The News Thread

Coed programs within BSA already exist. Why not just retool those?

Probably because if they made a <feminine animal here> Scout badge intended to be equivalent to the Eagle Scout badge, it would still be generally viewed as inferior even if it had the same requirements just because the Eagle Scout badge has its prestige.

Why not let women earn Eagle Scout badges?
Why not let women earn Eagle Scout badges?

Why not let boys have something for them only? Why not retool the girl scouts to allow the activities the boys do? Eagle Scout has historically been something for boys only. It will lose the prestige and become watered down.

The BSA has already been tarnished over the years and this will be the made bed they have to sleep in
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This is the only part that appears like a valid concern. Time will tell if it does get watered down.

There's also the concern of potential sexual assault. If boy and girl troops attend the same summer camps and/or jamborees, what's the likelihood of girls getting raped or sexually assaulted? It probably isn't zero if that happens, especially because there will be leaders there who may have those tendencies not to mention the teenage libidos running around everywhere.

What's the likelihood of women leaders feigning rape or sexual assault to get attention (that doesn't happen though, amirite?!)? Will the increased revenue be enough to cover the extra litigation fees that result from this?

You also have to train new leaders, print more materials, etc with the new packs/troops. Even if this raises enrollment, is it really enough extra revenue to pay for the training, materials, extra weeks of summer camp (or new segregated camps even), extra pamphlets, merit badge cards, patches, etc? Does the benefit outweigh the cost here?

Like I said, you currently have programs that allow boys and girls to cooperate in the same structured environment. Why not revamp those and spend money to promote those? There aren't as many charters for Venturing or Explorers, but that could certainly change.

Age could be a constraint (14+ yrs old) and if this were limited to Cub Scouts, I probably wouldn't have a problem. Once you start getting into the teenage years, things become weirder and harder. If the BSA loses funding because of this, they won't survive. They've already had to raise membership fees multiple times in the past 20 years to keep afloat. Membership has dwindled because of the increasingly progressive policies the BSA has employed (allowing gay members, now allowing transgenders and girls). It's only a matter of time before the organization folds.

It was a very conservative organization for a long time and was very successful. Why change a successful formula?
I hope some wart-faced tween impregnates a dumb female scout leader.

Well with all the news about attractive female high school teachers getting impregnated by students, I'm sure it'll only be a matter of time.

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isn't concern meaningless in terms of the boy scouts? what if men want to do outdoorsy shit...just with men? Women use that argument for everything but if boys want to just be around boys -- holy shit!

Is there any avenue left where men can just not choose to be around women? Any?
isn't concern meaningless in terms of the boy scouts? what if men want to do outdoorsy shit...just with men? Women use that argument for everything but if boys want to just be around boys -- holy shit!

Is there any avenue left where men can just not choose to be around women? Any?

According to HBB, that's not a valid argument yet 2 other guys in this thread have used this exact same argument to speak against the new BSA policy.

Because the only fire I ever made as a kid was toasting my bread on the highest setting.

Only plebs like it all the way burnt
Well with all the news about attractive female high school teachers getting impregnated by students, I'm sure it'll only be a matter of time.

Pic related


Its becoming a pretty ridiculous trend no one is raising an alarm about. Pretty sexist. If it were dudes it'd be 10x whats going on with Weinstein.

I think it provides evidence to back up Paglia's claim that women don't know how to associate with men anymore.
There's also the concern of potential sexual assault. If boy and girl troops attend the same summer camps and/or jamborees, what's the likelihood of girls getting raped or sexually assaulted? It probably isn't zero if that happens, especially because there will be leaders there who may have those tendencies not to mention the teenage libidos running around everywhere.

What's the likelihood of women leaders feigning rape or sexual assault to get attention (that doesn't happen though, amirite?!)? Will the increased revenue be enough to cover the extra litigation fees that result from this?

You also have to train new leaders, print more materials, etc with the new packs/troops. Even if this raises enrollment, is it really enough extra revenue to pay for the training, materials, extra weeks of summer camp (or new segregated camps even), extra pamphlets, merit badge cards, patches, etc? Does the benefit outweigh the cost here?

Like I said, you currently have programs that allow boys and girls to cooperate in the same structured environment. Why not revamp those and spend money to promote those? There aren't as many charters for Venturing or Explorers, but that could certainly change.

Age could be a constraint (14+ yrs old) and if this were limited to Cub Scouts, I probably wouldn't have a problem. Once you start getting into the teenage years, things become weirder and harder. If the BSA loses funding because of this, they won't survive. They've already had to raise membership fees multiple times in the past 20 years to keep afloat. Membership has dwindled because of the increasingly progressive policies the BSA has employed (allowing gay members, now allowing transgenders and girls). It's only a matter of time before the organization folds.

It was a very conservative organization for a long time and was very successful. Why change a successful formula?

Sounds like a way to weed out rapists early then. Pretty sure that homosexual boy scouts/leaders rape each other too. By this logic you may as well segregate everything by sex.

I don't know how the Boy Scout system works financially. Are you saying it's a net loss to run the organization the more applicants you have? Sounds like a bubble waiting to pop.

Ah, sounds like it is.

According to HBB, that's not a valid argument yet 2 other guys in this thread have used this exact same argument to speak against the new BSA policy.

Only plebs like it all the way burnt

I don't support prohibiting men from activities previously limited to only women.

Why would you give them the same badge if they dont do the same activities, you feminazi cunt?

Who is to say they won't?
Yeah, dudes gotta get away from women sometimes. Even if they're just kids. I don't have an issue with female scouts getting the 'Eagle Scout' title but it should still remain a written difference in that a woman wouldn't lead boys and vice-versa. But no, I'm sure they want them all in one big troupe to make the girls more masculine and boys more feminine. It can't just be a thing 'men do'. It's not even about receiving equal rights but some kind of twisted desire to have sameness where things aren't the same!

Going out on a limb here, but the unifying theme with a lot of political shit lately (though broadly over the past ~20 years) is a push to from the powers that be to remove meaning from nearly everything. Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Culture, Ability, etc. It's all some scheme to reduce everyone to a 'human and nothing more' status (or at least some kind trial run) to some kind of fucked up formless base human with no actual attributes. IMO it started with the fucking participation trophies.
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