked you to maps numerous times that showed you just how big and prosperous Armenia was. Ask the Romans, ask the Persians) and Armenians after the genocide, we were left with a tiny dot on the fucking map and a country that was in shambles and has still not fully recovered while the zionists stole/bought(bought votes) a piece of land and have been thriving ever since. You have access to the internet, im sick and tired of holding your hand and schooling you on everything. Like i said, its mindboggling that someone can even entertain the idea of comparing the two in this context . "LOOK THEY'RE BOTH GENOCIDES SO THE OUTCOME IS THE SAME!" :lol: What can i say, your just a moron is all.

So 2000 years ago? By that logic you should have no problem with the creation of Israel considering the state of Judah which once existed.

It took the Armenian genocide for many Armenians to get together among the various diaspora and form a new Armenian state, btw. Similar to the outcome of the Holocaust.
Again, are you retarded? We had a huge successful country before turkey annexed western Armenia AFTER the genocide ..... BUT BUT NOW YOU HAVE A COUNTRY, lol stupid fuck. I know your mother didnt send you to school, but I think im going to have to start charging you for these history lessons.
and lol at trying to bring up Judea(was not a country or a state btw), do you know who the original inhabitants of that region were? Have you heard of Philistines?

And lol@ at "Armenian diaspora got together and formed the current state of Armenia" You are truly retarded. Western Armenia was annexed by the ottomans. And Eastern Armenia is what you are referring to as the "formation a new Armenian state". In other words they stole half of our land you fucking idiot. Nothing to do with diaspora(most Armenian in todays Armenia have ALWAYS been there you nitwit) and has nothing to do with whatever is is that you are trying to imply. How fucked up in the head do you haver to be to make all this shit up?
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yes and i still am. Are you going to compare the left to the victims of the Armenian genocide again?

I really wasn't trying to make a one-to-one comparison of the left and victims of genocide. But, no I won't make a comparison between the victims of any genocide to some butt-hurt freedom hating antifa fucks ever again.
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The "white dudes walking around with guns" were predominantly militia types. There were a few in the Confederate crowd that were carrying concealed, but obviously by definition they weren't displaying them prominently.

I'm not really sure what being a militiaman has to do with being absolved of responsibility. My problem is that they attended and stood alongside white supremacists; and from what I read, they aligned themselves with those protestors. Some militia, like the Three Percenters, told their members to stay home rather than stand next to white supremacists. That's something I can get behind.

I was also defending the response from counter-protestors who likely felt intimidated by the presence of armed men who weren't police (although they probably fear the police too, unfortunately). There were plenty of right-wing people who planned to attend but decided not to. Those who did attend present an ambiguous message. That's what I was saying.
I get your point, but its kind of goofy to show up to protest white supremacists with guns and then complain of being scared because they have guns...what do you reasonably expect?
Slash is the only black Jew I can think of.

Rain Pryor.

Just as the conservative would love him to be a conservative. I think it's a null point overall.

*I assume you meant to type liberal?

This is a big problem with the left for me personally, as I more or less identify more with the left.
There's little to no principle anymore. Acting like a moron because the other side does it too is an incredibly dumb and unprincipled way to act.

This is why the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, the Labour Party and the Conservative Party are less and less representing their supporters and more and more blending together into an amorphous blob of horseshit.

Makes me think of smug intellectuals that denounce the concept of common sense and then argue for two wrongs making a right without seeing the irony.

They were angry about people who downright and unequivocally support genocide though. Sure, maybe not all of them, but who the fuck stands shoulder to shoulder with people who do. It's tantamount to supporting that shit too.

What do you think the left was outraged about?

edit: Why do you completely ignore the fact that I admitted that it wasn't the best point I could have made.

In that case, the entire counter-protest were communists or at least by this logic you've just used, standing with people who wave hammer and sickle flags and/or wear Mao and Che shirts is tantamount to supporting those ideologies and individuals.

My general sentiment about Charlottesville is that if a person of right-wing sentiment was there who didn't approve of white supremacism, then he or she should have promptly left the rally or begun counter-protesting.

If you're comfortable walking alongside white supremacists, then I'm doubtful of your values.

