The News Thread

Starbursts are ok on the flavor-side of things but they're one of the worst tooth-yanking candies out there and not worth the effort of chewing for what you get. Very overrated.
Starbursts are ok on the flavor-side of things but they're one of the worst tooth-yanking candies out there and not worth the effort of chewing for what you get. Very overrated.

whens the last time you had a starburst? sounds like you're talking about DOTS or Milk Duds here. Jujufruit even!

I don't really like sweet/fruity candy that much, but the red and pink Starburst are all right. I'm more of a fan of hot cinnamon candy than any other kind.
I like Atomic Fireballs the most. I buy a small bag of them every week and keep them in my desk at work for when I'm on the computer.

Hot Tamales are good too, but I don't like chewy candy as much as I like hard candy.
Meats > all

If I have the choice between meat and dessert, or meat and more meat, meat always wins. Unless it's my mom's chocolate chip cookie dough pies.
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It seems like in any poll you'll always have at least 10-20% of participants choosing an absolutely retarded answer that defies reason. The remaining fraction of those are just the political crazies. Apparently the numbers haven't changed much vs when asked during Obama's term either.
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