The News Thread

She has now retracted it. What a wimp. It's true. I have all black neighbors who are all probably or demonstrably smarter than white leftoids.
What a shame. I'm reading her "apology" now and it reads like a company memo, especially in contrast to her original statement.

The corporatist left can only handle so much honesty and intelligence before they go authoritarian mode. Someone probably called her a coon.
It's not about left and right there, but people not understanding diversity or what she was trying to say. I dated a woman who was extremely liberal and worked in diversity and she said things very similar to that linked statement.
Oh it's definitely about left and right when it comes to the obsession with shallow, surface-level diversity and shaming anybody who says anything to the contrary.

Specifically the corporatist-progressives. Genuine liberals agree with her original statement (I think).
Silicon Valley knows that engineers are extremely disproportionately white, Asian, and male. I'd imagine that most of those companies don't legitimately want a perfect multicultural kumbaya workforce, but they have to keep up appearances to prevent the DoJ and other legal instruments of cultural Marxism from slapping them with massive lawsuits. In essence, her one job as black female head of diversity was to tell a happy myth to the public, and she fucked up. The retraction is natural, but it doesn't change the truth that people actually working in the field are aware of.
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I meant to ask you, do you really consider yourself to be extremely right-wing?

You are possibly the single most hard to pin down (lolfag) person politically I have ever met. Nothing about your views are predictable to me.
Yes. Off the top of my head, the total extent of views I hold that are more left-associated (as opposed to socially libertarian) are:

1. Environmental protections and public ownership of basic natural resources like rivers, lakes, coasts, forests, etc
2. Social support for minors when parents or charity cannot manage (free education, free healthcare)
3. Some form of centralized, government-backed currency

And I'd argue the first one is as much a way of protecting private property (a right-wing concept) as anything; I don't see value in the right to pollute the air anymore than I see value in the right to vandalize a person's house.
For adults, near-absolute rights to manage your own property (which includes one's body); I support the right of businesses to discriminate against others in any way they prefer, I support the right of individuals to shoot those in violation of their property, I support the rights of individuals to privately record others from their own property, I support the rights to prostitute or destroy one's self however they see fit, etc. I believe that the maintenance of said property is entirely the responsibility of the one owning it, up to and including homicide. I oppose socialized justice (criminal courts and sentencing) on the grounds that it regularly violates the property rights of those falsely accused in favor of supporting those too negligent to defend themselves. I would prefer to see the most civil and criminal suits dismissed and replaced with a system where the government simply acts as an arbiter of truth, and where private individuals are expected to provide evidence to claims submitted to the public. I suppose on that basis I can add a fourth left-wing point; I believe people should have access to public instruments of recording and defense if they are unable to afford them. That is to say nothing of my opposition to other, more conventionally attacked forms of socialism.
I oppose socialized justice (criminal courts and sentencing) on the grounds that it regularly violates the property rights of those falsely accused in favor of supporting those too negligent to defend themselves. I would prefer to see the most civil and criminal suits dismissed and replaced with a system where the government simply acts as an arbiter of truth, and where private individuals are expected to provide evidence to claims submitted to the public.

Interesting, I agree with everything you said except for this which I don't necessarily disagree with or agree with, but I'm more just taken aback by it. I've never heard of this view before.

Which brings me back to:
You are possibly the single most hard to pin down (lolfag) person politically I have ever met. Nothing about your views are predictable to me.
For adults, near-absolute rights to manage your own property (which includes one's body);

Interesting note is "rights to manage your own body" seems to be considered more extreme left, and "rights to manage your own property" seems to be considered more extreme right? in some cases at least. A lot of people have hypocritical political views though
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Yeah broadly I'm just an extremist libertarian/borderline minarchist/ancap-memeball, but my views come primarily from that of property rather than "rights" unto themselves (e.g. the right to ingest drugs, the right to have an abortion, etc). The left tends to take either an ideological/ethical position where rights are these things that just shouldn't be violated, or a utilitarian one (e.g. "own whatever you want unless it's a gun because that's statistically more likely to blahblahblah"). Not that the right can't either, you've got the religious right all over that, but I have a personal bias/preference towards protection of self and protection of property over freedom of self and property.
In that respect, you remind me of Walter E. Williams. He's absolutely possessed by the idea of property and it seems to me like everything else he believes in comes forth from that premise.

Hard to really argue with someone who views things in terms of property, especially if you start that position from the concept that your own body is the first and last property you own.

Only area I really diverge with a worldview like that is the abortion bit. I think if you're going to be intellectually honest you can't pretend as if the fetus is your body. It's another body inside your body.