If you don't approve of rhetoric which calls for dead police and the silencing of whites that Black Lives Matter often call for, or the violent overthrowing of the government, the removal of property rights, the fundamental rejection of liberal democracy and of the oppression and potential starvation of billions of people for the sake of communism or even just socialism then you should have promptly left the rally.

Makes sense right? Or are you saying being comfortable standing with people who wave hammer and sickle flags shouldn't also bring into question that person's values?

(Not "you" as in you personally fyi.)

I wasn't defending the media in my post. I was criticizing what I took to be the same myopia and ideological grandstanding coming from the opposing side. I think you'd also be naive to not believe that the conservative media would love the shooter to be a liberal. It's a great one-liner when we can chalk the other side's problems up to the actions of a fucking asshole, but it proves absolutely nothing.

It proves that, in the minds of even the leftists such as yourself, you're no better than the right in all the areas it truly counts.

I'm not really sure what being a militiaman has to do with being absolved of responsibility. My problem is that they attended and stood alongside white supremacists; and from what I read, they aligned themselves with those protestors. Some militia, like the Three Percenters, told their members to stay home rather than stand next to white supremacists. That's something I can get behind.

I can get behind principled positions against guilt by association. Can you?

I was also defending the response from counter-protestors who likely felt intimidated by the presence of armed men who weren't police (although they probably fear the police too, unfortunately). There were plenty of right-wing people who planned to attend but decided not to. Those who did attend present an ambiguous message. That's what I was saying.

Yeah they're all just a bunch of victims who decided to bring primitive weaponry to a gun fight. Only victims who are simply considering their own safety do things like that. :rolleyes:
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I still can't wrap my head around that...putting yourself around people with guns, then complaining that others are exercising their right to own guns- AFTER you've opted out of owning guns yourself...maybe UA can chime in on that one
Rain Pryor.

*I assume you meant to type liberal?

In that case, the entire counter-protest were communists or at least by this logic you've just used, standing with people who wave hammer and sickle flags and/or wear Mao and Che shirts is tantamount to supporting those ideologies and individuals.


But yea, I can agree that the same logic applies to the left as well. It just seems that both liberals and conservatives are quick to excuse some aspect of either sides behavior despite how unamerican both actually are. Fucking commies and facists. I guess it's dim to think that their would be a more joint narrative against them both (though I think Trump condemned both sides)
I still can't wrap my head around that...putting yourself around people with guns, then complaining that others are exercising their right to own guns- AFTER you've opted out of owning guns yourself...maybe UA can chime in on that one

Hard to look like a poor widdle victim if you also bring guns yourself. Though if they brought guns, people like @Einherjar86 would use the exact same apologia.

(though I think Trump condemned both sides

He did, but that wasn't enough for partisan ideologues.

@CASSETTEISGOD which left is it that you identify yourself with? you have stated numerous times that you're a libertarian, which falls clearly under the right wing umbrella. Or least out here it does(we are talking US politics are we not?)

You brought this up not too long ago, classical liberalism which I admitted was basically the same thing as libertarianism anyway. It's the problem of political language.

I'm not economically libertarian really, just socially.
You brought this up not too long ago, classical liberalism which I admitted was basically the same thing as libertarianism anyway. It's the problem of political language.

I'm not economically libertarian really, just socially.

Classical liberalism is libertarianism and they both clearly fall under the right wing umbrella. So i dont know how that would make you mostly in line with the left. Maybe you shouldn't call yourself a classical liberal anymore?
and lol at trying to bring up Judea(was not a country or a state btw), do you know who the original inhabitants of that region were? Have you heard of Philistines?

And lol@ at "Armenian diaspora got together and formed the current state of Armenia" You are truly retarded. Western Armenia was annexed by the ottomans. And Eastern Armenia is what you are referring to as the "formation a new Armenian state". In other words they stole half of our land you fucking idiot. Nothing to do with diaspora(most Armenian in todays Armenia have ALWAYS been there you nitwit) and has nothing to do with whatever is is that you are trying to imply. How fucked up in the head do you haver to be to make all this shit up?

Wikipedia disagrees with your assessment. Do you have any evidence in support of your claims? Western Armenia was annexed by the Ottomans, Eastern Armenia by the Persians and Russians. Ergo, you didn't have a country until shortly after the genocide.