Poser Disposer
well you are cross-eyed so i cant blame you here.Males with dark hair. It's like they are twins.
well you are cross-eyed so i cant blame you here.Males with dark hair. It's like they are twins.
I knew it![]()
... am i the only person who sees this?
Native American advocates were critical of the report. "Maybe they didn't say overtly racist things, but the context of the incident needs to be analyzed," Dina Gilio-Whitaker, professor of American Indian studies at California State University at San Marcos, told The Washington Post. She called the report "unfortunate and disgusting" and said it "sidesteps problematic issues — such as the fact they were all wearing MAGA gear, which is, unfortunately, a visual cue."
"We have a history of people in MAGA gear attacking other people," she said.
This kinda stupid shit is why high Schools have dress codesA fucking hat with a generic political slogan justifies all this shit.
i also provided an edit. All i hear form you is "URR bububut Armenians waaaaahh". What part of that article are you having trouble believing and why? There are literally countless articles all over the web that say the same thing.
"Look its fake because one of my antagonists on UM is Armenian" yeah man ... i sure had trouble comprehending your deep and thought out edit. Honest question, how stupid can you possibly be? You truly are the definition of an ignorant American ... down to the tee.
EDIT: and if i really wanted to put my editing skills to work i would have pulled one off on the hippo that's next to you.
You realize populations change geographically, right? Maximum WE-posting
is this how you act when i point out how stupid and incorrect you usually are?You didn't even interpret my edit accurately. You're completely off the rails at all times and can't take a joke. You need help for your steroid addiction.
Maybe you should get some steroids since you talk about it so much, especially when considering how weak you are(100lb military press is SOO GOOD) ... i bet you need help when it's feeding time at your house ...
Okay, I'm officially 5'5 on a good day. I'm 17, one more inch and I am only "fairly short". I'm going to get Tindr soon, I'm just worried about my parents somehow finding out.
Last week I hit 3 PRs:
150 pound squat
235 pound deadlift
100 pound military press
Damn dude. Squat is kind of weak but that military press fuckin solid.
Sure, if you're a teenager or a lightweight.
Im 18 and i weigh 120![]()
... that's pretty good man. Keep at it!
edit: hold on did you say you weigh 120? wtf. How tall are you?
Moss has high-functioning uutism, meaning she can speak, read and write comfortably, but finds some social situations unbearable. Bright lights and jazz music are among the scenarios.