The News Thread

That didn't take long. This is the first instance I can think of Tulsi giving into mob pressure to apologize which is especially disappointing because she's never been an identitarian ideologue, which is why she probably doesn't stand a chance this election cycle. My first thought when she first announced she was running was she should have waited until 2024 because she'd be a great post-Trump candidate. Let the vile swine that is the Democratic party cannibalize itself with ideological purity testing so someone like her can come out of the smoke from the dumpster fire. Of course, this video won't be enough to quench the progressive bloodlust. Here's hoping she learns that quickly and in the future refuses to grovel.

Can't listen to it now, does she only apologize or does she go on a privilege/Drumpf/etc rant on top of it? I don't think apologizing matters and if she genuinely changed her mind on LGBT issues then there's nothing wrong with giving one. If she makes social identity issues her main platform then obviously she just becomes another generic Dem, though.
Can't listen to it now, does she only apologize or does she go on a privilege/Drumpf/etc rant on top of it? I don't think apologizing matters and if she genuinely changed her mind on LGBT issues then there's nothing wrong with giving one. If she makes social identity issues her main platform then obviously she just becomes another generic Dem, though.

The video was an apology on previously held beliefs about LGBTQ people and her reasons for having previously had them. Nothing more really.

Sounded like a typical politicians apology if anything.
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Looks like it's more your average Dem-leaning people attacking her than anything, people that would never vote for her in the primaries regardless. She's an outsider candidate and being attacked on Twitter by party vultures is a natural part of that, same happened to Sanders a few years ago. Dems have been attacking her since day one of Trump's presidency. Based on her Tweets themselves, I agree with Mort that it looks like just a typical politician's apology.

The more I think about it the more I think it's impossible for her to gain traction tbh. Unless she and Sanders explicitly team up (and iirc she supports him more than vice versa) she's going to be swamped with competitors and have little edge over them. Half of the Dems in 2020 are going to walk back Clinton's "green energy, replace coal/steel jobs, etc" message and pander to working-class whites. Clinton lost because she was arrogant and insulting to people on the fence, all you need is somebody half as good as Biden when it comes to relatability and Tulsi will disappear.
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NEWS THREADDDDD - locked until I can clean it up :/

EDIT: Ok, Mean Gene's ghost visited me while cleaning this thread and begged, "For the love of Hulkamania please stop the squabbling." I concur.

News, carry on - and no replies to the deleted garbage, and sorry for any casualty-of-war posts deleted, thanks.
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Tulsi might be the only semi-sane national level politician in the Democratic party. She won't get anywhere.

She's got wack domestic policies like most Dems, but at least her FP is better than most politicians in both parties. I'd at least consider voting for her.
NEDIT: Ok, Mean Gene's ghost visited me while cleaning this thread and begged, "For the love of Hulkamania please stop the squabbling." I concur.
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This one is really doing the rounds on FB:

Native American Vietnam Veteran Speaks Out After MAGA Hat-Wearing Teens Harass Him.

None of the footage seems to start from before the crowds merged into a mass, however I read that it all started because the Native American marchers shouted "go back to Europe" at the MAGA kids, probably because of the MAGA hats. Then the veteran in question walked over to them and started drumming in their vicinity and chanting, so the kids (if you look closely it's not a totally white group of students) started chanting their school anthem in response.

Something about the way this whole thing is being spun makes me suspicious, but there's not a lot to actually go by in the way of trusted sources.
Read something else. Apparently what sparked it all was that one of the MAGA students said to someone at the Native American march "hey we're all Americans" to which they responded "go back to Europe."
This is a big problem. People have been informed that EBT payments will cease until the shutdown is over. Get ready for food riots.

My state gave February's out early so people didnt miss them.

Oh and I thought this was kinda amusing in a fucked up way. Happened in good ol dubV

Sooooo basically teenage lesbian's butch girlfriend, wearing nothing but a sports bra, goes insane and stabs the girl's mom a bunch of times. What does she do to her girlfriend's mother as she's bleeding out and dying you may ask?! Sexually molest her before she dies (and then urinate either by her or on her) of course!

So apparently what started the whole thing was some Black Israelites were shouting shit at the MAGA kids as they were getting ready to get on their school bus and leave, even calling some of the black students "ni**ers" which caused the white students to say things back to the Black Israelites. One of the Black Israelites in the video actually shouts at a black student; "when you get old enough, they're going to steal your organs."

Pretty bizarre scenario, and this Cult of Dusty guy who made this Youtube video on the situation actually went into the story hoping to dunk on some Trump fans and Catholics, because he's one of those leftist atheist Youtubers. After he researched it he slowly realized it was all fake outrage bullshit.

I'm already seeing the people on my FB who originally posted about the story deleting posts etc. Another hate crime hoax?

The Black Israelite shouts "get out ni**er, ain't you seen the movie?" and the whole group of kids goes "woooah woooah" lmao.
All the various race hoaxes in the post-Zimmerman world have made me completely distrust eyewitness testimony and news reporting. At this point I doubt that even the alleged 60s civil rights marches were peaceful. I doubt that any body of violence, whether mobs, police, or military, has a history free of rape and murder. I don't believe there is any value in believing anything that isn't clearly recorded on video. Just dismantle the entire legal system. Juries, eyewitnesses, expert witnesses, sworn testimony, threat of perjury, "objective" reporting, etc, all useless.