The News Thread

Opinions like 'I own 'X' gun but don't think anyone should really own them' is a fudd statement. If you don't think people should own them, why don't you sell it or have it destroyed then?

The gun was acquired illegally, but a good friend of ours is in law enforcement and told me that he would be able to buy any gun from me and legitimize it via his position (he is high up the chain enough to do so). Honestly I might do so, since the gun is probably better off in responsible hands who would use it for target practice and entertainment.

I thought about it more, and maybe it is ok for people to be able to own these kind of guns. Still, it seems like firearms almost always escalate situations in the real world, meaning the bigger the weapon, the bigger the conflict. I dont even like killing deer and am not even a hunter anymore (call me a pussy, idgaf), but the weapons in discussion are definitely meant and trained for militarization against humans. I felt remorse shooting and killing deer/fox/groundhog/etc, but id probably have PTSD if I were to ever kill another human being. Ive met tactical fags who havent even killed a squirrel, fox, or deer, but think that 'military shit is cool'. If you don't know the despair of killing, then you don't know what you are stumbling upon, especially when it comes to training to kill other people.

Call me a fudd all you want, but I know what the difference is between a hunting gun and a military weapon is. Honestly I think you are too dumb to fully understand the repercussions. I respect the right of citizens to bear arms, and it isnt anything to take lightly. The dilemma I face looking at my military weapon is probably incomprehensible to you, who looks at "military training" like a hobby.
I respect the right of citizens to bear arms,

If you truly did, you would not say that certain guns shouldn't be owned by civilians

1) Military shit is indeed cool. It doesn't matter if it's documentaries, museums, whatever. There's a romanticism behind it that will never go away in my opinion. Are you saying military shit isn't cool?

Honestly I think you are too dumb to fully understand the repercussions. I respect the right of citizens to bear arms, and it isnt anything to take lightly. The dilemma I face looking at my military weapon is probably incomprehensible to you, who looks at "military training" like a hobby.

2) How presumptuous of you. I think anyone who can think through situations rationally will understand the repercussions of killing any living being. I'm pretty sure I would be fucked up if I had to kill even a dog if it attacked me. But what do I do if I'm attacked by a dog? Do I just let it bite me and potentially kill me? Obviously not. You put it down using whatever means you have available to you if there are no other options available.

In reality though, no one knows how they would react until the situation arises though so my reaction could be completely different from how I think I would react. Some are just more prepared than others because of training or whatever.

I have zero military training. I do have layperson medical training (first aid certified and a critical care seminar). Not anywhere near an MD or EMT training obviously, but I'm more prepared than the average person to at least save a life in a situation where a firearm is used (or someone gets their arm severed doing something else, etc). I am way more likely to use that training than my firearm tbh.

I train with firearms to be able to use them to defend myself or my family if necessary. Of course I hope I never have to use it, but I would rather have thousands of hours of training being comfortable with a firearm and being very adept with it than larping as some military badass who doesn't touch his weapons except to take selfies with them. In fact, I think I am undertrained compared to some when it comes to firearms. There are tactical classes you take that run through different self defense scenarios. I really need to start taking some here soon.

The gun was acquired illegally

I expect the ATF to kick in your door any minute now. Better hide your dog if you have one.
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Fuck hunters honestly. Don't give a shit about the right to shoot animals. The value of guns has always been in their defensive nature, particularly, the killing of other humans that threaten your life, and that's how it should remain, none of this half-assed "Howdy y'all I'm a redneck that likes to hunt but we can't let Drumpf have the nuclear codes" pussy stuff.
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... how ignorant can you possibly be? So you think there's something wrong with hunting your food? You're okay with shackling them to small cages until they are ready to get slaughtered in some meat factory, chopped up and put in the supermarket so limpwristed cunts like you can go and buy them? "I much prefer OTHER people to slaughter my food" is all you are saying.

edit: And most hunters i know literally say they have never owned a gun for anything else, including self protection. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Reality awaits, my son.
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Fuck hunters honestly. Don't give a shit about the right to shoot animals. The value of guns has always been in their defensive nature, particularly, the killing of other humans that threaten your life, and that's how it should remain, none of this half-assed "Howdy y'all I'm a redneck that likes to hunt but we can't let Drumpf have the nuclear codes" pussy stuff.

I would be fine with people being able to own recreational McNukes tbh
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... how ignorant can you possibly be? So you think there's something wrong with hunting your food? You're okay with shackling them to small cages cages until they are ready to get slaughtered in some meat factory, chopped up and put in the supermarket so limpwristed cunts like you can go and buy them? "I much prefer OTHER people to slaughter my food" is all you are saying.

edit: And most hunters i know literally say they have never owned a gun for anything else, including self protection. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Reality awaits, my son.

I have nothing against hunting on its own, but I don't like leftist hunters using themselves as a kind of bipartisan compromise. The 2A has zero to do with hunting. I'd rather see hunting banned than the right to self-defense. I'd rather see meat in general banned as well.
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We've been talking about it for the last, like, 3 pages you dense, kebab loving cunt
he was responding to me, you moronic redneck cumguzzler.

Also im still laughing that a lame game like you is so into guns when you will never use one to a) hunt or b)ever put your cowardly ass in a situation that you would need to protect yourself. You are an all around all-star poser :lol:
Hunting rifles are still allowed in fucking Germany and Canada, obviously it's not politically contentious, that's my point. The US constitution defends the right to bear arms for the purpose of shooting humans, not wildlife. Hunting is irrelevant to politics (fringe green movements aside) and when hunters pretend that they have skin in the game it's hilarious.
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"hurdurdur i once again cant follow along with my own posts."

The US constitution defends the right to bear arms for the purpose of shooting humans, not wildlife. .

you retard, im pointing out that they wouldn't need to "defend the right to bear arms for the purpose of hunting" during a time when it was a part of everyday life. Do i need to pull out the feeder spoon again?
And I just pointed out that to this day, all but the most restrictive nations on Earth don't feel a need to defend the right to hunt with guns.