The News Thread

Hilarious news, but I'm not sure how good. Kennedy's presence tended to swing things in a good direction overall, even though it was more of a Mr. Magoo act than him having the right reasons. 2A issues and similar things were already a lock thanks to Gorsuch and Kennedy's swing, but since the non-partisan nature of the court is more illusory than ever, this also means a hypothetical Patriot Act or Civil Forfeiture 2: Judicial Boogaloo will have no problem passing under a 5-4 Republican court. The Supreme Court is the only branch of the government where the left actually does the right thing sometimes.
this also means a hypothetical Patriot Act or Civil Forfeiture 2: Judicial Boogaloo will have no problem passing under a 5-4 Republican court. The Supreme Court is the only branch of the government where the left actually does the right thing sometimes.

Yet the left hasn't stopped anything bad ie the Patriot Act and they uniformly vote against good things. Having a "swing vote" hasn't actually helped anything really; having 5 Sotomayors or RBGs or whatever would be hell.
agreed, rbg needs to go away, one way or another.

the winning in the last few days is astonishing: travel ban, union ruling, abortion ruling...and now with kennedy retiring, another pick to the SC for trump.

the talk of a civil war is laughable. ive seen talk of term limits and expanding the court next time a democrat is prez
Kennedy sided with the left on privacy cases involving non-owned property, e.g. City of Los Angeles v. Patel. I thought the recent rental car case was a 5-4 as well but it was apparently a 9-0. I support the Obergefell v. Hodges decision even though I don't consider it to be particularly important. tbh though as I try digging it does look like those circumstances are fairly rare.
Just read a little about the union thing. How was it fucking fair that non members of unions still had to pay money towards the union? Unions are completely legalized extortion these days.

In contrast, if non members dont pay the fees, they shouldn't get representation
thats exactly how i see it.

i was part of a union and paid my dues, which was my choice. but it chapped my ass that others that chose not to pay still got represented during grievances and write ups.

the ruling only applied to public sector jobs, though. im sure private sector will soon follow.

and the travel ban ruling was legit. the prez has always had almost unilateral power when it comes to immigration. the court rightly determined that trump has the power to control who comes in, regardless of what was said on the campaign trail, which is what those dunces tried to make it about
tand the travel ban ruling was legit. the prez has always had almost unilateral power when it comes to immigration. the court rightly determined that trump has the power to control who comes in, regardless of what was said on the campaign trail, which is what those dunces tried to make it about

How has the president ever had unilateral power over immigration? The Executive Branch doesn't have the power to dictate immigration policy.

Arguing for something like Constitutional precedence is so anachronistic at this point in history. Trump still characterizes it as a Muslim ban occasionally. Even the Cato Institute acknowledges that it's virtually a Muslim ban, despite the vague rhetoric this administration deploys. All this apologizing for it in the name of national security or America first or whatever is total bullshit.
i should have clarified. The president has pretty much unchecked power when it comes to national security measures involving immigration. The courts rarely weigh in and if they do, they typically side with the prez. Apologies for the vagueness.

Going back to the SC pick, i hope trump picks a woman. A conservative female voice to oppose the liberal justices like sotomayor and yoda-looking ginsburg would be a decent balance. It could also win a lot of female voters.
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If liberal judges get to shut down a previously-used executive power because of mean things said about Muslims, conservative judges should get to arbitrarily shut down gun laws every time a politician uses a statement containing the phrase "gun ban".

Simple expression should never be considered in deciding whether or not a law or executive order is valid. If there is stated intent to abuse a law beyond the powers it prescribes, AND the law is in fact used to exceed its powers, that's when the judges should get involved. None of this bullshit arbitrary "W-well we don't think the order has been sufficiently proven to be effective, we need to means-test this with longitudinal studies for a decade before we can approve it".
Going back to the SC pick, i hope trump picks a woman. A conservative female voice to oppose the liberal justices like sotomayor and yoda-looking ginsburg would be a decent balance. It could also win a lot of female voters.

If there's a female, minority, Gorsuch clone in her early 40s this would be a slam dunk (also probably unlikely to find the minority out of that).
This is truly hilarious:

After all the whining about being called fake news we get this:

"Huge" "Blimp" "Huge blimp"

Jiminy crikers, this thing must be visible from space.


Oh. So how big is that?
Whichever side you agree with, Trump Baby – a 20ft, orange blimp depicting Donald Trump as a enraged, smartphone-clutching infant – will be a sight to behold when it flies above the capital this Friday July 13.

20ft? Wait, flying ABOVE?


Hmm. Wonder how 20ft compares to....blimps? Fuck, even other large balloons.

40-60ft.+ Oh. So it's not even that big of a balloon.

So definitely for blimps:

Journalists continue to be the shit of the earth.
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Suicide reflects feelings of hopelessness. With a couple of exceptions, those stats reflect the economic and population hollowing out of the heartland I've already mentioned. Additionally, thanks to the near total control of the media and liberal arts by crazy people (and that includes Fox News/Rush/etc), the increasingly isolated and economically disadvantaged persons in heartland states see a terrible world out there when they listen to the radio or watch TV.
I agree. Things have become far too extreme and the Democrat Party and the progressive movement in general (which includes Republican progressives) are no longer in touch with reality or the a sane conscience. A misguided hatred has spread throughout the heartland turning peoples minds into zombies who cheer for a fascist society in the guise of anti-fascism. So much of this insanity has led to a great depression, psychologically speaking. While the economy is getting much better under Trump, the left doesn't seem to notice it. This hatred they have cannot be healthy for them. If only they would just pray in the name of Jesus Christ and reach out to Him that they would find something real in this life worth living for.
I could have become a bitter man had a chose to. But I refused to allow myself to succumb to such bitterness and am happy and content with my relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I do not have thoughts of suicide or murder in me, even when things go wrong in my life. If only people would just get over themselves and seek out the Lord then they may find a life in this world and the next that will be worth living for. Many Americans have lost touch the importance of the truth of Christ and don't realize that Jesus does not favor one race or the other and all races are treated equal. Jesus doesn't look at a man's income to gauge how righteous he is. If only these poorer neighborhoods in America would give their lives to Christ then they would become very wealthy in spirit! But drug abuse has become a bigger problem now more than ever before and somehow time forgot how many suicides are drug related. We Americans must become a Godly and sober nation once again. In Jesus name we will overcome all odds, all obstacles, and continue to be the great nation our founding fathers intended us to remain. This communism that the left desires will be the death of all things good in this country. I pray the people will continue to wise up and, most importantly, search their souls. We are a nation in desperate need of soul searching.
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