Poser Disposer

and are you also under the impression that imitation and influence somehow mean the same thing?
I'm very familiar with them since they were one of the bands my father used to listen to and i was handed down their music when i was a fucking child. You on the other hand seem to not know the basics or history of metal and yet here you are posting on a metal forum. It amazes me that clueless fucks(as far as metal goes) like you and ein come to a metal forum and sit on your make belief armchairs here. What, do you get chewed out on other forums so you spend your time pretending in the social section of a metal forum?
not a single person on this planet, let alone this forum would agree with you on such a clueless and moronic statement but sure. Just keep bringing the lulz to GMD, we love it.and your derision is a credit to your ignorance of both musical history and this board.